Following the November elections there has been much speculation regarding the future of the Affordable Care Act. One of the suggestions most discussed has been a possible repeal with a delayed implementation date, to take place in two years. During this time, Congress would develop a replacement plan. However, President-elect Donald Trump has just recently mentioned that a repeal and replace should occur together. To repeal the ACA quickly, Congress may decide to pass a Budget Reconciliation bill this winter.
It is also unclear whether this process will include changes to Medicaid. This could include changes to the federal funds reimbursed to states and expansion to adults previously not covered under Medicaid.
As Congress debates a plan to repeal and replace the ACA, MASBHC will be working closely with the School-Based Health Alliance to block any efforts that impact health coverage and access for children and their families. In addition, MASBHC will continue to be a voice in Annapolis over the next 90 days to mitigate any federal impact at the State level.