The Temptation of Christ on the Mountain (1308-1311) Duccio di Buoninsegna
The Frick Collection, New York City

9:00 AND 11:15 A.M.

Dear friends,
Please come to worship this Sunday as we celebrate the First Sunday in Lent at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. in person, or at 9:00 online via YouTube. We would love for you to join us!

Saint Andrew's offers worship services in-person and online, trusting in the Holy Spirit that unites us whether we are in the same place. Worship at 9:00 in the sanctuary is livestreamed via the link below. The same link connects to the recorded service for those unable to attend on Sunday morning.

  • Download the worship bulletin here

  • Join worship on YouTube here

Links to online worship and worship materials are available in our weekly worship and newsletter emails, on our website and on our Facebook page, St. Andrew's Lutheran Church of Smithtown.

Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

St. Thomas of Canterbury and St. Andrew's are worshiping together for midweek Night Prayer services on Wednesday evenings, in person in the sanctuary at St. Thomas at 7:30 pm. Father John Jeffrey and Pastor Susan will alternate officiating and preaching at worship. You are invited to join our friends and full communion partners on the Lenten journey.

Communion Practice at Saint Andrew's

We celebrate the Lord's Supper from the altar.

The Pastor, wearing gloves, places an individual wafer into each communicant's hand and the worship assistant offers an individual, pre-filled disposable cup of wine to each communicant.

Communion is continuous; please follow the ushers' guidance on when to come forward.

After receiving communion please drop the disposable (and recyclable) communion cup into the bowl offered by the usher.

Please remember:
  • you may take either the bread, or the wine, or both elements
  • if you prefer to use a pre-packaged communion set, please let the ushers know when you come into worship
  • those not communing are invited to receive a blessing


In-Person - Thank you to Donna and Frank Meystrik, our hosts at coffee hour this morning following 9:00am worship. Please stop by for some conversation between services!
Would you like to host coffee hour after worship? Sign up through the church office at 631-265-2288 or by email at

Online - Zoom coffee hour is available for folks worshiping online, from 10 AM onwards. Here's the standing invitation for fellowship with other worshipers via our devices.

Meeting ID: 958 3173 5410 - Passcode: 241515

Dial in for telephone (audio) only: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Find your local number:

The Hinsch family thanks you for your prayers. If you would like to share comments, please visit the Caring Bridge link established for Judy:
"The restraint that frees"
David Ewart,
Almighty God, how can we thank and praise you enough for sending your Son to be one of us? Setting aside his power and privilege, he lived as a humble servant, and died a criminal’s death, to save unworthy sinners. We give thanks that though he is risen and exalted in heaven, he is yet with us through the Holy Spirit, who gives us power to resist sin. Keep us ever humble, ever willing to serve, and ever devoted to our Lord and Savior. In his blessed name we pray. Amen.


St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
30 Brooksite Drive, Smithtown, NY 11787
phone: 631-265-2288 fax: 631-265-4873
The Rev. Susan E. Shelhart, Pastor
Music Ministry: Madeline Hildebrand
Seminarian: Jean Dougherty