Regional Planning Body lays foundation for Mid-Atlantic Ocean Action Plan and welcomes newest tribal member
Recent meetings on Mid-Atlantic regional ocean planning held in Norfolk, Virginia were marked by robust engagement among Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body (MidA RPB) members and stakeholders alike. The meetings focused on reviewing data products and advancing a set of interjurisdictional coordination (IJC) actions that will form the basis of a Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan (OAP) to be completed in mid-2016.
During the meetings, the MidA RPB also welcomed its newest member, the Pamunkey Indian Tribe from the Commonwealth of Virginia.
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Tribes of the Mid-Atlantic contribute to ocean planning
The Native American tribes of the Mid-Atlantic have an ancestral relationship with the ocean extending back thousands of years. As the region moves forward with an ocean planning process, these tribes play an important role both in sharing their traditional knowledge and advocating for their respective cultural and economic needs in the context of a Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan (OAP). MARCO is working with the tribes of the region to increase engagement and provide opportunities to participate in the ocean planning process. Read More
Regional events offer opportunities to engage recreational anglers, wind industry
MARCO has been participating in recent regional events in an effort to engage ocean stakeholders on the Mid-Atlantic ocean planning process. From August 1-7
th, MARCO hosted an information tent at the
42nd Annual White Marlin Open in Ocean City, Maryland and from September 29-30
th participated in the
AWEA Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition in Baltimore, Maryland. Both events were coordinated with the assistance of MARCO Stakeholder Liaison Committee representatives and offered new opportunities to introduce individuals to the ocean planning process.
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Examining safety considerations of planning tug and barge routes
A new "Ocean Stories" feature on MARCO's Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal takes a look at how the tug and barge industry is preparing for the future installation of offshore wind turbines along their routes. The story highlights the role the portal is playing in helping industry representatives work with the Coast Guard to develop new vessel traffic guidelines and a "safe navigation corridor" along the Atlantic Coast. The story contains digital interviews and links to several related maps.
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MARCO welcomes new Project Coordinator
MARCO is pleased to announce the arrival of Kaity Goldsmith as its new Project Coordinator. Kaity began her new role on August 3 and joins MARCO's existing staff members in supporting the Management Board in advancing MARCO's shared regional priorities.
Kaity had previously served with the Governor's Natural Resources Office in Oregon and earned a Masters of Environmental Management from Portland State University.
In addition to handling MARCO's administrative functions, Kaity will also support its climate change adaptation and ocean planning activities.
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State News
New York Department of State Launches Geographic Information Gateway website help improve resiliency, grow the economy and spur investment in New York State
Geographic Information Gateway (Gateway) is a state-of-the-art website providing public access to data, real-time information, interactive tools, and expert knowledge relevant to the Office of Planning and Development's activities throughout New York State. Interactive map viewers enable users to easily download, visualize, and explore geographic data. A Latest Conditions page provides access to real-time information across the State, such as water quality, tide levels, and beach conditions. Also included on this site are illustrated stories, which highlight case studies, showcase community success stories, and demonstrate how the Office uses available geographic information to improve planning and decision-making. The Gateway's suite of information and tools serves as a valuable resource for New York communities, an educational resource for schools and universities, and a guide for the responsible development of the State's resources.
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Upcoming Events
The following events may be of interest to the Mid-Atlantic ocean community:
Established in 2009 by the Governors of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, MARCO provides a forum for our coastal Mid-Atlantic states to collaborate on shared regional priorities related to marine habitats, renewable offshore energy, climate change adaptation, and ocean water quality. MARCO initiated and oversees the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal to assist the region with ocean planning efforts. For more information about MARCO, visit our website,
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