MARCO News, March 2016  

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MARCO Presents Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Products 

On Jan 29 th, MARCO hosted a public forum in Dewey Beach, Delaware to release an ambitious and wide-ranging set of information on the vast natural resources and economically-important uses of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean, which contribute to the health and vibrancy of the region's coastal communities. Leading ocean scientists and data managers received funding from MARCO to develop these analytical data products, including a Regional Ocean Assessment and data on marine wildlife and human uses in the Mid-Atlantic. The data will be considered by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body (MidA RPB) as they develop an Ocean Action Plan this year.

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Regional Ocean Assessment Now Online
The Regional Ocean Assessment (ROA), an interactive report summarizing the region's ocean ecosystem and the many ways people interact with the Mid-Atlantic Ocean, is now available online at In addition, information from the Marine Life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT) and Human Use Data Synthesis (HUDS) projects will soon be incorporated onto MARCO's Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal as new map layers.   
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New Grant helps advance MARCO's Climate Change Adaptation Priority Area  
MARCO has been awarded $514,507 through NOAA's FY 2016 Regional Coastal Resilience Grants. In collaboration with MARACOOS (via Rutgers and University of Delaware) and Monmouth University's Urban Coast Institute, MARCO will be working to enhance public understanding of the science behind changing ocean conditions and what this means in terms of the region's ocean resources and coastal economies. The project is anticipated to run through May 2018 and joins a growing portfolio of adaptation and coastal resilience efforts underway in the Mid-Atlantic. Read More
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Next Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Planning Meeting to be held in Baltimore, Maryland  

The next milestone in the Mid-Atlantic's regional ocean planning process will take place in Baltimore, Maryland from March 22 to the 24 th.   The Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body (MidA RPB) invites all interested stakeholders to register and attend this in-person public meeting. During the meeting, the MidA RPB will discuss draft components of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan (OAP) and next steps, including release of the draft OAP for public comment this summer.  Read More 
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Fond Farewell to MARCO Assistant Director Michelle Lennox
MARCO Assistant Director Michelle Lennox has recently accepted and begun work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as an Endangered Species Biologist.   Michelle has been with MARCO for four years, serving as its first staff member and was instrumental in advancing MARCO's growth and reputation. The MARCO team wishes her a fond farewell and the best of success in her new endeavor.    Read More  
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New Studies Highlight Offshore Marine Wildlife, Economics 

Two recent studies raise new awareness on offshore marine wildlife and the economy of the Mid-Atlantic ocean, respectively.   Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Studies: Distribution and Abundance of Wildlife along the Eastern Seaboard 2012-2014 was released in October 2015 as part of the Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies (MABS) project and provides new insight on offshore wildlife populations. Another report, released in February 2016 by the National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP) features the latest data and analysis on the health of the ocean and coastal economies - including a regional look at the Mid-Atlantic.
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Job Opportunity 

MARCO is seeking a part-time Administrative and Financial Assistant to support our small professional office. The successful candidate will exhibit the organizational and communication skills required to support MARCO and enable it to deliver products and services of value to the five member Mid-Atlantic States - New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.
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Upcoming Events    
The following events may be of interest to the Mid-Atlantic ocean community:     
Check the MARCO Events Calendar regularly for event updates and new postings. 
New Resources   

Established in 2009 by the Governors of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, MARCO provides a forum for our coastal Mid-Atlantic states to collaborate on shared regional priorities related to marine habitats, renewable offshore energy, climate change adaptation, and ocean water quality. MARCO initiated and oversees the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal to assist the region with ocean planning efforts. For more information about MARCO, visit our website,  


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MARCO Footer Image
Photo Credits: Header (L-R): Coral, NOAA-OER/BOEM; Wind turbines, Ralf Hettler; Kayaks, Raul Rosa; Shipping container, Dan Barnes; Schooling fish, Jet Chen Tan; U.S. Naval ships, Gina Addison. Body (top-bottom): Mid-Atlantic Ocean, NOAA; ROA screen capture,; coastal homes destroyed, NOAA; downtown Baltimore, Getty iStock; Laura McKay, Kate Killerlain Morrison and Michelle Lennox, Arlo Hemphill;. Footer (L-R) Fishing boat, William Sherman; Diver, Michael Eversmier; Beach scene, Chris Parypa.