Check out governor's latest Executive Order on masks at
Treasury webinar details deadlines, guidance on COVID funds
Counties confront a July 17 deadline to apply for reimbursements for public safety and public health payroll and benefit expenses for the employees substantially dedicated to responding or mitigating COVID 19 for the months of April and May 2020, Treasury officials told attendees of a webinar on Thursday.
The Michigan Department of Treasury presented information on the application process for counties and other local governments to receive funds appropriated through Senate Bill 690 from the $3 billion Michigan received in federal CARES Act funds. For those that were unable to watch the hour-long webinar,
you can view the recording here.
The department also covered the water utility assistance program, the first responder hazard pay program and the $200 million for reimbursement of public safety and public health payroll and benefit costs for April 2020 through July 31, 2020. ...
July 13 webinar will brief members on COVID aid details
MAC’s Governmental Affairs Team will brief members on the latest developments in federal and state assistance in combating COVID-19 during a webinar on Monday, July 13.
The briefing will start at 11 a.m. and will include:
- Details on funding from Senate Bill 690
- Details on the FY20 state budget deal, including the impacts on county revenue sharing
- A review of the guidance from the Michigan Department of Treasury on filing for reimbursement via federal funds out of the CARES Act
- A general overview of CARES Act dollars being spent in Michigan
Registration opens for 2020 Virtual Annual Conference
The virtual event replaces MAC’s traditional summer conference, which was shelved by the MAC Board of Directors due to the public health circumstances imposed by the coronavirus.
Highlights of the event include:
- Plenary sessions that will feature MAC’s Legislative Update, the semi-annual “State of MAC” report and an address by MAC Board President Veronica Klinefelt
- The Annual Business Meeting, during which members will vote on MAC’s policy platforms for the 2020-21 year
- At least six policy workshops that will focus heavily on the implications of COVID-19 for counties in the coming months
- Regional caucuses that will elect members to fill six seats on the MAC Board of Directors
- A Virtual Exhibitor Show that will allow attendees to select up to five firms from which to hear 10-minute presentations ...
Summer property tax deferment bills vetoed
Bills that would have allowed individuals and businesses to delay, without penalty, their summer 2020 property tax payments were vetoed by the governor this week. In her veto letter, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer cited constitutional reasons and overwhelming opposition from schools and local units of government for her decision.
House Bills
5761 and
5810, by Rep. James Lower (R-Ionia), passed both legislative chambers with bi-partisan support. There is an attempt to advance
Senate Bill 943, by Sen. Peter MacGregor (R-Kent), to the governor, with changes to the statutory language that may address her concerns. The bill has passed the Senate and is currently in the House. If an agreement with the administration can be reached, MAC anticipates the bill being passed by the House and sent to the governor the week of July 20, 2020.
If she immediately signs the bill, however, it will be a very short window in some jurisdictions for qualified taxpayers to submit their applications before the property tax bills are due.
MAC remains neutral on the legislation until such time as we have greater assurances that the Michigan Treasury Department can and will absorb any of the costs associated with administering the program.
Deadline approaching on opioid litigation
“The deadline for cities, counties, municipalities, or other local governments to file proofs of claim in the Purdue Bankruptcy Cases is July 30, 2020, at 5 p.m. EDT. Any Negotiating Class member that wishes to file a claim must do so by that date. Negotiating Class counsel will NOT be filing claims for class members. However, we are advised that an Ad Hoc committee of governmental and other contingent litigation claimants has been formed in the Bankruptcy. That ad hoc committee may be sending additional information concerning the claim process.” ...
July 23 webinar will go over federal COVID grants for jails
Learn about options and details for gaining federal help to respond to COVID-19 in your jails during a July 23 digital Town Hall co-hosted by MAC, the Michigan Municipal League and the Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration.
The free event will run from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will focus on local grants and sub-grants of the federal Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding. Get your questions answered and hear ideas and guidance from the about using the funds in ways that will pay dividends over time.
Speakers will be:
- Nancy Becker Bennett, division director, Grants and Community Services Division, Michigan State Police
- Bridget McCormack, chief justice, Michigan Supreme Court
- Sheryl Kubiak, dean & professor, School of Social Work, Wayne State University
Deadline is July 16 to file for elections for MAC Board seats
At the 2020 Michigan Counties Annual Conference in August, MAC members will vote on six seats on the MAC Board of Directors.
Commissioners wishing to serve on the Board, whether incumbents or new candidates, have until July 16 to file official notice of their intent to run. Board terms are for three years.
Seats representing regions are filled by a vote in regional caucuses at the conference. At-large seats are filled by the candidate that wins a majority of the six regional caucuses.
The MAC Board of Directors is the key body in guiding the legislative and organizational strategies of MAC. ...
State board seeks input on local finance reporting
The Protecting Local Government Retirement and Benefits Act (PA 202 of 2017) requires the Municipal Stability Board to develop best practices, approve of corrective action plans and to monitor those plans. At its June 17, 2020, meeting, the board proposed changes to the
Corrective Action Plan Monitoring (CAP): Policies and Procedures document and are seeking public comment.
The proposed revisions are technical changes to the review process timelines outlined in the document. These proposed changes will provide flexibility to the Board in their review of CAP monitoring certifications. These proposed changes allow the board to limit the number of local governments to be reviewed in a month, enabling added focus and support to be given to each local government during their CAP monitoring certification review.
Policy platform drafts now available for review by members
The drafts were crafted by the association’s policy committees and reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors at its June 5 session.
MAC also will be sending the platforms electronically to counties to share with commissioners.
Since this year’s session will be done electronically, the Board also voted to require that all member amendments for the platforms be submitted in writing to MAC by 5 p.m. on Aug. 7. Amendments will not be accepted from “the floor” during the virtual meeting, whose date has not yet been set, but which will occur between Aug. 18-27 during the Virtual Annual Conference.
Each week, Legislative Update will feature a round-up of news and information links suggested by members of MAC's staff:
Have a job to fill? MAC can help
Need to fill a key position in your county team? MAC can help. Our Jobs Hub page is the go-to source for county leaders looking to find the best employees. A $75 fee covers a posting of up to 30 days, along with promotion via MAC's social media channels
Jobs now to be found at the hub:
- Friend of the Court, Emmet County
- County Administrator, Sauk County, Wis.
- Manager, Otsego County Road Commission
- Administrator, Huron County Medical Care Facility
- Deputy County Administrator/Controller, Clinton County
- Chief Deputy Treasurer, Cass County
Have you joined MAC's Commissioners Forum?
online message board
allows county commissioners to share challenges, solutions and ideas with their colleagues. You must register to use the message board. Easy-to-follow instructions for registration can be
found here
The Michigan Association of Counties (MAC), founded on February 1, 1898, is the only statewide organization dedicated to the representation of all county commissioners in Michigan.
MAC is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization which advances education, communication and cooperation among county government officials in Michigan. MAC is the counties' voice at the State Capitol, providing legislative support on key issues affecting counties.
Michigan Association of Counties
110 W. Michigan Ave. Suite 200,
Lansing, MI 48933
Tel: (800) 258-1152 or (517) 372-5374
Fax: (517)482-4599