Dear Cienega Families,
It is amazing that the school year is just about over. Our students and staff can certainly see the "light at the end of the tunnel." It has been another great year for Cienega with so many outstanding accomplishments. Recently, our staff and students earned the A+ School of Excellence Award from the Arizona Education Foundation.
With just a few days remaining, it is imperative that our students finish strong academically. Please encourage your son or daughter to put their best effort forward as we approach final exams.
Below are some key points as we finish off the year. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Have a great summer and be safe. See you in July!
Senior Final Exam Schedule
  • Monday, May 13th Block Day (1 & 5)
  • Tuesday, May 14th Block Day (0 & 4)
  • Wednesday, May 15th Block Day (0 & 3)
  • Thursday, May 16th Block Day (2 & 6)
Freshman-Sophomore-Junior Final Exam Schedule
  • Tuesday, May 21st ½ Day (final exams 0, 3, & 4)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd ½ Day (final exams 2 & 6)
  • Thursday, May 23rd ½ Day (final exams 1 & 5)
  • Saturday, May 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the Tucson Convention Center
Summer School Information
Nemer Hassey


250+ Seniors paraded through eight surrounding schools in the District and had the opportunity to walk the halls and see former teachers that had an impact on their academic success. Some of our seniors got emotional and some were excited to see the smiles and laughter on the underclassman. Class of 2019 you should be proud!

Ocotillo Ridge Elementary

Old Vail Middle School

Acacia Elementary School

Rincon Vista Middle School

Desert Sky Middle School

Desert Willow Elementary School 

Cottonwood Elementary School 

During the assembly last week not only did we honor the seniors in spring sports, announce the prom royalty, and rally as Bobcat Nation...but we also gave away some great gifts to students who were entered in the TopCat drawing! Students who demonstrated good citizenship, living by the CAT Statement, and were taking care of their academics were given "tickets" to be in a drawing for these great prizes. The freshman class also had a drawing for just the Freshman Academy the following week.

Through donations from great partners like Josten's and funding from some of the extra things we do, we were able to give away a class ring, letterman jacket, graduation gear, Beats headphones, an Fender Guitar, JBL speaker, X-Box, and a TV among other things! Thanks to all of the students who were eligible to be in the drawing for making Cienega a positive and safe campus!

Photo credits- Richardo Lazzarraga 

Students from Ms. Erickson's Honors Chemistry class have been researching the effects of chemicals on the world's oceans. On May 1st 
and 2nd  , their endeavors culminated in a mock symposium entitled "Our Ocean Chemistry". Students presented their findings on ocean acidification, micro-plastics, pollution and how these chemical interactions affect humans and other species. Chase Dugger, when asked about the symposium said," I liked how I got to hear how different people approached ocean acidification, and the different research they did. All of the different studies from micro-plastic to sea otters. There was a lot of diversity in the projects people made."

The reason for the symposium is to have students experience what it is like to present scientific findings at the college-level with out all the pressure. "I really liked the atmosphere;" recalled Junior Annabelle Kish; "It was a good learning experience, especially from our peers. I felt we could connect in a way we sometimes can't with our teachers."
Students were able to choose between a slide presentation and a poster presentation. Students gave their talk at a scheduled time or presented their findings in a break out poster session. Students realized that while a poster presentation is more work up front, in the end there is less stress with the presentation. The slide presentation is easier to create, but there is more effort in presenting.

The Honor students dressed professionally; followed the format of an actual symposium; and supported each other through the process. When asked what they liked about this experience, Megan Morrison responded; 
"I liked how professional it was; we dressed nicely...and we did our presentations similar to an actual science convention." Mirabelle Orozco also liked the format and the students' responses to the format. "I liked how confident everyone was when presenting, especially since it was a first time event for everyone, during the symposium because it showed how great a support system this classroom offers."

Science teachers, their students and administrators were invited to attend the symposium as well. At first, the students became nervous upon hearing this. Ms. Erickson reassured the students that the teachers and administrators were there to support them and not judge them. In the end the students brought their best selves forward and performed exceptionally well. Mykenzie Chandler, a Junior, said "We got to see students perform to their best abilities on something they are passionate about."


Graduation Reminders
  • Ceremony is Saturday, May 18th a t the TCC. Seniors arrive at  5:00 AM and must be there by 5:45 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM for
  • guests. Tickets are required for admission. We have an overflow room next to the arena for guests without tickets.
  • Graduation Rehearsal is Friday, May 17 th in the gymnasium. Breakfast will be served at 8:15, Rehearsal starts at 9:00 AM.
  • Honors Night for Seniors is May 9 at 6:30 PM. Invitations were delivered the week of May 1st  to invited students.
General Reminders 
  • If your student is taking any courses through correspondence or Dual Enrollment through Pima, it is their responsibility to bring the transcript from that school to the registrar in order to get credit for the class and to be able to participate in graduation ceremonies. This deadline was MAY 1st unless taking a Pima class. That deadline will be two days after the class has been completed
  • Seniors must have passed all classes necessary for graduation to be in the ceremony. Verification of credits will be finalized on May 16th at 4:00pm. If a course required for graduation is not completed or passing by this time, the student will not be permitted to be in the ceremony. They can finish the class and still receive a diploma by the end of the school year, but cannot participate in the ceremony.
  • If nine absences are accumulated in any class regardless of the reason, unless it is a school related activity, the student will not pass the class and if the class is a required class for graduation, the student will not graduate. Attendance appeals can be scheduled with their counselor in the Library.
  • For students needing final transcripts to be sent to their college or university, they can be requested through and will be processed after grades are stored on May 28th.
  • The Class of 2019 is C2G!!


State Test Results
The results of the AZMerit and AIMs should be released to us from the state at the end of the school year.  We will go through and identify the students who earned Proficient (3%) and Highly Proficient (5%) on the AZMerit and apply it to those student's semester grades BEFORE reports are sent out.  We will not re-issue the fall report card, but will make the change on the transcript.  The same will be done for Biology students with their AIMs scores of Meets (3%) and Exceeds (5%).  At the beginning of next school year, students who earned the grade bump will be reminded that they are potentially exempt from their fall final in their respective math and English classes.  

Remember that your SEP Project Proposal must be APPROVED prior to shadowing and the Parent Consent form must be turned in to your junior English teacher BEFORE finals.

ACT Results
The ACT results came back early!  The accommodations and make up results are not in yet, but we'll notify those students when they do.  The ACT results for everyone else were passed out through their US History classes May 7th & 8th.  Directions for signing into  were emailed out by Mrs. Mat on May 7th and are linked here.  The Counseling Department will do an in-depth dive into your results in August.

Step 1: Go to:

Step 2: Click on the left "Create US Account 

Step 3: If you HAVEN'T made an online account before, then you haven't registered. Click "NO". You HAVE taken the ACT with us, so click "YES".

Step 4: Fill in your information and click continue. We recommend using a personal email address.

Step 5: Keep going!  You'll be actually making your account from here on out.  Please write down your info somewhere you will not lose it so that you can remember later.  :)  If you forget how to log in, you'll have to contact ACT.

Next school year the counselors will do an in-depth dive into your scores, but we wanted to make sure that you had these now in case you wanted to take the test again over the summer.

Have a great day, Class of 2020!


Cienega High School staff and students would like to send a shout out and a very big thank you to the parents, grandparents, and alumni parents that came through in a pinch to donate river rock, deliver river rock, donate crafting supplies, games, and an endless supply of time, energy and encouragement as we worked diligently to create meaningful activities for our non testing students during our testing days throughout the month of April. We wouldn't have been able to pull it off without all of your love, support and smiling faces! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Our community ROCKS!!!!!


Preparing a High School Resume for College Applications

Resumes are not only for jobs. A high school resume can provide a snapshot of your accomplishments, extracurricular activities, and work history. They can also be a useful preparation tool for a  college admissions interview  or to give to teachers and counselors who are writing letters of recommendation for you. If you are applying for an internship or a job or, you'll need to write a resume. A strong resume you will help to stand out from the crowd.
Summer is a good time to reflect upon your background and start putting your resume together. If you find that you don't have much information to put on your resume, you also have some time to work on activities to build your resume for the fall.
If you are a rising senior, summer is also a good time to complete your counselor recommendation packet. You will need to have this completed in order to get college recommendation letters from your counselor. In that way, your counselor can write a good personalized recommendation letter for you. Also, keep in mind that you should give your recommender several weeks of notice if you want them to write a letter for you; no one likes to be approached at the last minute for a recommendation letter. So give them plenty of time to write a good, thoughtful letter. You can access the Cienega high school counselor recommendation packet at the following link.
Here are some tips for what you should include to produce a standout resume for college and scholarship applications. Any of the sections below could appear on your resume for job, internship, or college applications. Pick an assortment that works for you!
  •  Heading with your name, address, and e-mail 
  •  High school information with your graduation date, GPA (weighted), class   rank, and SAT/ACT scores 
  • Academic awards, publications, honors, and other achievements 
  • Coursework (summer programs, college courses, or other specialized workshops that do not appear on your high school transcript) 
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Community service 
  • Work experience 
  • Hobbies
  • Special skills (e.g. foreign language fluency or HTML expertise)
Here is a useful link to help you get started on your high school resume.
Don't forget to have several people proofread your resume. They may point out errors or identify skills that you have overlooked. With a little effort and planning you can put together a good high school resume that can help you to achieve your job, internship or college admission goals!

Dainah l. Graham M.S., M.Ed.
College and Career Counselor


Congratulations to our Senior Cadets

Cadet Ciampa received  a 4 year full funded NROTC (U.S. Marine Corps option) scholarship to The Military College of South Carolina (The Citadel), Cadet Commanding Officer Frank Ciampa was awarded  an offici al Appointment to the U.S. Military Academy (West Point).

Cadet Ozrick Stavreff, Cadet Alexandra Basurto and Cadet Analisa Levario were awarded University of Arizona Presidential Navy ROTC Preparatory Scholarships.  This inaugural Navy ROTC scholarship program, designed specifically for NJROTC Cadets who are pursuing an Engineering, Math or Science degree, pays for all tuition, fees, books and room and board during their Freshman year at the University of Arizona.  At the successful completion of their Freshman year at the University of Arizona the scholarship converts to a 4 year fully funded Navy ROTC scholarship.

The NJROTC Exhibition Drill Team and Color Guard were invited to to participate in the Tombstone Rose Tree Parade on Saturday, 13 April 2019.  The cadets were outstanding Vail School District representatives.

NJROTC Cadets assisted with Cienega's A+ Celebration on 3 May 2019. They presented the Colors and the Exhibition Drill Team performed for those who attended. 

  Having a sense of hopefulness and confidence about the future, which involves a positive mental attitude through  which you interpret life events, people, and situations in a promising light.

~ Bobcat Volunteers ~ Important Information below ~ 
Any and All  volunteers...Please email me your TOTAL volunteer hours for this school year, 2018-19 by Monday, May 13thif you've been tracking them, if not, no worries. Thank YOU!   
Thank YOU to all of our SEP and SEP Proposal Review Volunteers this year! WOW!  What an AMAZING group of senior presentations! Thank you for the gift of your time in volunteering to judge or review our SEP's this year! Bless you all! 

Thank you  to all of our FABULOUS Volunteers, CatFRAT, Bobcat Parents, Grandparents and Community Members! Thank YOU for donating food, drinks, supplies, monetary and gift card donations, school supplies and your TIME! Cienega has the most kind, supportive and generous parents and volunteers around! THANK YOU so much BLESSING us!!! 
If you are interested in volunteering at CHS for the 2019-20 school year, please make sure to UPDATE your VOLUNTEER APPLICATION  or COMPLETE your ONLINE Application AFTER JULY 1, 2019!
Have a safe, blessed and delightful summer! 
Amy Burton
CHS Volunteer Coordinator
(520) 879-2811

2019 - 2020 

~ Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities at 
Cienega ~
If you or your business would like to partner with Cienega for the 2019-20 school year for a Sponsorship or Advertising package, please contact: 

Mr. Nemer Hassey (520) 879-2816 
Amy Burton 

Thank you for your consideration and continued support of 
Cienega High School! 


Congratulations to the following Bobcat for being our 
Phat Cat drawing winner.

Elisa McRea 12th grade
Won a JBL Flip 4 Portable Bluetooth Speaker. 


Thank you parents and community  for your support. We truly appreciate your involvement! 

Cienega High School


5/6 - 5/17 AP Exams

5/9 Senior Honors Night 

5/18 Graduation Ceremony at TCC 7pm

5/23 Last Day of Classes for Students 12:40pm




Cienega High School
Vision Statement
Cienega High School creates an educational environment utilizing partnerships among community, parents, and staff to assist students in maximizing their academic potential and promoting life-long learning.
Front Office - 879-2800     Attendance -  879-2803   
Bookstore - 879-2824 
Registrar - 879-2812

Health Office - 879-2810

Front Office/200 House   
Nemer Hassey
Secretary - Chris Rich 

300 House
Assistant Principal
Dean Nourse

Secretary - Gianni Wanaka 

Education Center
Eric Boxley 
A-C 879-2854
Rebecca Carrier-  D-G 879-1825
Colette Alvarado-  H-L 879-2904
Sylvia Lewandowski-  M-Q 
Sheri Mitzel -  R-S 879-2868
John Tritz - T-Z 879-1843  
Dainah Graham - 879-2819
Bobcat Scholar Academy

400/600 House/Athletics    
Assistant Principal 
Kelly Hadden
Athletic Director - Whitney Holland - 879-1813            

Secretary -  Sandi Morrison

500House/Special Education  
Assistant Principal 
Kim Middleton
Secretary - Cassandra Bahrychuk 879-2874

Special Education Secretary Patty McKnight 879-1804
Communications Coordinator
Juanita Mari- 879-2815   
CHS website:                 


Sodexo - 879-2090 or 

District Office - 879-2000

Transportation - 879-2475

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 Follow CHS on Twitter 

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CHS Online Store
Spirit Wear & More!

 Click here for Online Ordering  





Job Openings

Are you looking for a job?


The Vail School District is looking for dynamic, energetic and positive staff members. Please click on the link below for the job descriptions, qualifications, salary guide, and the application process.


Click for job openings here   


Cienega High School

It's that time of year again to pre-order your yearbook.