May 2024

Message from the Division President

Dear M&D members,

Thank you for the opportunity to lead our division during the 2024-2025 term. With the many successes our board accomplished last year, my goal is to continue building on those efforts. While the summer is a time of rest and preparation, our board has already begun its work for this term.

Change and volunteerism are significant for this term. Three changes are social media, awards and new bylaws. Based on trends and other analysis, IISE is placing a greater focus on LinkedIn and moving away from X (formally Twitter). This is primarily due to member interaction with and usage of those platforms. Similarly, M&D is reviewing the value that platforms provide to you. Last year, awards were revised. While we took huge leaps in making M&D awards more accessible and inclusive, there is room for improvement. That includes advertising awards and soliciting nominations. Finally in March, the M&D members approved new division bylaws and a plan for transitioning from 2-year to 1-year board terms. Shorter terms provide more opportunities for members to serve our division without long-term commitments. The previous commitment to serve as M&D President was about 10 years. Now, it could be 4 years. The bylaws added M&D Track Chair as a new board position. It is one more chance to serve the division by leading the organization and execution of the M&D Track for the IISE Annual Conference.

You don’t have to be an M&D board member to serve. We need volunteers for award committees, present podcasts or webinars, chair sessions during the annual conference, and step up to lead our division during 2025-2026. Volunteering and providing your input are as easy as sending an email to me, another board member, or Ms. Amy Straub at IISE headquarters.

Start making plans to attend the 2025 IISE Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia during May 31 – Jun 3. Atlanta is a vibrant area with plenty to see and do; museums, aquariums, history, professional sports, food, and IISE headquarters.


David Vance, PE

President, IISE M&D Division

Manufacturing & Design Track

The Manufacturing and Design (M&D) Division of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) is sponsoring the M&D Track at the IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2025. The conference is a forum for exchanging knowledge and discoveries in the Industrial and Systems Engineering research and practitioner communities. The IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2025 will continue to integrate research and industry applications under one conference.  

We encourage you to contribute to the Conference and Track by submitting a 250-word abstract or presentation summary by Nov 10, 2025 at Key areas of M&D include:  

  • Product Design and Innovation
  • Process Design and Optimization
  • Design for X Methodologies
  • Practice-based Design and Case Studies
  • Bioinspired and Biomimetic Design
  • Manufacturing Process Modeling and Control
  • Manufacturing Automation and Robotics
  • Polymer Additive Manufacturing
  • Metal/Ceramic Additive Manufacturing
  • Composite Additive Manufacturing
  • Machining and Subtractive Manufacturing
  • Formative Manufacturing
  • Laser and Electron Beam Processing
  • Bonding, Joining and Assembly
  • Click for more details

There will be competitions for the “M&D Best Track Paper Award (BTPA)” and “M&D Best Student Paper Award (BSPA)”. Please pay attention to the division’s webpage.  Click here to learn more about the M&D awards and competitions.

Manufacturing & Design Track Chairs

We would like to acknowledge the M&D track co-chairs, who have and will continuously put tremendous efforts into coordinating review and sessions of the M&D track at the 2025 IISE Annual Conference. 

George Z. Tan (Chair)

Associate Professor

University of Houston

Department of Industrial Engineering, joint appointment at College of Medicine

Emma Yang

Assistant Professor

University of Texas at Arlington

Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering Department

Ashif Sikandar Iquebal

Assistant Professor

Arizona State University

Industrial Engineering, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence

Pedro Huebner

Associate Professor

University of Utah 

Lecturer, Director of Systems Engineering Programs, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Xiaochen Xian

Assistant Professor

Georgia Institute of Technology

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Meet Our New M&D Board Member & Conference Chair

George Z. Tan

Conference Chair – M&D Division of IISE

Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, joint appointment at College of Medicine, University of Houston.

George is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Houston, with a joint appointment in the Cullen College of Engineering and the Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine. Prior to joining UH, he served as a faculty member in the Department of Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering at Texas Tech University for eight years. George earned his Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2015. His research focuses on bioinspired hybrid manufacturing for tissue engineering and medical devices. Additionally, he has led a cross-institutional education initiative aimed at implementing transformative pedagogical strategies to prepare future industrial engineers for careers in medicine. George has been a member of IISE since 2012.

Calls for Entries in the Division's Newsletter 
If you are interested in contributing a short article to the Division’s Newsletter, please contact Dr. Hantang Qin ( The article can be one of the following:

  • Research article
  • Student activity article

Please send a brief bio of yours and a headshot image that we can include in the newsletter to highlight your contribution. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the Manufacturing and Design Division!

Please Reach Us


Hantang Qin ( /Abishek Balsamy-Kamaraj (