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Welcome Back from MASBHC

The Maryland Assembly on School Based Health Care would like to wish you and your students a wonderful 2016-2017 school year! Below you will find some helpful resources as well as opportunities for professional development that you may be interested in, or know someone that is! We will be bringing you more information like this in our monthly newsletter throughout the school year. So stay tuned! 

MASBHC has been hard at work this summer and here are some highlights of what we have been up to:
Wishing you all the best for a successful 2016-17 school from the Maryland Assembly on School Based Health Care's Staff and Board of Directors! 
Back to School Resources from the USDA

Help families get off to a healthy start this school year by incorporating these fun activities and resources into your school's back to school night or open house.    
  • Set up a resource table to remind families that nutrition and physical activity support better learning at school.
  • Invite families to taste samples of new and/or local food offerings that will be part of this years' school lunch or breakfast menu.
  • Take families on a tour of your school garden (or the location where your school plans to plant a school garden). 
  • Adorn the walls of your school with messages that communicate your support for healthy food and beverage choices.
  • Provide information about your school's wellness policy and how parents and students can participate on any school or district wellness committees

USDA's Team Nutrition has resources to help you achieve with each of these steps to help your school have the healthiest year yet.


Click here for USDA's Team Nutrition Tools and Resources 

American School Health Association Conference
Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel - October 6th-8th

A SHA's 2016 School Health conference taking place at Renaissance 
Baltimore Harborplace Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland from October 6-8 is a great resource for school health professionals across the US and internationally to learn, meet, and share ideas with like-minded professionals. 

Attendees represent schools, districts, state, communities, government, and other school health committed entities. Four interdisciplinary based tracks are offered during the conference for professionals to acquire the knowledge and resources to develop, support, and assess school health tenets while embracing the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model. 

You can register online or complete a fillable PDF to register for the conference. Prices are listed on the 2nd page of the PDF. 
Childhood Obesity Initiatives Workshop 
Derwood, Maryland - Saturday, September 24th - Free Registration!

The University of Maryland Extension and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation are pleased to invite you to a free Leadership Training for Childhood Obesity Initiatives Workshop from 9:30 to 3:30 on Saturday September 24, 2016 at the Montgomery County Extension Agency Office in Derwood, MD.

This one day training will provide an in-depth exploration of leadership theory and will provide practical tools and resources to build leadership capacity in order to support the important work of school based childhood obesity initiatives. This training is for formal and non-formal educators, parents, volunteers and those involved in leading school or community center based wellness councils, school gardens or other type of initiative which addresses childhood obesity.

Registration is free and participants will receive free lunch, light snacks and a participant packet. Please complete registration by September 13, 2016. To register click here. 

For questions please contact Lisa Gonzalez at or Annessa Bontrager at or call the University of Maryland Extension Montgomery County office at 301-590-9638.
Join the Maryland Breakfast Challenge 

As we embark on another school year, let's not forget the importance of a healthy breakfast on children's academic success: Kids who eat a healthy school breakfast do better in math, have higher attendance and are more likely to graduate.


School breakfast fuels academic success. Yet, each day too many Maryland students miss out. Make this school year the best one yet: take the Maryland Breakfast Challenge!


Already doing great work with breakfast? Show us what you got! Take the Maryland Breakfast Challenge! Connect more students with breakfast, and win cash and prizes for your school. 


Join the 2016 Maryland School Breakfast Challenge and you could win  great prizes for your school  including a $5,000 grand prize or  A surprise celebrity visit and party! 

Need more resources??

Here are some more resources as well as some literature that you may find useful: