The Roberta and Jerome Shevin Speaker Series, lovingly established by their son Adam R. Shevin, represents the areas of education Roberta and Jerome committed their lives and work to: Holocaust Education, Jewish-Christian relations and Adult Jewish Learning. They believed deeply in the power of education as a unifying force and the topics of this series speak to that legacy.

This series will take place online.
Orchestra of Exiles
A Conversation Between
Dr. Robert Watson and Film Director Josh Aronson
May 5 | 7 PM
Join us for a special evening featuring Dr. Robert Watson and award winning film director Josh Aronson as they share the story of Bronislaw Huberman, the Polish violinist who founded the orchestra that became the Israel Philharmonic, as told through Aronson’s film “Orchestra of Exiles”.
Before the Nazis came to power Huberman was focused only on building his own monumental career but witnessing Hitler’s agenda was a call to action that Huberman could not ignore. Together they will explore Huberman’s personal transformation and subsequent heroic struggle to get Jewish musicians out of Europe during World War II.
You can view the film “Orchestra of Exiles" on Amazon (watching the film ahead of time is not a requirement to enjoying the conversation on May 5th).
Dr. Robert Watson is the author and editor of 40 books on topics in American politics and history. He is the Director of American Studies and serves as Professor of American Studies at Lynn University. Dr. Watson is a dynamic and engaging speaker who brings his subject matter to life in powerful ways.
Josh Aronson has directed MTV videos, television pilots and specials and over 500 commercials before turning to documentaries in 1999. Since then, Aronson has made award winning documentaries on a fascinating variety of topics. He is also a concert pianist and regularly plays chamber music in New York and at the Telluride Musicfest. 
$25 per household
Living Life in Radical Amazement - Inspired by the Teachings of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Presented by
Dr. Sandra Lilienthal
May 12 | 7 PM
Join Dr. Sandra Lilienthal for an evening filled with AWE, as she explores Rabbi Heschel’s concept of Radical Amazement. Whether it is because we are too busy running around, or because we are staying indoors while there is a pandemic, most of us have very little time or energy to "stop and smell the flowers." Built on Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel's teachings, we will explore both the theological and practical implications of living a life in which we direct ourselves to experience amazement and awe in the world that surrounds us, the people we meet and in our deepest selves. “As civilization advances, the sense of wonder declines. Such decline is an alarming symptom of our state of mind. Mankind will not perish for want of information, but only for want of appreciation. The beginning of our happiness lies in the understanding that life without wonder is not worth living. What we lack is not a will to believe but a will to wonder. (Heschel).” 
Dr. Sandra Lilienthal has a Masters in Jewish Studies and a Doctorate in Jewish Education. In 2015, she received the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. She is an Adjunct Professor at Gratz College, serves as Melton faculty both in Miami and Palm Beach County and is the author of the Pillars of Judaism curriculum. She is beloved and admired by all who learn with her.
$25 per household
Jules Isaac:
The French Jewish Historian Who Changed Christianity
Presented by
Dr. Samuel Edelman
May 19 | 7 PM
Jules Isaac's name is unknown to most in the Jewish world. More than 73 years ago Isaac, a famous French Jewish historian, wrote a critically important book titled "Jesus and Israel" during the height of the Holocaust while in hiding. The impact of his writing began a Jewish Catholic dialogue which would inspire and change Christian Jewish relations and alter the Catholic Church's attitude toward Jews in a dramatic and substantial way. Dr. Edelman will share Isaac's personal story and explain the importance of his writings in helping Pope John the 23rd in bringing about the Church's change of attitude toward Jews and Judaism as expressed in Vatican II and the document "Nostra Aetate".
Dr. Samuel Edelman is an Academic Fellow and professor at the Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies. He served as the first executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. Edelman is also an ongoing lecturer for Florida Atlantic University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Program. 
$25 per household
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The Department of Adult Learning & Growth.
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Todah Rabbah / Thank you!
For further information, please contact
Debbie Brodie-Weiss
Director of Development & Special Projects | 305-979-5788
305-576-4030 ext. 128 / 139
Relevant, Meaningful, Dynamic, Learning