Hope everyone is well and celebrating the first day of Spring!
Want to play better golf? There are many ways to improve your golf game. The first and most important way is to take a golf lesson. See what you need to work on. You may need to have a grip adjustment or maybe an alignment checkup, or you may be making some move in your golf swing that is affecting the path of the club to the ball. Whatever the reason, it is always good to have a PGA Professional look at your swing and tell you what you need to work on to lower your handicap and enjoy golf more.
After that lesson -- go practice! You should be going to the range to improve your muscle memory and reinforce what you learned at the lesson. A good item to have in your golf bag? -- alignment sticks. Almost every pro has one or two in their golf bags. They use them for checking their alignment, for putting mechanics and other drills. You can easily pick them up at any Home Depot or Lowes. Do not expect your game to improve just by playing on the golf course...you need to practice what you learned from your golf lessons.