Issue #235 | December 18, 2020  |  View online
Specs Howard's Dick Kernen Passes
As this week's MAB News Briefs goes to press, we have learned that longtime Specs Howard VP of Industry Relations Dick Kernen passed away this morning (12/18).

Posting on Facebook, son Robert Kernen wrote "It is with sadness that we said goodbye to our dad, Dick Kernen, this morning.  He was an extraordinary husband, father, teacher and mentor.  He loved nothing more in this life than his family, both actual and the ones at Specs Howard School.  He will me missed immeasurably."

The MAB will post further information as it becomes available on our website.

Highlights In This Issue:
More news below!

Seasons Greetings! Today's MAB News Briefs are the final installment for 2020. We wish you a safe and joyful rest of your holiday season and a Happy New Year! Look for us in your inbox again in 2021.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN: Sign up early and receive an 'UN-CONVENTIONAL' 50% Discount with MABSHOW50 Promo Code
The most 'UN-CONVENTIONAL' Great Lakes Media Show ever is coming your way March 8-11, 2021! As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the the broadcast industry and the world, we are flipping the #MABshow script and making 2021 a fully virtual experience. Registration for the 2021 Great Lakes Media Show is now open. MAB members may enter the promo code MABSHOW50 for an early bird half-price discount, through January 31, 2021. Learn More and Register Today!

A Third Of Michigan Restaurants Fear They May Close In Six Months
Research released by the Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association on Tuesday revealed many hospitality businesses fear they will have to close within the year because of the economic impacts of COVID-19, according to a report in Gongwer. Read More 

FCC Targeting Property Owners in Pirate Radio Enforcement
The Federal Communications Commission's Enforcement Bureau has begun targeting property owners and managers that tolerate pirate broadcasting on their properties.  The commission has issued an announcement that it is exercising its new authority under the recently enacted PIRATE Act.  "Parties that knowingly facilitate illegal broadcasting on their property are liable for fines of up to $2 million," it stated. 
Read More

FCC Terminates Proceeding to Dedicate TV Channel in Each Market to Unlicensed Wireless Use
By: David Oxenford,
Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP

One of the last questions about the repacking of the television spectrum following the television incentive auction was whether there would be a UHF television channel set aside in each television market for unlicensed wireless uses.  Microsoft and other tech companies have been pushing for that set aside for years, arguing that more capacity for wi-fi-like services and wireless microphones was needed. Read More

The 2020 BEA Entry Deadline is January 20
It's that time of year again! 2020 has definitely given us some interesting content, and we can't wait to see and hear what you've been able to produce over the past year! Learn more at

Student Awards Entry Deadline is January 19 
The MDHHS "Pause to Save Lives" Emergency Order has mandated that high schools and universities move to virtual learning through the week of December 7. In light of this, we have decided to extend the entry deadline for the Michigan Student Broadcast Awards to Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 3:00 pm EST. Entries must have been created and produced from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. We hope that this deadline extension will give you ample time to edit and complete your entries Learn more at

Become a Judge for the 2021 Michigan Student Broadcast Awards
We are looking for talented professionals from across Michigan to help judge this year's Michigan Student Broadcast Awards contest. Online judging takes place in December and January. This is a great way to help build the future of broadcast excellence! Interested? Contact Rachel Krause at

Alpha Media Saginaw Raises $50K With Sharing Hope Radiothon
Alpha Media stations in Saginaw, lead by WGSW-AM/FM, held their 5th Annual Sharing Hope Radiothon on December 16, raising $50,100 in the 12 hour broadcast, exceeding the original goal of $40,000 and surpassing last year's total of $47,190.  Read More

Michigan Learning Channel to Launch January 4, 2021
As reported in October and following months of planning, Michigan's public television stations, in partnership with leading educators and community leaders, are launching the Michigan Learning Channel (MLC) beginning Monday, January 4.  Read More

Radio First/Port Huron Stuffs the Bus for Kids in Distress
Each year, RadioFirst/Liggett Communications stations in Port Huron team up with the the Port Huron Area School District and local businesses to collect toys and coats to 'Stuff a Bus' and deliver the items to Kids in Distress Services in St. Clair, Michigan. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the stations had to switch up the order of operations this year.  Read More

Beasley Detroit's Scott Jameson Adds National Duties
On December 16, Beasley Media Group announced that five programmers in its company will be adding national responsibilities to their duties. Scott Jameson, Director of Programming at Beasley Media Group Detroit has been named VPresident of National Content. Read More

Get Free Money for College with MABF Scholarships
Each year the MABF awards nearly $30,000 in scholarships to college and high school students pursuing a career in broadcast media. Friday, Jan. 22, 2021 is the application deadline for most scholarships. Learn more at

Operating During the Pandemic:  Plymouth-Canton School's WSDP-FM
Park 88.1 is featured this month in a published story in The Rock.  Read Here and see photos of how the high school station has continued to serve their schools and community during COVID-19. 

Congratulations to Bill Keith and crew!

A Virtual Career Fair will be held as a part of the 2021 'UN-CONVENTIONAL' Great Lakes Media Show from March 8 to 11. This is a wonderful chance for stations to earn valuable EEO credits and connect with rising broadcast stars. Sign up today to be a part of the 'UN-CONVENTIONAL' Exhibit Hall. Use the promo code CAREER to secure your discounted MABF Career Fair booth rate of $150 before January 31, 2021 ($250/Booth after Jan 31).
  Learn more and reserve your booth.

WHO Health for All Film Festival Will Take Independent Submissions Through January 30
The WHO Health for All Film Festival invites independent film-makers, production companies, public institutions, NGOs, communities, students, and film schools from around the world to submit their original short films on health. Read More

General Managers
In this series, Mike Costa, CEO of Costa Media Advisors and LBS Broadcast Expert, focuses on business from your station's perspective and how that can help you to serve your clients at 100%. Learn about the perfect AE, how to communicate with your GM, what your GM actually does, and how your GM can add to your success! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Limited Time - LBS Bonus Service!
Need some marketing info for a specific prospect or client? Let us know! During the pandemic, LBS Research has been conducting (and continues to conduct) an ongoing and live study asking broadcast viewers and listeners the same questions that your clients would ask them if they could! We have data on over 500 different products and services that we can apply to your market. By using this data with Pulse Sales Tools, we can provide you a totally customized and compelling one-sheet that will help you to start ad-buying conversations with your client/prospect about their business! Click here for an example of a one-sheet and to see the information that we need from you to create one!

The MAB is excited to share that Local Broadcast Sales (LBS) is available free to members in 2020.
Here's What Radio Broadcasters Should Ask Santa For This Year
By: Seth Resler,
Jacobs Media Strategies

Whether you've got an elf on your shelf or a menorah on your window sill, the holidays are a good time to ask for - or treat yourself to - some new toys. During this time of the year, I often stock up on technology that will help me find new creative outlets and help me develop new skillsets. If you're shopping for that special DJ in your life who's broadcasting from home or wants to create digital content outside of the station, here are some ideas.  Read More

The 2021 Student Awards will be Virtual, You Can Help Make it Great!
We'll be honoring Student Broadcast Award winners with a virtual celebration in April 2021, and we want to make the experience special for them! The MAB Foundation is looking for volunteers to help present the online awards. If you're an on-air radio or television personality, we want to get you involved!  Media students from across the state will LOVE  seeing and hearing from familiar faces. If you're interested in creating a fantastic virtual experience for the award winners, let us know! We also have sponsorship opportunities for giveaways, Station of the Year presentation, and more!  Contact Rachel at or 517-484-7447 for details.
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MAB News Briefs
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January 10
4th Quarter Issues and Programs List due in online public inspection file

January 19
Entry Deadline: Student Broadcast Awards 

January 20
Entry Deadline: Broadcast Excellence Awards

January 21 | 2 p.m.
FREE Webinar: "What Brodcasters Can Expect in 2020" with David Oxenford
(Register Now)

January 22
MABF Scholarship Deadlines (Learn More)

March 8-11
Great Lakes Media Show:


Production Assistant
WJMN-TV (Marquette)
Posted: December 10, 2020

Director - Television News
WDIV-TV (Detroit) 
Posted: December 10, 2020

Content Manager
WNEM-TV (Saginaw)
Posted: December 10, 2020

Share Your News!

We know your station is great. Now lets show all the other broadcasters across Michigan just how great you are. Send pictures, video and news releases about your station's accomplishments to be featured in the 
weekly MAB News Briefs

The MAB Foundation's mission to encourage, support, and sponsor educational activities for students interested in broadcasting cannot be accomplished without supporters like you. The Foundation wouldn't exist without your continued support and interest in the mission. The Broadcasters must work together to sustain the future of this industry by encouraging the brightest, most creative and energetic students to choose broadcasting as a career. You can make a difference by MAKING A DONATION TODAY at

Foundation Supporters

Kenneth Baynard
Dena Blair
Dan Boers
Julie Brinks
Kristin Burns

Scott Clow
Rob David
Detroit Radio 
Advertising Group
Marla Drutz
Susanne Elkins
Rebecca Falk
Bruce & Sue Goldsen
Colleen Grant
Tom Hahn
Wendy Hart
Bill Keith
Dan Kelley
Dick Kernen
Julie Koehn
Fred Jacobs
Paul Jacobs
Mark Libke
Jim Lutton
Pam Manor
Stephen A. Marks
Janet Mason
John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust
Christopher Meller
Dr. Peter Orlik
Robert F. Ottaway
David Oxenford
Lawrence Patrick
Jam Sardar
AnnMarie Scaramuzzino
Stephen Schram
Dirk Spillemaeckers
Jason Springer

Rick Sykes
Peter Tanz
Jacquelen Timm
Denise Weston
Karole White
Jon Whiting
Jennifer Williams
Follow the MAB Foundation on Social Media!

Support the MAB Foundation, and stay in touch about upcoming events, awards programs, scholarships and more, by following the MAB Foundation on our social media pages!



Thanks for the Support of Our Associate Members!

Michigan Association of Broadcasters | 517-484-7444 | |
820 N. Capitol Ave. | Lansing, MI 48906