July 2021
In a study with lead author, Dr. Brian Fallon, using Denmark’s National Patient Registry and Psychiatric Central Research Registry - including all persons living in Denmark from 1994-2016 - the risk of mental disorders and suicides among all diagnosed with Lyme borreliosis was assessed. Those individuals with Lyme borreliosis had higher rates of any mental and affective disorders, and suicide attempts or deaths by suicide compared with those without Lyme. Read more.
July 29–The Lyme Disease Association is pleased to announce that Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-4) has been successful in having two bipartisan amendments to increase Lyme disease funding by $8M pass in the House. The Amendments are part of the House consideration of Labor HHS and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. Read more.
Public Registration Opening Soon
The Lyme Disease Association Inc. and Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons are jointly providing the 21st annual scientific conference, Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Diseases: Research for a Cure, virtually on October 2, 2021. This
conference is designed to meet the high standards for continuing medical education credits for medical & health professionals and researchers. It is also open to the general public (adults only). Public registration will open soon. Read more.

Refocus on Lyme & TBD
In a letter to physicians, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) warns doctors to pay attention to Lyme which is the most frequently diagnosed tick-borne disease (TBD) in Maryland residents (1400 cases 2019). The
MDH also cautions them to report other TBDs, which it specifically names. The letter also points out the similarities of Lyme symptoms to COVID-19 symptoms and reminds providers of obligation to report the required TBDs. Read more.
Serious Injury is Possible
The Lyme Disease Association Inc. urges you to read the URGENT letter to CPAP & BiPAP device customers from Phillips Respironics below on details of the recall if you have any connection to these devices. The devices are listed in the recall notice and on the website. According to the Customer Letter, “These issues
can result in serious injury which can be life-threatening, cause permanent impairment, and/or require medical intervention to preclude permanent impairment.” Read more.
Providers: Consider other Diagnoses
Harold W. Horowitz, et al., published the research letter, “COVID-19 and the Consequences of Anchoring Bias” in the CDC’s August publication of the monthly journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases. The authors disclose how suspected coronavirus disease in febrile patients can influence healthcare providers’ decisions and may result in misdiagnosing other serious infections with epidemiologic risk. Read more.
Photo Credit: Alissa Eckert, MS;
Dan Higgins, MAMS
According to Tulane News, a three-year, $4.8 million initiative, funded by The Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation, will establish the Bartonella Research Consortium with the goal of developing a novel treatment for bartonellosis. There are over 40 known Bartonella species/subspecies and at least 17 have been associated with a spectrum of debilitating disease symptoms in humans. Read more.
The Lyme Disease Association announces that the Tick IPM Working Group is presenting the second annual Tick Academy, September 13-15, 2021 from 10 AM until 2 PM each day.  

The Tick Academy is the premier event for educators, students, researchers, pest control professionals, public health professionals, public-space managers, and citizen scientists, who want to learn more about what they can do to stop the spread of ticks and tickborne diseases in their respective communities. Read more.
A Possible Marker of Illness Severity
In a recent article published in Translational Vision Science and Technology, researchers found that contrast sensitivity impairment was associated with patients suffering from chronic Lyme. Contrast sensitivity is defined as “The ability to detect sharp boundaries (stimuli) and to detect slight changes in luminance at regions without distinct contours.” Read more.
The Lyme Disease Association Inc. is notifying researchers that the Clinical Trials Network, established with a grant from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation to Columbia University, has announced that the website is now accepting pilot study concept submissions (July 1 to Aug 1). Read more.
Final WG Segment
The HHS Tick-Borne Disease Working Group (WG) of 2021-2022 will hold its first meeting on August 26, 2021.
Details for the meeting can be found on the HHS TBD Working Group website. Verbal and written comments can be submitted according to rules on the website. This term is the last segment of the WG, which was mandated by the passage of the 2016 21st Century Cures Act. The WG brings Lyme and TBD stake-
holders together in a transparent setting where discussions are held and decisions are made on recommendations to be included in a report to Congress. This report is to be presented in 2022. Read more.
The RI Resolution S0711 introduced by Senator Stephen Archambault (RI 22-D), which was amended on the floor, requests the RI Department of Health to increase public awareness of Lyme activities that expose people to ticks, educate on symptoms of Lyme and importance of early detection, and to update physician protocols with regard to early detection and treatment. Read more.
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