Volume 14 | Number 05
Luvk9s May monthly newsletter
Memorial Day is right around the corner. In addition to honoring and remembering Americans who died serving our country, it is also a good time to acknowledge some of their four-legged comrades who died serving alongside them.

Click here to read about several four-legged hero's who died serving their country.
Enrichment activity - activity #10
Photos provided by Doris Dressler
Consider taking your pup through a CGC (Canine Good Citizen) class. The AKC describes the program as "a ten-skill training program that’s open to all dogs–purebred and mixed breed–that focuses on teaching the basics of good manners and obedience, instilling the values of responsible ownership, and strengthening the bond between you and your dog at home and out in the community."

After mastering the ten skills and passing the CGC test together, you and your pup will join the proud ranks of over 1 million dogs who have earned their Canine Good Citizen award.
Is your dog a jumper? The Handbook of Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat states that jumping is the number one problem reported by dog owners.

Jumping starts early when puppies leap up to greet and reach their mothers; this behavior is subsequently transferred to humans. Dogs quickly learn that jumping is a great attention getting behavior, albeit not a desirable one from the human point of view.

Jumping is challenging to address because humans unintentionally reinforce the behavior. How often has your dog jumped up on a guest only to have your guest gush “It’s OK, I love dogs!”

Upcoming educational opportunities
Photo courtesy of brgfx at freepik
Friday classes in Ball Ground starting May 6
AKC STAR PUPPY class starts at 9 AM
Basic obedience class starts at 11 AM

Saturday classes in Ball Ground starting May 7
AKC STAR PUPPY class starts at 9 AM
Basic obedience class starts at 11 AM

Luvk9s also offers private, in-home consultations
as well as phone consults.
Contact us for more information!

Contact us at 770-910-0423 for more information. This is a great follow-up class to take if you've completed a basic obedience class and are looking for additional training.