Volume 12 | Number 11
Luvk9s November monthly newsletter
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your loyalty and support of Luvk9s Dog Training. It’s been a challenging year, but working with you and your dogs has been a delightful highlight.
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday.
Impulse control - game #2
Photo by Sebastian Coman Travel from Pexels
Many of you have played the "airplane game" with your children, trying to encourage them to try a different food by "zooming" a spoon full of food playfully towards their mouth. A variation of this game can teach your dog impulse control as well as reinforcing a sit/stay and not jumping.
Have a treat ready and hidden in one hand. Ask your dog to sit in front of you. Holding the treat with your thumb and index finger, raise your arm up above your dogs’ head. Slowly bring it down toward your dog. As long as your dog continues to sit quietly, keep bringing the treat closer. If your dog gets up or jumps toward the treat, quickly raise the treat up and away from your dog. Ask your dog to sit (or wait for your dog to offer a sit) and try again. Repeat until you can lower the treat all the way down to your dog’s mouth without him jumping.
Reward your dog verbally and by giving him the treat. Repeat. Dogs love this game! 
The airplane game can teach your dog
that it is more beneficial not to jump.
Is eliminating a bone of contention?
Image by PDPics from Pixabay 
Is there any dog owner who hasn’t experienced the frustration of standing outside in the cold, rain or snow waiting for their dog to “do his business?” Why does it take some dogs so long to decide to go?
In reality, for most dogs, taking their time to do their business is a learned behavior.
Upcoming educational opportunities
Photo compliments of Doris Dressler 
Classes in Big Canoe
Basic class starts Thurs. Jan. 14 at 11 AM
Canine Good Citizen starts Thurs. Jan. 14 at 1 PM

Classes in Ball Ground
Puppy class starts Fri., Jan. 15 at 11 AM
Basic class starts Sat. Jan. 16 at 11 AM
Canine Good Citizen starts Sat. Jan. 16 at 1 PM

*** NEW CLASS ***
CGCA - class - level III
Community Canine, starts Jan. 16 at 3 pm

Luvk9s is offering in-home
private consults.

Contact us for more information.