July 2023 Quarterly Newsletter
Draft 2024 - 2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
MAG is seeking your input on the draft five-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

A public comment period for the draft 2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is happening now through August 2, 2023. Comments can be provided online by visiting the 2024-2028 TIP Map or by attending an in-person open house on July 26, 2023 from 4:00-6:00 pm at the MAG office, 586 East 800 North, Orem, UT 84097.

The TIP identifies major transportation projects, programs, and studies that improve and expand the regional transportation network for the MPO region. TIP projects are funded by federal, state, and local agencies over the next five years. Approximately $100 million dollars of TIP projects are funded through MAG every two years when MAG undergoes a comprehensive project selection process. For more information contact Bob Allen.
MAG's Map of the Quarter: 2024-2028 TIP Map
Would you like to know what major road, transit, and trail projects are coming to your area? Click the button below to check out MAG's Map of the Quarter, the 2024-2028 TIP Map.
UDOT TIF and TTIF Project Nominations
Local governments are invited to submit projects for UDOT’s TIF and TTIF funding programs.

Local governments and transit districts are invited to nominate qualifying transportation projects for prioritization and possible funding by the Utah Transportation Commission. The Utah Transportation Commission uses a project prioritization process to inform funding decision-making for the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) and the Transit Transportation Investment Fund (TTIF) which includes this project nomination process. Visit the UDOT Project Prioritization to learn more. Visit the UDOT Project Nomination page nominate a project.

Nominations are required for TIF Active Transportation and the two TTIF programs since a match is required as part of the eligibility. For the TIF Highway and TTIF Transit funding programs, phase 1 projects from the Utah Unified Transportation Plan are automatically considered which includes phase 1 fiscally constrained projects from each of Utah’s MPOs including MAG and the UDOT Long Range Transportation Plan. Eligible projects may be considered for funding by the Utah Transportation Commission at any time once ranked lists have been developed. UDOT is accepting nominations now through August 31, 2023.
2023 TransPlan50
The 2023 RTP has been adopted and approved!

MAG’s 2023 Regional Transportation Plan, 2023 TransPlan50, and Air Quality Conformity Determination report has been adopted by the MPO Board and approved by the U.S. DOT’s Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration! Division Administrator Mr. Marrero noted that he “Appreciates the comprehensive and collaborative efforts of MAG and UDOT and looks forward to our continued partnership.”

MAG staff also appreciates the collaboration among our partners and would like to take the opportunity to thank our member cities and counties, our federal and state transportation partners including FHWA, FTA, UDOT, and UTA, our regional MPO partners including WFRC, and our legislators!
Wasatch Choice Community Advisory Committee
MAG, along with its Wasatch Choice Vision partners, invite members of the public to apply to join the Community Advisory Committee. Entering its second year, the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee is to enhance the engagement of all communities in our region in the Wasatch Choice Vision while advising partner agencies on transportation and land use decisions. The Committee serves as a forum for enhancing awareness and understanding of the needs and priorities of all of our communities in the region. The commitment requires attending six meetings and members can be compensated $50 per meeting. Apply today and please help us spread the word by sharing.
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Process Underway
Mountainland Economic Development District is creating a new Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the region. The project launched at the end of March, with completion expected in September.

A CEDS is a unified, regionally focused action plan that provides a framework for an area’s economic growth and community development. The strategy will include five primary elements: Summary Background, SWOT Analysis, Strategic Direction, Evaluation Framework, and Economic Resilience.

Key stakeholder meetings were held in June and included government officials and staff, and representatives from economic development organizations, business and industry, healthcare, education, nonprofit organizations, coalitions and civic groups, and area students. If you would like to weigh in on this important process, please contact Jack Davis.
Single-Family Housing Rehab Resources Available Now
MAG’s recently expanded Single-Family Home Repair Program is available to help low-income residents with major and minor home repairs. Grants and loans are available to qualifying households in the MAG region. Eligible repairs and improvements include roof replacement, HVAC updates, electrical repairs, external repairs, safety or hazard removal, accessibility features, and more.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, visit magutah.org/housing-rehab for more info or contact Katie Mitchell, Program Specialist, at 801.229.3847 or kmitchell@magutah.org.
Annual Senior Health Challenge Promotes Active Aging and Wellness
More than 90 seniors participated in the MAG 4th Annual Senior Health Challenge this June. This year participants made personal health goals that included physical, emotional, or mental and worked throughout the month towards achieving them. We also offered numerous group activities and provided free access to classes hosted at recreation centers throughout the MAG service region.

To celebrate the conclusion of the challenge, we held an End of Challenge Celebration Picnic at Mt Timpanogos Park on July 6. There we celebrated the successes of the challenge participants, took part in light-hearted competitive games, made new friends and enjoyed lunch together.

By providing an engaging and supportive environment, the challenge empowered seniors to take charge of their health while fostering camaraderie and positive aging. This challenge celebrates the vitality and potential of seniors, proving that age is just a number when it comes to leading a healthy and fulfilling life. Learn more about the Senior Health Challenge at magutah.org/health.
Meals on Wheels Makes Provo Freedom Festival Parade Debut
Meals on Wheels made a dazzling debut in the Provo Freedom Festival parade with our newly wrapped trucks! We led the pack as the first entry in the pre-parade and were joined by staff and volunteers as we spread the word about this vital community service.

Soon our entire fleet of 10 trucks will be newly wrapped, which will help raise visibility in the community and attract increased program support. With vibrant colors and a design that reflects our passion for serving delicious meals, our Meals on Wheels truck is on a mission to bring nutritious meals to our beloved seniors. If you see it on the streets, make sure to give our drivers a wave!

MAG Meals on Wheels helps seniors maintain their independence by providing a hot, nutritious lunch. Last year, Meals on Wheels delivered more than 152,000 meals to our senior neighbors in need. This effort was made possible by a mighty army of more than 450 community volunteers. These volunteers bring nourishment, companionship, and hope to those who need it most.

We hope you are able to participate in Utah's local celebrations, enjoy time with friends and family, and revel in the pioneering spirit!