A Focus on our FY25 Public Policy Priorities

February 22, 2024


  • There are 23 Community Action Agencies in MA working every day to meet the needs of every community with more than 100 programs and services as well as statewide and local collaboration and partnerships. Find your agency at
  • The National Community Action network is celebrating 60 years of inspiring hope and advancing opportunity since our creating as par of the Economic Opportunity Act in 1964.
  • 1 out of 4 households pay 50%+ of income on rent.
  • Approximately 1 in 5 of all MA households reported food insecurity. For Black and Latino/a households, it is as high as 1 in 3 households. (US Census Household Pulse Survey)
  • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Sites provide free tax prep and ensure access to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child & Family Tax Credit (CFTC) and other critical credits and services.
  • Heating Help is Here! You can get help paying a portion of your heating bills, no matter the heat source or whether you rent or own even if heat is included in rent. You can access additional energy saving programs as well.


Our public policy priorities support our mission to collectively advocate along with the state’s 23 Community Action Agencies to advance economic, racial, and social justice and to create communities where everyone thrives. Every day we work together to help MA residents living with low incomes to stabilize their lives and achieve economic prosperity.

Please join us in supporting the following line items:

Creating a Foundation for Economic Opportunity

Strengthening Families through Affordable and Accessible Early Education and Care

  • Support for Early Education Rate Reserve (3000-1042) - $60M
  • Support for Income-Eligible Child Care (3000-4060) – Embed Early Education Workforce Personal Child Care $20M
  • Support for Head Start (3000-5000) - $20M
  • Support for Child Care Resource Referral Access Management in Early Education Program (3000-2000) – $20M

Bridging the Wage Gap

Visit our Policy & Advocacy Page


Thank you to Senator Sal DiDomenico for your leadership and collaboration. Together we must prioritize those in need because as you said:

“If not us, then who? Who will help those in need who are too busy trying to survive”

Room 428 was full of legislators, legislative staff, Community Action leaders and staff and Allied Organizations.

Thank you to all!

We are stronger together!

Thank you to Representative Marjorie Decker for your passion and leadership in fighting for resources for those in need. As you said, we must remember:

“Poverty is not an identity. It’s a temporary status”

Miss the Briefing or need additional information? Please visit our website for more information and do not hesitate to reach out to or


Join us on May 2 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Community Action. Learn more and register here.

Need help or know someone who does? Find your Agency or contact us at

Need help staying warm, safe and healthy in your home? Heating Help is here. Visit for more info.

Tax Season is here! Need help accessing the new Child and Family Tax Credit or increased Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)? Free tax prep at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites

Looking for Affordable, Accessible, High Quality Child Care? Visit Early Education & Care

Looking for a job in Early Education? Visit Early Education & Care


Our Mission

To strengthen, unify, and advocate with the Community Action Statewide Network to advance economic, racial, and social justice and to create communities where everyone thrives.


Our Vision

All MA residents will prosper and thrive through equitable opportunity and resources to meet their basic needs, enjoy economic mobility, and build strong and inclusive communities.

The Community Action Network is strong and effective, known for its valuable work and excellent service delivery, and is an advocate and leading voice in the fight to end poverty and inequality.

Core Values

Equity • Inclusivity • Collaboration


Find your Agency

There are 23 Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts serving virtually every city and town in the state.  To locate the agency in your area and learn more about the programs they offer, click here.

#EndPovertyMA #CommunityActionWorks #CommunityActionMA

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