Join us for the Fall Feasting Season
as we


September 19th through November 2nd

This 45-day sanctified season of prayer will include
42 days of prayer through the Book of Job
as we consecrate our hearts in preparation
for a 3-day Joel Solemn Assembly
with prayer, fasting, and repentance on
Oct. 31st, Nov. 1st, and Nov. 2nd
leading up to Election Day!

It's time to prepare our hearts and purify our minds
to see more clearly and think more magnificently
of our Lord Jesus Christ
so that we can present to the world
an undiminished view of the glory of God!

Much of the world has seen only the outer edges of His works,
while we, as believers, have experienced
the power of God's redeeming grace
and have gained access to unlimited, eternal power
beyond the fringes of man's limited understanding into the
very throne room of heaven.

Sadly, we are not availing ourselves of His power as we ought.
Far too many believers are content to dwell in the outer courts of fellowship
and never truly experience the rich rewards of the fullness of life
that our Lord Jesus came to give us (John 10:10); and
while there are the faithful who are willing to enter into the realm of
holy service to God and to others (praise God for such servants!),
there is an inner chamber of total surrender and Holy Spirit yieldedness
that far too few dare to enter into -
into the Holy of Holies of deepening intimacy with Christ -
into the place of power and fullness of joy,
where the air is pure and the atmosphere is full of light and love,
and where the enemy is rendered ineffective in robbing us of life
and distracting us from the fight.

A saint once said that the one's who made a difference in the world
were those who fasted and prayed and went into the King's presence.
What would happen if the Church were to truly enter in
with humble, prayerful, repentant hearts
and claim the eternal riches that are ours in Christ Jesus?

The remedy the world so desperately needs has been entrusted
to the children of God. We are to be clear channels through which
heaven's eternal blessings flow to the earth.
The Lord has given His Church the keys to open
the door of healing to the world.
And no year in recent history has shown how much the world truly
is in need of healing more than the year 2020!

Some of the greatest moments and movements in history
have been birthed out of the depths of great pain and suffering,
and from great travail in prayer.
Our journey through the Book of Job this season
will open our eyes to see our trials from God's perspective
and our hearts to greater understanding of God's wonderful plans
for His people and His kingdom in the world,
and bring us to the place He brought His greatly beloved servant -

There is something beautiful to be born,
if we are willing to labor in prayer in this season!

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,"
says the LORD of hosts."
(Zechariah 4:6b)

The Lord has given us the discipline of fasting to
accelerate our return to "First Love" devotion and repentance.
May we avail ourselves of the powerful weapons of our
warfare and awaken and strengthen our spiritual muscles in this
sanctified season of feasting so that we may
remove every obstacle, pull down every stronghold,
take captive every thought, and lay hold of heaven's
blessings for the world, so that every lonely,
suffering, lost, hopeless and hurting soul may see JESUS
and find the answer to their soul's deepest need!

Let us go forth to conquer the kingdoms of this world and of our flesh,
as many of God's saints have taken to the battlefield in times past -
in praise of His magnificent and mighty name (2 Chronicles 20:21)!

"I will bless the LORD at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make its boasts in the LORD;
the humble shall hear of it and be glad.
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt His name together."
(Psalm 34:1-3)

Blessings for the Journey!

In His Wonderful Love and Grace ~
Traci Alexander
Trumpet and Torch Ministries

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace." ~ Numbers 6:24-26

Please see important links below for additional prayer gatherings
to pray for and participate in this season.

If you are receiving this email from a friend
Click or Tap on the box below to
add your name to
the Trumpet and Torch Ministry Mailing List
to receive the free 45-day MAGNIFY daily devotional email journey!

The Journey begins on the Feast of Trumpets
Saturday, September 19th, 2020
The daily emails provide three
spiritual meals from God's Word that will
unite our hearts in Christ's love and nourish us
morning, noon, and night
in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus as we
pray and fast and MAGNIFY His wonderful name
in this sanctified feasting season.

Please share this invitation to your friends and family!
Trumpet and Torch Ministries provides spiritual nourishment and encouragement from the
Word of God to cultivate within the heart of the believer a disciplined life of holiness, prayer,
and deepening intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ.



Setting the world on fire for Christ ~ One heart at a time!

Please mark your calendar for these and many other
important prayer gatherings in this season
to pray for and to participate in.

You can participate in these virtually if you are
unable to attend in person.

National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance

September 26, 2020
9 AM to 5 PM
National Mall
Washington DC


Join Franklin Graham for
Prayer March 2020
September 26, 2020
Noon - 2 PM
Begins at the Lincoln Memorial and ends at the U.S. Capitol
seven different prayer focuses


400 Year Anniversary Plymouth Prayer Event

October 6, 2020
a worldwide virtual prayer event
Pastor Carter Conlon and Times Square Church



Wednesday Evening Prayer at 8 PM ET
with Family Research Council's President Tony Perkins

Text your zipcode to 53445 for iVoterGuide for your area

Visit for additional resources and information
and sign up for the Weekly Prayer Targets

"I have heard your prayer
and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice.
When I shut up heaven and there is no rain,
or command the locusts to devour the land,
or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves,
and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
~ 2 Chronicles 7:12-14
Trumpet & Torch Ministries