JUNE 2017

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Building Linkages for Continued Success!

MASBHC's 2017 Annual Conference was a success! With over 150 attendees and with a variety of engaging and knowledgeable speakers. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us! 

SBHC Funding Opportunity

The School-Based Health Alliance is excited to announce a new competitive funding opportunity for our field.  Through generous support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, we are excited to begin Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment in School-Based Health Centers (SBIRT-in-SBHCS Phase II).
We are building on the lessons learned in SBIRT-in-Schools Phase I, and we are looking to fund four sponsoring agencies who can bring 2-4 school-based health centers into the initiative to plan and implement SBIRT in their SBHCs. 
Please click here for the Request for Applications (RFA) for complete details and the application component.
The due date for the RFA  June 30, 2017
For any questions concerning this opportunity, please email me at  talexander@sbh4all.org or give me a call at the number below.  

Improving Access to Care with School-Based Health Centers  

The National Conference of State Legislatures, May 2017 LegisBrief, focused on school-based health centers and how they are improving access to care for students across the nation.

The publication highlighted the fact that the presence of an SBHC improves educational and health status in low income communities, while also being associated with higher grade point averages, increased immunizations, and an increase in other preventative services. 

It also laid out Medicaid's role in supporting school based health centers. Currently, only thirteen states support medicaid reimbursement for SBHC's, yet it would be cost effective for more state medicaid programs to support SBHC's; SBHC's can save state medicaid programs anywhere from $30 to $969 dollars per visit. 

The publication also mentioned Maryland and the creation of the Council on the Advancement of School Based Health Centers.

"Several states, such as Nebraska and Maryland, have created advisory councils to ensure stakeholder interests are met or to promote integrating school-based health centers into state and local health education systems."