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March 2024 | Issue #150

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Calendar of Events

Read ME Agriculture

March 2024

Gulf of Maine Research Institute

Local Seafood in Maine Schools New Curriculum & Educator Workshop

March 18, 2024


Belfast Free Library

Belfast, ME

More info

Central Maine School Garden Educators Symposium

March 24, 2024

9am - 3:30pm

UMaine Cooperative Extension Penobscot County Office

Bangor, Maine

More info

MAITC K-8 Teacher Workshop

April 4, 2024

9:30am - 4pm

Woodlawn Museum

Ellsworth, ME

More info

Science for All Conference

Maine Science Teachers Association

April 27, 2024

Blueberry Cove 4H Camp

St. George, ME

More info

Maine FFA State Convention

May 9-10, 2024

University of Maine

Orono, ME

Maine Environmental Education Association Conference

May 10-11, 2024

Maine Academy of Natural Sciences

Hinckley, ME

More info

Maine Nutrition Council Spring Educational Virtual Event

Sports Nutrition with Josh Palomera

May 15, 2024


NELE Kids Day

May 17, 2024

Windsor Fairgrounds

Windsor, ME

More info

Maine School Garden Day

May 18, 2024

Kingfield Elementary School

Kingfield, ME

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In Bloom in Maine Conference

"Promising Practices in Nature-Based Early Childhood Education"

June 15, 2024

Educare Central Maine

Waterville, ME

More info

National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference

June 24-27, 2024

Salt Lake City, Utah

MAITC Statewide Agriculture Education Organization Grants & Agriculture Leadership Grants Application Deadline

June 28, 2024


Summer Teacher's Institute

July 29 - August 2, 2024

More info

MAITC Grant Reports Due

August 1, 2024

MAITC Grants Application Deadline (All Categories)

August 30, 2024


Maine Nutrition Council Annual Conference

"A Lifetime of Nutrition"

October 18, 2024

University of Maine at Augusta

Augusta, ME

MAITC Statewide Agriculture Education Organization Grants & Agriculture Leadership Grants Application Deadline

December 13, 2024

Visit our Teach ME Food & Farms Lesson Site Developed for Maine Educators
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We LOVE to feature outstanding teachers in Maine who are incorporating agriculture into their classroom!

Highlighting the great work teachers are doing across the state inspires all of us and sparks new ideas for grants, projects, and partnerships! 

Fill out this questionnaire to be our next Teacher Feature!!

Building Community Connections

Etna-Dixmont School received a Maine Agriculture in the Classroom grant to complete their project “Building Community Connections with Our Local Farmers.”

Third and fourth grade students were able to participate in five community connections with local agricultural enterprises in their district. The visits connected students with agriculture that included the growing and harvesting of potatoes, apples, beef, sheep, pork, chickens, and maple!

Since we’re in the season for maple, we’re highlighting their March 2023 trip to Eureka Farms in Palmyra, ME. Twenty-seven third graders visited Eureka Farms and learned about sugar maples, tapping trees, and the process used to make maple syrup. Students were accompanied by their teachers, Librarian, Ed Tech, Principal, and Garden Coordinator. Students read Sugarbush Spring by Chall and participated in a taste test of Eureka Farms Pure Maple Syrup, maple water, and store bought pancake syrup.

In addition to the field trips, students have been inspired by the grant to investigate: pollinators; worms; seed germination, collection and marketing; planting-harvesting-eating, fiber and more.

Check out this opinion piece in the Bangor Daily News to learn more about the experiential learning taking place in RSU19.

Speaking of maple...

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is excited to announce the release of their new middle school curriculum: Maple Sugaring in a Warming Climate. This is a new module being field tested this spring, but is available for anyone to use this maple season.


  • How are changing weather patterns affecting the flow of sap?
  • What does this mean for maple syrup producers in the Northeast and how can they prepare? 

Lesson 1: From Sap to Syrup - Students taste maple syrup and work together to outline how maple syrup is produced while considering the role of air temperatures in this process.

Lesson 2: Analyzing Freeze/Thaw Cycles - Students analyze temperature data from Portland, Bangor and Quebec City to identify ideal times for sap to run, compare trends in the data and begin to make connections between warming temperatures and changes to maple syrup production in the region. Students are also introduced to the idea of variability.

Lesson 3: Sap on the Run! Modeling Maple Sugar Production - Students embody steps involved with maple syrup production while playing a modeling game and explore how normal variability impacts the timing of the maple season.

Lesson 4: Analyzing Warming Trends - Students analyze and interpret data at stations using dot plots, color-coded maps and video interviews to understand how warming temperatures and shifting ranges impact maple syrup production in the region.

Lesson 5: Modeling Maple Sugar Production in a Warmer Climate - Students repeat the modeling activity from Lesson 3, adding new elements to reflect the potential impacts of climate-driven temperature changes on maple syrup production.

Lesson 6: Planning for Maple Sugaring in a Warmer Future - Students develop a proposal for a new maple syrup production company that can be successful in a warming climate. Students will need to convince investors that their proposal is a good investment using data about anticipated climate-driven changes and incorporating strategies that will help their business thrive.

This module focuses specifically on the impacts of changing weather patterns on the production of maple syrup in Northern New England using region-specific climate data. We recommend pairing this study with units focused on energy, matter and photosynthesis, the causes, effects and possible responses to climate change, and other existing curriculum related to maple sugar, including in-class maple syrup production. Extensions and pairing ideas are included in the Teacher's Guide. 

April 4th - MAITC K-8 Teacher Workshop

Join Maine Agriculture in the Classroom for a day long K-8 teacher workshop at Woodlawn Museum in Ellsworth! Teachers will receive lessons, resources and training to integrate agriculture into core curriculum subjects. All lessons and activities are tied to Maine Learning Standards, NGSS and the Common Core.

All participants will receive 6 contact hours or .6 CEU's from the University of Maine.

There will be hands-on lesson demonstrations, materials for your classroom, online resources shared, and lunch is included!

When: April 4, 2024

Where: Woodlawn Museum, Ellsworth, ME

The cost for this workshop is $40.

Find more information and registration here.

Deadline to register: March 22nd.

Read ME 2024

We are THRILLED for this year's Read ME Agriculture program with readings starting in schools in just the next couple weeks!

We are especially excited that author of the book, Holly Thompson will be a guest reader at schools in MSAD#51.

Check out the accompanying Educator Guide to prepare for your participation in the program.

Click here for more book info.

MAITC Summer Teacher's Institute

Through tours, presentations from industry experts, and hands-on lesson exploration, you will be inspired and prepared to share the world of agriculture with your students. PreK-12 formal and informal educators in all disciplines from across the state and beyond are welcome. Participants will receive 38 contact hours or 3.8 CEU's from the University of Maine for re-certification credit. Scholarships are also available for Maine teachers – apply by email to

Register Today!

Maine Farm & Sea to School Institute

APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! The Maine Farm & Sea to School Institute brings school teams together to build relationships, skills, and a collaborative action plan for Farm & Sea to School (FSTS) programming. Team members leave ready to support one another and implement an FSTS action plan across their school or district - building shared leadership for the long haul. With the support of a Coach, teams spend the Institute year connecting Classroom, Cafeteria, and Community.

Apply by March 15, 2024. Learn more on the MFSN website. Apply here.

Maine School Garden Day

Maine School Garden Network's Maine School Garden Day will be Saturday, May 18th at Kingfield Elementary School.

Register Today!

The day will include:

  • Keynote Address: School Gardens 101: Top 10 Tips for Launching and Maintaining a Successful Program by Laura Hoeft 
  • Breakout groups by county to network with peers
  • Great food
  • Workshop topics: Wild Foods in Education for Ecological Literacy, How to Fund School Garden Projects, The Procrastinator's Garden: late season planting strategies, Curriculum Development, Cooking and Nutrition with Students, Garden and garden educator skills acquisition
  • Great door prizes and community! 

More details and a full agenda on the registration page.

Educator Opportunities

Maine Solutionaries Project

The Interdisciplinary Instruction (II) team at the Maine DOE and the Maine-based Institute for Humane Education (IHE) are excited to partner in offering free high-quality customized professional learning and resources for teachers who want to educate their students to be Solutionaries! Up to 200 teachers will have the opportunity to earn their Solutionary Micro-credential from IHE between now and the end of September. Teachers who complete the program will receive stipends of $1000. These educators will join 24 colleagues from rural schools across Maine who participated in a grant-funded pilot project during the 2023-2024 school year and are using IHE’s Solutionary Framework to facilitate Think Global, Act Local projects. You can learn more about this collaboration, register for an informational webinar, or register for the project by visiting the Maine Solutionaries Project website.

FoodCorps is Hiring

FoodCorps Maine is hiring for multiple positions! With two position "tracks" you can either focus on School Nutrition by helping cafeterias serve more of the foods that celebrate kids' cultures & communities, OR Food Education, teaching kids to grow & cook those foods in the classroom or garden! Learn more and apply here!

Positions start in August 2024 and go for 11 months. This is a full-time, year long, paid opportunity to nourish kids’ health, education, and sense of belonging by working in classrooms, gardens, kitchens, and cafeterias. The deadline to apply is March 29th

There is also a referral program - for each service member that you refer who serves for at least 90 days, they'll give you $250! Know anyone that would be a good candidate? Encourage them to apply!

On The Farm STEM - Science Through the Lens of Agriculture

FREE Professional Development for High School Educators

Louisville & Lexington, KY

July 16-19, 2024

On The Farm STEM is an all expenses-paid professional development and immersive learning program for high school science educators. This experience will showcase food, agriculture, and beef production as meaningful contexts for science teaching and learning that will inspire today’s students, our next generation of scientists and citizens, to take action and feel empowered to use food and agriculture to improve society.

Applications Close April 1st, 2024

Find more info and application here.

Nutrients For Life Foundation Opportunities

Fertilizer Fun Box: Each Fertilizer Fun Box contains multiple hands-on educational soil science activities that focus on the importance of soil and fertilizer. This year's boxes will contain soil samples from various states. Watch as your students explore the compositions of soils across the nation. Sign up here. Questions? Contact Melissa Bigge.

Digital Contest: Fertilizers play a crucial role in addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This contest focuses on UN Goal #2, Zero Hunger, and aims to encourage young minds to explore and creatively showcase the importance of fertilizers in achieving these worldwide objectives. Prizes include $5,000 for 1st place, $3,000 for 2nd place, and $1,500 for 3rd place, along with two honorable mentions receiving $750 each.  Find more contest info here.

MAITC Grant Applications are OPEN!

In 2024 $70K is earmarked for grants in multiple categories! This support of Maine agriculture education in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12 is a direct result of the Maine Agricultural Specialty License Plate. Submit your application to support your endeavor using agriculture as a context for learning! More information about our grants program and links to applications can be found on our website.


Category 1 - Agricultural Awareness Grant - Up to $1,000: 4pm on August 30, 2024.

Category 2 - Agricultural Awareness Grant - Up to $2,000: 4pm on August 30, 2024.

Category 3 - School Garden & Greenhouse Grant - Up to $2,000: 4pm on August 30, 2024.

Category 4 - Agriculture Leadership Grant - Up to $1,000: The revolving deadline is 4pm on: June 28, August 30, and December 13, 2024.

Category 5 - Statewide Agriculture Education Organization Grant - Up to $2,000: The revolving deadline is 4pm on: June 28, August 30, and December 13, 2024.

For more information about our grants program, contact:

For questions regarding the application process, contact:


Webinar Series

The New Hampshire Farm to School and the New Hampshire School & Youth Garden networks are hosting their 2024 Webinar Series for educators from across New England covering a variety of farm to school and school garden topics. Check out the recordings of past webinars and register for upcoming ones here.

Upcoming webinar opportunities include:

- Cross Curricular Education: Ag Ed + Family and Consumer Science - March 5, 3-4PM

- School Garden Seasonality - March 12, 3-4PM

- Square Foot Gardening with Kids - March 19, 3-4PM

Food & Agriculture Center for Science Education

In 2022 the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture launched a first-of-a-kind online platform for K-12 and STEM educators to bring science to life through the lens of agriculture!

This past year they have developed a robust list of materials on the Food and Agriculture Center for Science Education website. For example: Monday, Tuesday, Happy Graze  focuses on human impacts on earth systems. Throughout the task, students will evaluate the two different grazing techniques as possible strategies to manage natural resources.

Check out the materials here.

Life Lab One-Bite Lessons

One-Bite Lessons are edible activities that don’t require a kitchen or excessive preparation. They are fun and creative ways to sample plants right from the garden.

Check them out here.

Journey 2050 Demonstration Webinar

In this video, Program Director Tessa Matusak helps explain how to utilize Journey 2050 in secondary classrooms (6-12) to teach concepts in food production sustainability. Many teachers use this game-based tool and lesson package each year.

Harvest of the Month - March is Maine Protein!

Check out our Protein Resource Page for lessons, activities, books, and more!

Click here for the great Harvest of the Month (HOM) materials - posters, fact sheets, recipes, social media promo, and more!

Learn more about how schools can participate.

Search the Ag Literacy Curriculum Matrix for even MORE resources!

All of our HOM Resource Pages can be found on our Teach ME site under "Teaching Units"

Want to learn more about PIGS? Click here for some fun facts and resources from the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture.

Teacher Resources Section


From Sap to Syrup. Grades K-2. Students will recognize how geography and climate allow for the growth of maple trees and the process of making syrup. They will identify the characteristics of maple trees that produce the best sap for making maple syrup and name the steps in the process of creating syrup from sap.

PancakesGrades K-2Grades 3-5. Students will describe the physical properties of materials and observe physical and chemical changes as they learn about the ingredients in pancakes and how maple syrup is harvested from trees.

Tapping into Maple Tradition. Lessons for Grades K-12. Tapping into Maple Tradition digs deeper into maple sugar production to uncover a wide variety of core academic concepts. Botany, chemistry, history, economics, math, nutrition, language arts and engineering are all key components. "Tapping Into Maple Tradition" enhances these educational areas with hands-on, STEM focused activities reinforcing the learning process.

Growing Aspirations - Sweet! Grades 9-12. This lesson’s focus is on large concepts such as Habits of Minds, Food Systems of Maine, and Agribusiness. The unit may include lessons on other aspects of the standard such as positive self- concept, and the personal interests and skills lessons.

Looking for more? Explore the Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix HERE


Check out some of these great books about Maple!

Sugar Bush Spring

Maple Syrup from the Sugarhouse

At Grandpa's Sugar Bush

Sugar Snow


The Sweetest Season

Don't forget that all SIX of our Agriculture for ME books are available to read online!


Jillsons Farm - Maine Maple Sunday

An Inside Look at a Maine Maple Sugar House Operation

Sugaring at a Maple Farm

The Future of Maine Maple Syrup

Activities & Resources

School Maple Sugaring GroupConsider joining this Facebook group to share ideas and successes related to making maple syrup in a school setting.

Maine Maple Producers Association. Check out their website for a map of sugarhouses, events, recipes, and other maple info!

Southern Maine Maple Sugarmakers Association. Find a sugarhouse near you, learn some great Maple 101 facts.

UMaine Cooperative Extension Maple Resources. Expertise and resources to help large-scale and small-scale maple syrup producers, including how-to videos (when to tap a maple tree, how to tap a maple tree, etc).


KidsGardening Grants

White-Reinhardt Grants

Whole Kids Foundation

The Pollination Project Grants

Future Organic Farmer Grant

CHS Classroom Foundation Grants

Fuel Up

Project Learning Tree

Captain Planet Foundation

Sustainable Agriculture Grants for Farmers & Educators

Salad Bars to Schools

Fruit Tree 101

Kars4Kids Grants

The Awesome Foundation Grants

Digital Wish Grants

The Flannel Shirt Fund

More funding opportunities are listed from some of our friends:

Maple Curriculum Support: Tapping into Maple Tradition - Lessons for K-12 Classrooms.

Looking for field trips? Check out Real Maine's Food, Farms, and Forest Search

Gulf of Maine Research Institute Learning Resource Hub - compelling curriculum for teachers of middle school students that connects classroom learning to authentic scientific experiences.

ReTreeUS plants orchards in schools and provides educational programs that empower people to be healthy environmental stewards.

See the Maine Farm to School Census here. Are you participating?

Maine School Garden Network provides resources and technical assistance for all school gardens across Maine!

Search the National Ag in the Classroom Curriculum Matrix for resources

Fuel Up offers educators a wide array of resources they can use to help students make sustainable changes in their school environment.

Agroworld is an agricultural science e-zine developed for the secondary educator.

KidsGardening has ideas about plants and gardens, teacher resources, and grant opportunities.

The Chop Chop magazine and website has easy and healthy recipes.

American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has curriculum, games, and resources available for educators and students.

This document is a compilation of agriculture related resources to be used in virtual and remote learning.

Pictures, videos, and words are hyperlinked throughout the document.
Funding from this plate has impacted up to 200,000 students annually with lessons, materials, volunteers and teacher training. Annually up to $60K is distributed in grants to schools, FFA, 4-H and other Non-profit programs for Ag education initiatives by the Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Council.
Donate today to The Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Association
The Non-profit, completely volunteer, portion of MAITC. These funds are used directly to support teacher scholarships and recognition, and support volunteer participation for Ag education programs. Your donation is completely tax deductible and you can make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly donation which will support the mission, "to promote the understanding of agriculture and natural resources among students, educators, and the general public." If you have any other questions or would like to join this group please contact the chairman, Maryjane StaffordDonate Here.
Our Mission Statement
"To promote the understanding of agriculture and natural resources among students, educators, and the general public"  
28 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
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