May 2019
New Lyme Book Release
Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons by Kris Newby- excerpt. "This was the beginning of our long journey to hell and back. Paul and I had been bitten by unseen ticks harboring an unknown number of disease-causing organisms. These tick bites would rob us of our good health and send me on an investigation into an almost unimaginable possibility: that we were collateral damage in a biological weapons race that had started during the Cold War." Book may be purchased here.
LDA Book Review - "Kris Newby provides documented evidence that the suspicions of Lyme disease sufferers, their advocates, and treating physicians deserve investigation. The properties of the pathogen itself and its ally, the tick, appear to be part of our nation’s biowarfare studies."
Congressional Investigation Requested
Congressman Christopher H. Smith (NJ-04), is in his 20th term in the U.S. House of Representatives and co-founded and currently co-chairs the bipartisan Lyme Disease Caucus. Since the early 1990's, Smith has authored comprehensive amendments and legislation to increase federal funding for Lyme research and enhanced treatment access for Lyme patients.  Cong.Smith website

Congressman Smith LDA Guest Blog - "The persuasive and frightening information detailed in the book requires a serious and comprehensive investigation to get to the truth and determine if there is any legal culpability in the spread of Lyme Disease."
May Awareness LDA Guest Blogs
“The Visual Consequences of Lyme Disease: Early Diagnosis and Treatment”

Vision is often affected by Lyme disease yet the symptoms are often mistaken for other problems associated with functional ocular disorders, balance, movement and cognition [ Read More]
“Scientists Predict a Bad Year for Ticks.” Oh Really?

How can we predict that any given year is going to have more ticks than another if no one is “counting” ticks??? The bottom line is that we need a surveillance program for ticks. [ Read More]
“Why Patients with Chronic Lyme-MSIDS Should Have Hope” 

These doctors all wanted to know how to treat their sickest and most resistant patients with chronic Lyme symptoms who were also being adversely affected by environmental illness [ Read More]
“How My Differing Childhood Experiences Impacted My Educational Life"

After a battery of tests including nuclear full body bone scans and 20 tubes of blood, they put me in a wheelchair [ Read More]
Federal TBD Working Group Meeting 6/4
The ninth meeting of the Tick Borne Disease Working Group (TBDWG) will be held at:
Holiday Inn Washington-Capitol
550 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET

To our knowledge HHS has not announced the new full public panel members.

Details about the meeting as well as registration information for public participation can be found at HHS-TBDWG .
LDA Prevention Resources
Tick-bite prevention is a year-round concern, but as temperatures start to warm the risk of tick exposure really heats up! For some, this risk increases with outdoor work, recreation activities or travel. For others, the risk is in your own backyard or even brought indoors by pets! Visit Lyme Disease Association web page for personal prevention options and resources, as well as prevention for home, schools and pets. 

Raise $$$ for LDA
Link your Amazon account to a charity. Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Lyme Disease Association, Inc.

Create an account & button, then shop at over 1800+ online stores. On average 3% percentage of purchase is donated to your cause, please choose the Lyme Disease Association, Inc..

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