Volume 14 | Number 10
Luvk9s November/December monthly newsletter
There is no better time than the holidays to reminisce on the past year. I have had the privilege to work with so many of you this year and have enjoyed working with many more of you in prior years. I love what I do and thank you for trusting me to help train your four-legged best friend.
May you have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Stop the jumping!
Image by Bethany Ferr, Pexels.com
Is your dog a jumper? The Handbook of Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat states that jumping is the number one problem reported by dog owners.
Jumping starts early when puppies leap up to greet and reach their mothers; this behavior is subsequently transferred to humans., Dogs quickly learn that jumping is a great attention getting behavior, albeit not a desirable one from the human point of view.    

Jumping is challenging to address because humans unintentionally reinforce the behavior. How often has your dog jumped up on a guest only to have your guest gush, "It's OK, I love dogs!"

Holiday introductions
(How to introduce canines and humans safely)
Photo courtesy of Pexels from Pixabay  
Families are planning holiday gatherings this year after the pandemic put the kibosh on festivities the past few years.

Has quarantining made you nervous about making safe human and canine introductions, especially with young grandchildren? Never fear; here are a few helpful hints to make those introductions go smoothly.
Prepare children and canines to be
comfortable around each other.
Upcoming educational opportunities
Photo compliments of Chris Casatelli
Puppy classes in Ball Ground
Starts Friday, Jan. 27 at 11 AM
Starts Saturday, Jan. 28 at 11 AM

Basic Obedience (level I) in Ball Ground
Starts Friday, Jan. 27 at 1 PM
Starts Saturday, Jan. 28 at 1 PM
Canine Good Citizen starts Jan. 28 at 3 PM

Canine Good Citizen CGC (level II) and
intro to therapy dog work in Ball Ground
Starts Friday, Jan. 27 at 3 PM
Starts Saturday, Jan. 28 at 3 PM

Need a doggie tune-up
before the holidays?
Luvk9s is offering
in-home consults.
Contact us for more info!