Spring has Sprung and Open Water Season has Begun!
Our spring newsletter features a summary of the 2018 annual workshop, changes to the MA COLAP board and bylaws, and tips to boat safely this spring.
Letter from the Outgoing President - Danielle Marini
Greeting members and friends of the Massachusetts Coalition of Lakes and Ponds!
Just a week ago, we were at the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife hearing wonderful presentations and networking with various lake management and environmental organizations. Thank you to everyone who helped pull off our event! And a special thanks to the MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife for graciously hosting our event.
If you attended our conference last week, you would have learned that I will be stepping down as President and moving into the role of Vice President so that I can start Graduate School in the Fall. I've truly enjoyed my experience acting as President of MA COLAP, and am thankful for all of your support over this past year! While I am sad that I must step down, I know that MA COLAP will be left in great hands. Melissa Lenker will be stepping in to fill the role of President, and I know that she will do an amazing job. She has played an integral role in helping to maintain the presence and relevance of MA COLAP. I am excited to see what MA COLAP has in store with Melissa at the helm!
Danielle Marini
Letter from the Incoming President - Melissa Lenker
To the members of MA COLAP:
I am excited to accept the position of President for MA COLAP. Past presidents have worked hard to bring about the modernization of the organization. These changes have included developing a new website, refining the bylaws, and expanding the use of electronic communication. As media coordinator, I have been working to bring back quarterly newsletters, update the website, and expand MA COLAP’s social media influence.
I am excited to work with you and my fellow board members to continue the work of my predecessors and increase the organization’s use as a platform to share and disseminate information relevant to our member associations. I hope you will find the quarterly newsletters one of the best ways to learn and share what is happening with other lake and pond associations across the state.
If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas regarding MA COLAP that you would like to share with me, please email me at
info@macolap.org. I want to hear what makes MA COLAP useful to you and what you want to see more of in the future.
Thank you,
Melissa Lenker
2018 Annual Workshop: Invasive Species & Lake Management in Massachusetts
Thank you to the attendees, presenters, and vendors that made our 2018 annual workshop a huge success! We could not have done it without you.
Some of the topics presented at this year's conference included:
- Boat excise tax
- Fish habitat improvement
- Drones for lake management
- Ch. 91 general license self-certification for residential small docks and piers
- And much more!
View the whole speaker line-up
here. And stay tuned for information on the 32nd annual conference in Spring 2019!
We had a full house this year at our 31st annual workshop! Thank you to everyone who attended.
The Board of Directors approved
new bylaws during the annual meeting on April 13, 2018. Changes include:
- Changing the name of the organization to the Massachusetts Coalition of Lake and Pond Associations (from the Massachusetts Congress of Lake and Pond Associations).
- Changing the role of the organization from "parent" to "liaison" for member organizations.
- Increasing officer term length and clarifying officer roles and responsibilities.
- Changing the fiscal year from October 1 to September 30, to January 1 to December 31.
Read the full summary of changes
Nominations for New Board Members
Apply to join our board! We are seeking energetic, passionate people to aid in our mission of protecting and preserving MA lakes. There are four board meetings a year and one annual workshop. Time commitment is expected to be between 10-40 hours annually. If interested, please send your resume and a letter detailing why you would like to become a board member to
Boating season is almost upon us! Prepare now by
enrolling in a boating safety course run by the Massachusetts Environmental Police.
Boat Massachusetts is a state and nationally approved boating safety course.Courses are available throughout the spring and summer in locations across the state.
Individuals ages 12 to 15 years of age operating a motorboat, and individuals ages 16 to 17 years of age operating a personal watercraft (e.g., jet ski), must obtain and carry a boater safety certificate while operating the respective craft, per Massachusetts Law. State law prohibits operation of personal watercraft by individuals younger than 16 years
SOLitude Lake Management will be hosting a public screening of the Toxic Puzzle documentary on cyanobacteria blooms and their human health impacts. The screening will be held on 5/24/2018 from 6:00-9:00 PM at Mass Audubon's Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary. Space is limited. If you are interested, email us at
and we can point you in the right direction.
Massachusetts Lakes & Ponds in the News
Do you have a lake or pond picture that you want to see on social media? Tag us or submit your picture to
and we will re-post or share. Be sure to include your name and the location of the picture.
Need Help Spreading the Word?
Geese at the Arlington Reservoir. Submit your photos to
to see them featured on our social media pages!
Thank you to our corporate sponsors!