"Dear M-WERC members and friends-
On behalf of the M-WERC Team, I hope you and your families are safe and managing through this period of tremendous disruption and change.
We understand that each and every one of you is taking extraordinary steps, personally and professionally, to respond to the crises and help your companies and communities manage the fallout from COVID-19 and lay the foundation for future growth and economic development. M-WERC has also taken a number of important steps to respond. Please see our COVID-19 statement.
And while our modes of communication have changed — I never realized there were so many video solutions! — we continue to execute on our significant priorities to deliver value to members.
The first three months of 2020 for M-WERC has yielded exciting progress and development in strengthening the Energy Power and Controls sector in Wisconsin.
In this newsletter we highlight some of the major successes M-WERC has accomplished, from the 5th Anniversary of the WERCBench Labs Accelerator Program, launching and moving forward on the Extreme Power Conversion research project, building our new Talent and Development Hub and all of the collaborative efforts occurring in our Market Insights program like the Wisconsin Energy Distribution and Technology Initiative.
These are trying times for us all. The M-WERC Team remains focused on our core economic development mission of science and technology driven innovation. We support members and believe that by continuing to execute on our key priorities we will all emerge from this stronger than ever.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me directly if you have any specific questions or would like to learn more about any of the initiatives I've mentioned.
Thanks for your support and stay safe!"
Executive Director