Issue #195 |  May 8, 2020   |   View online
Highlights In This Issue:
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Still Waiting: Update on FEMA's Free PPE Masks for Michigan Broadcasters
Many Michigan broadcasters have completed the MAB survey regarding the distribution of the anxiously anticipated FEMA cotton washable masks. At this time the MAB has not received any masks to distribute. The NAB, who is coordinating the effort with the states informs us that they check daily with FEMA, but are receiving no information about when the masks will be sent. Read More
Broadcasters Foundation of America to Pay Record Number of Grants This Year; Announces COVID-19 Emergency Grants
In an exclusive article, InsideRadio reports that the Broadcasters Foundation of America (BFA) is on target to pay out a record amount in grants to broadcasters who have fallen on hard times, thanks to a sharp increase in the number of applicants who have met the nonprofit's qualifications.  Read More

WBUP/WBKP-TV Shares COVID-19 Production
Kenn Baynard, Operations Manager of The Marks Group's WBUP/WBKP-TV (Ishpeming/Marquette) has shared a :30 COVID-19 Public Service Announcement that any station may use and customize with its own branding.  Read More

Summit Technology Assisting Broadcasters with Automated Weather During Pandemic
MAB Associate Member Summit Technology Group is providing perpetual licenses for ATMOS Weather Report Service to all terrestrial broadcast stations at no cost. ATMOS provides up to 30 professionally delivered weather reports to broadcast stations each day with up-to-the-minute conditions and forecasts to keep listeners informed all hours of the day.  Read More

Reminder: License Renewal & EEO Filing Deadline June 1
MAB Washington attorney David Oxenford reminds Michigan Broadcasters of a June 1, 2020 deadline for two important FCC matters: EEO Annual Public File Report Obligations for all Michigan Broadcasters and License Renewal Filing Deadline for Michigan Radio Stations.  Read More

EEO Relief for Broadcasters Hiring in the Post-Shutdown World
By: David Oxenford, 
Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP

The FCC announced on Monday (5/4) a policy that will relieve broadcasters of wide-dissemination EEO obligations in rehiring laid-off employees in a post-shutdown world. Because of the significant economic hit taken by broadcasters when so many advertisers pulled their advertising schedules as so many businesses shut down, many broadcasters who did not receive PPP loans were forced to lay off employees in order to be able to afford to continue operating.   Read More

NAB's Dennis Wharton to Retire; New Public Affairs Department Will be Led by Michelle Lehman
The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) announced Tuesday that Executive Vice President of Communications Dennis Wharton will retire July 1 after 24-years of service, making him the longest-serving spokesman in the organization's history.  Read More

NAB Show Express to Feature Conversation With FCC Chairman
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai and National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) President and CEO Gordon Smith will participate in a keynote conversation Wednesday, May 13 during the NAB Show Express Welcome event.  Read More

Share Your Station's COVID-19 Stories 
The MAB wants to know and share what your station is doing unique as part of its coronavirus coverage in your communities and the associated economic issues you and your clients are facing.  Send your stories and photos to teh MAB's Dan Kelley at .
WGHN/WMPA Puts COVID-19 Pandemic Front and Center
WGHN-AM/FM and WMPA-FM (Grand Haven) has been making sure their listeners are informed about the reality of COVID-19, both in terms of the seriousness of the threat it represents and in making sure people understand that everyone has the power to fight the disease.    Read More

Flint Stations Host Congressional Town Hall
On Thursday (5/7), Flint/Saginaw/Bay City TV stations came together again for the second time in a week to present another COVID-19 Town Hall, this time featuring Congressmen Dan Kildee (D-5) and John Moolenaar (R-4).    Read More

Nielsen: Radio is 'Comfort Food' as Media Consumption Rises Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
From Nielsen Insights: As more Americans opt to stay home amid growing concerns about the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), media consumption is, unsurprisingly, peaking.  Read More

Former Michigan Radio Host Jenn White Named National Host of WAMU, NPR's 1A
WAMU-FM (Washington, DC) announced on Thursday (5/7) that Jenn White has been selected as the new host of the nationally syndicated NPR show 1A.  Read More

WKAR Announces Lansing Educator as PBS Digital Innovator All-Star for 2020
WKAR Public Media (East Lansing) announced Wednesday (5/6) LaDonna Mask from Kendon Elementary in the Lansing School District as one of 19 educators from across the country selected for the PBS Digital Innovator All-Star Program.  Read More

CMU Public Radio Debuts New Signal in FM Station Network
CMU Public Radio's network of stations expanded in recent days with the debut of WCMV-FM (Leland). The former WFCX was purchased by Central Michigan University late last year from Northern Broadcast and was closed on last week.  Read More

Kalamazoo Public Schools Approves WKDS Sale to WMUK
At a meeting held April 30, Kalamazoo Public Schools has voted to sell the district's radio station to Western Michigan University. The station is no longer needed for educational purposes, according to the recommendation approved by the board.  Read More

May is Mental Health Month
COVID-19 has created many challenges for individuals being isolated, working from home  or being a front-line worker in a grocery store, hospital, fire or police department. Your news teams might be looking for some resources on dealing with mental health issues that can be created during these difficult and high-stress times. The American Psychiatric Association Foundation has many links to resources for your viewers, such as:

Nominations for Public Media Impact Awards Due June 3
Nominations are due June 3 for the the 2020 MAPB Public Media Impact Awards. Up to two awards are given - one Professional (all professionals including volunteers working in public broadcasting) and one Donor (individuals or foundations). Learn More


Looking for Sales Professionals?

The MAB Foundation Board of Directors approved a new partnership with Central Michigan University's School of Broadcast and Cinematic Arts for the Fall 2020 semester.
The partnership will focus on developing mentoring relationships between students with an Electronic Media Sales Minor and broadcast industry professionals. 
Contact Rachel Krause for more information.

FREE Webinar: Paul Weyland Will Help You Make Your Mark in the Recovering Economy
Available FREE of charge to MAB members, this important sales training opportunity will feature tips and techniques for advanced and intermediate sellers. It's time to pick things up as the state opens up for business again.  Learn More

LBS has Nearly 7 Hours of Coronavirus-related Training Content Available
Free to MAB Members

There are 29 newly created Local Broadcast Sales videos available to MAB members for FREE. That's nearly seven hours' worth of new content specifically designed to address selling and leading during this pandemic! Titles include:

  • What's Your COVID-19 Strategy?
  • How to Work From Home
  • COVID-19: Be the Best in Your Market (including LIVE Q&A from Broadcasters) - Parts 1-7
  • Broadcast Sellers Can Be Sales Leaders During an Unsettled Economy (including LIVE Q&A from Broadcasters) - Parts 1-11
  • The Survival Marketing Workshop (including LIVE Q&A from Broadcasters) -  Parts 1-9

Learn more here:

EVERY Michigan sales manager and seller can create their own, individual LBS account FREE of charge through your station's membership with the MAB. To create an account, fill out the simple form on the LBS home page.

The MAB is excited to share that Local Broadcast Sales (LBS) is available free to members in 2020.
May 21, 2020 | 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
"Working with Agencies
More Effectively"

with Emmie Musser, Güd Marketing
Emmie is a passionate social marketer dedicated to designing marketing campaigns that inform the uninformed, connect the disconnected, and attract people to resources that help improve their lives. She leads community engagement and media strategy at Güd Marketing. This includes a wide range of responsibilities from research analysis to development and implementation of comprehensive community education and marketing plans. She has worked on national, statewide, regional and local campaigns for clients including Auto-Owners Insurance, Michigan Education Trust, the City of Flint during the lead water crisis, Michigan Office of Special Education, and more. With over 15 years as a marketing and media professional, Emmie has developed a deep understanding the ever-changing media landscape. She is a data-driven marketer who also understands that relationships are paramount to creating right media mix to drive results. An experienced speaker and trainer, Emmie as taught media, digital, and social media marketing throughout 26-states.

May 21, 2020 | 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
"21st Century Leadership -
How to cultivate leadership in today's workplace."

with Jeff Butler, Generation Workplace Expert
Whether you are a Baby Boomer, Millennial or Generation Xer, the same rule applies, leaders speak with their actions, not with their words. So, it's imperative that leaders understand how to stimulate action in adverse circumstances. Jeff dives deep into how the psychology of leadership works, debunking the biggest myths that are often preached about leadership. Mostly important, Jeff shows how anyone can develop leadership traits to create life-changing adjustments to get extraordinary results, whether that may mean getting a better following, group leadership, or inspiring others around you. For maximum impact, Jeff provides real-world, actionable tips to help attendees take immediate steps to apply his advice and his as leaders in their own careers. Learning Points: Project the right leadership image in person and online. Discover the truth behind common leadership traits such as courage and purpose Avoid common mistakes of personal leadership and career advancement.

COVID-19 is Challenging Media Plans. Why Brands Should Advertise.
By: Lori Bahnmueller & Becky Robertson 
Brogan & Partners Convergence Marketing

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended media predictions for 2020 and beyond. Young consumers are watching local news, older consumers are exploring TikTok and nearly every gen is streaming something. "Work from home" and "stay safe at home" rules and recommendations have scrambled media for now and the foreseeable future. The situation has brands scrambling, too.  Read More

Livestreaming Options for Radio Air Talent: Zoom vs. BeLive vs. StreamYard
By: Seth Resler,
Jacobs Media Strategies

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned many radio broadcasters into video personalities as they scramble to livestream on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram in an attempt to engage with their audiences. "Faces for radio" are suddenly becoming "faces for the web." Of course, there's a learning curve as we all scramble to figure out how to go live from our living rooms.  Read More

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MAB News Briefs
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May 12 | 12 p.m.
FREE LBS Webinar with Paul Weyland (Register Now)

May 21 | 1:00 p.m. 
Free Webinar: "Working with Agencies More Effectively" (Register Now)

May 21 | 3:00 p.m. 
Free Webinar: "21st Century Leadership" 
Register Now)

Producation Director
Midwest Communications
Posted: April 27, 2020

Marketing Executive
( Grand Haven )
Posted: April 23, 2020

Share Your News!

We know your station is great. Now lets show all the other broadcasters across Michigan just how great you are. Send pictures, video and news releases about your station's accomplishments to be featured in the 
weekly MAB News Briefs

The MAB Foundation's mission to encourage, support, and sponsor educational activities for students interested in broadcasting cannot be accomplished without supporters like you. The Foundation wouldn't exist without your continued support and interest in the mission. The Broadcasters must work together to sustain the future of this industry by encouraging the brightest, most creative and energetic students to choose broadcasting as a career. You can make a difference by MAKING A DONATION TODAY at

Foundation Supporters

Kenneth Baynard
Dena Blair
Dan Boers
Julie Brinks
Kristin Burns

Scott Clow
Rob David
Detroit Radio 
Advertising Group
Marla Drutz
Susanne Elkins
Rebecca Falk
Bruce & Sue Goldsen
Colleen Grant
Tom Hahn
Wendy Hart
Bill Keith
Dan Kelley
Dick Kernen
Julie Koehn
Fred Jacobs
Paul Jacobs
Mark Libke
Jim Lutton
Pam Manor
Stephen A. Marks
Janet Mason
John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust
Christopher Meller
Dr. Peter Orlik
Robert F. Ottaway
David Oxenford
Lawrence Patrick
Jam Sardar
AnnMarie Scaramuzzino
Stephen Schram
Dirk Spillemaeckers
Jason Springer

Rick Sykes
Peter Tanz
Jacquelen Timm
Denise Weston
Karole White
Jon Whiting
Jennifer Williams
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Support the MAB Foundation, and stay in touch about upcoming events, awards programs, scholarships and more, by following the MAB Foundation on our social media pages!



Thanks for the Support of Our Associate Members!

Great Lakes News

Michigan Association of Broadcasters | 517-484-7444 | |
820 N. Capitol Ave. |  Lansing, MI 48906