Our newsletter is free and anyone can subscribe, regardless of membership status. It’s part of our commitment to equity - ensuring that any interested staff, board member, volunteer, or champion of the nonprofit community can access this resource. We recognize you as part of this powerful network! We welcome you to share this newsletter with others working with nonprofits. If you prefer not to receive this weekly newsletter you can unsubscribe at any time using the link in the email footer.

February 28, 2023
Photo from Eastport Arts Center, Member Since 2014. Photo by Lauren Koss.

The mission of the Eastport Arts Center (EAC) is to stimulate and nurture an appreciation of the visual and performing arts and the creative process, and to provide a home and an environment within the community where they can prosper. EAC nurtures and promotes six year-round constituent groups engaged in theater, art, music, film, education and community outreach.
Have a new annual report? Send it to membersupport@nonprofitmaine.org and we'll add it to this crowdsourced library of sample Maine annual reports. Plus, check out MANP's own reflections on 2020-2022.
Call for Proposals: Our friends at Maine Philanthropy Center invite workshop proposals on the theme "Forward Together: Urgent Action for Collective Justice" for their upcoming conference in May. Deadline: March 3.
Beyond Black History Month
As Black History Month comes to a close, make a commitment to continue learning and taking action year round to advance equity in our communities. Here are 4 ideas:
An Introduction to Community-Centric Fundraising
Community-Centric Fundraising (CCF) is a grassroots movement that seeks to move philanthropy and fundraising forward in a way that centers racial and economic justice. You’ve probably heard of the concept, but as a young(ish) movement, many in the nonprofit sector are still unsure how to implement CCF in their own practice.

MANP has partnered with our colleagues in Minnesota to provide members with discounted access to a one-day training on the Community-Centric Fundraising movement, its Principles, and how to incorporate CCF into your work.
Spotlight on Community-Centric Fundraising
March 21st, 11am-5pm ET
Plus, did you know that there's a Maine chapter of the Community-Centric Fundraising movement? Find upcoming meetings on the Maine Philanthropy Center calendar!
Get Support to Make Data-Informed Decisions
Our friends at Data Innovation Project (DIP) offer free, one-time sessions to Maine-based mission-driven organizations to help with data or evaluation-related issues. These "data clinics" include up to 90 minutes of focused and individualized technical assistance.

DIP is currently accepting requests for 2023 clinics! Learn more and request a clinic.
Member Tip: Polish Your Organization's Profile
MANP's new Member and Business Finder directories make it easier for peers and partners to find you, but only if your listing is up to date!
Kudos to organizations like Maine GearShare, Good Shepherd Food Bank, Wiscasset Creative Alliance, DRC Consulting, and Jennifer Palow Project Management that have done so!
*Every individual can have a login, but only users who are the primary contact or have management access can update an organization's profile and contacts.

Contact membersupport@nonprofitmaine.org if you need permissions updated.
Maine's Senators Open Congressionally-Directed Spending Applications
Maine governments and nonprofits can apply for consideration to receive direct federal funding ("earmarks") for eligible projects that will have significant and measurable benefits across the state.

Senator Collins
  • Information and application portal
  • Deadline: 6:00pm, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
  • Questions? Staff are available to answer questions, provide feedback, or discuss proposals for submission. Contact any of the Senator's offices or email appropriations@collins.senate.gov with any questions.

Senator King
  • Information and application portal
  • Deadline: 5:00pm, Friday, March 17, 2023
  • Questions? There will be virtual informational sessions at 10am on March 7th and March 14th. Register by emailing CDSRequests@king.senate.gov with "Senator King FY24 CDS Informational Session" in the subject line of the email.

Maine's Representatives
  • Applications are not yet open, but we expect more information in the coming weeks.
DOL Issues Guidance on Applicability of FMLA and FLSA to Remote Workers
The U.S. Department of Labor issued a bulletin providing guidance to employers about the ways that the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) apply to employees who work remotely all or part of the time. The bulletin, which is written for a general audience rather than in legalese, includes answers to questions nonprofits may have about short break time, flexible work schedules, and meal times for staff who work remotely.
In the News
MANP champions the work and worth of Maine nonprofits and amplifies voices, contributions and challenges of nonprofit organizations in our communities. In recent news:
Job Watch
MANP's (recently enhanced!) job board is the go-to place for jobseekers and employers focused on purpose-driven work. Current opportunities include:
We're In This Together
The support of our nonprofit members and Friends is what makes it possible for MANP to offer Maine's nonprofit sector much-needed training, services, connections and advocacy.

Welcome to the following nonprofits that have joined in the past several months!
As part of our commitment to equity, MANP is committed to ensuring membership dues are not a barrier to joining the network. In addition to our sliding scale dues pricing, we offer customized discounts and scholarships to meet any budget. Reach out to membersupport@nonprofitmaine.org.

Move Over Bob Ross
If the photo at the top of today's newsletter whets your appetite for more, take an inspiration break with Eastport Arts Center's many videos, including visits with pastel painters, fiber artists, and concerts from the deck!
Reminders + Opportunities

  • A new Maine Tax Portal is replacing EZ Pay, I-File, and MEETRS. Those systems are being deactivated May 31, 2023.Learn more.
  • Grant Opportunity: The John T. Gorman Foundation will open its 2023 Direct Services Grant Program on Wednesday, March 1 and applications will be accepted until 5pm on Monday, April 3. An online information session will be held Wednesday, March 8.
  • Inclusion Maine Conference, March 28-31, South Portland. Training & resources for DEI advocates taking action to diversify Maine's workforce. Learn more.
  • What’s Your Story? AARP Maine’s 2023 Virtual Listening Tour provides an opportunity to share what’s on your mind about issues of importance to the age 50+ population across the state. Events go through March 22nd. Learn more.
  • The 2023 State of Grantseeking™ Survey spotlights recent developments in funding so that organizations can be more strategic in their grantseeking. Take part and share your experience. Deadline: March 31, 2023.
Trainings + Events

Save the Dates

On Demand/Ongoing
Maine Association of Nonprofits | 207.871.1885 | www.NonprofitMaine.org