To achieve the above targets, the following indicative strategies have to be considered:
1. Promote policies and programmes that will improve gender equality and Women's empowerment in 7 areas of intervention-economic, social and political participation, education and skills, training, science and ICT, health and governance.
2. Promote gender responsive budgeting.
3. Enact laws on Gender Equality and Representation.
4. Establish Gender and Equality Institutions.
5. Create gender data base on wealth and income distribution.
6. Domesticate and fully implement the convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
7. Domesticate and fully implement the Protocol of the Rights of Women in Africa as contained in the African Charter of Human and Peoples Right and the AU Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality.
8. Develop / promote polices that will enhance access to and control of productive assets (including financing by women and the youth.
9. Develop/implement programmes for tracking progress towards parity by Women with respect to access to productive assets/skills, participation in all levels of governance and advancement in positions within the public and private sectors.
10. Fully implement the Beijing Plan of Action (1995).
11. Fully harmonize national and regional gender policies, Women and development policies with the AU Gender Policy.
12. Develop /implement policies for faster progression of Women towards gender parity in all spheres of decision making/positions.
13. Establish funds dedicated to supporting the empowerment of Women and Youth.
1. Develop/implement policy guidelines for the setting up of High Level Panel on the Empowerment of Women and implementation of the recommendations.
2. Develop/ coordinate frameworks for the setting up of a Continental Gender Observatory.
3. Promote the setting up of a Gender Center of Excellence in AUC/NEPAD.
4. Put in place an Africa Gender Parity Index and use it for tracking progress towards gender parity in Africa.
Researcher's Note. Evelyn Joe
AU Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality.