Hello and happy May long weekend!
The May long weekend has always marked the unofficial start of the cottage season. It is an exciting weekend as we get onto the water to enjoy the beauty of Muskoka in spring. And as we do that, we
should be alert to cold water and safety best practices. A good reminder of the various ways to stay safe
Safe Quiet Lakes is very happy to announce that we have added 2 new directors on our board. Larry Johns has an executive background in technology and finance and has recently served on the Muskoka Lakes Association board as Treasurer. Wanda Walkden has an executive background in human resources, corporate communications and experience in leading health and safety education. As we welcome these new board directors, we would also like to thank Greg Wilkinson who is retiring from the board. Greg was a founding member of Safe Quiet Lakes and led our advocacy efforts. He has devoted an enormous amount of time and passion in promoting safe boating. We are grateful for his many contributions and for the sparkling wit he brought to every occasion.
The 2021 Your Lakes, Your Views Survey has launched and we would like your input! Safe Quiet Lakes sets our priorities based on the data from the survey, so we want to hear what is important to you. Over the years we have fielded one of the most comprehensive surveys of lake users conducted in Ontario. Our last survey had over 3,300 responses. The insights from these responses have been used by local and federal governments and by lake associations as a basis for developing programs and strategies. For us they form the basis of our actions and priorities.
Our 2021 Survey is in partnership with over 40 lake associations in Muskoka and Georgian Bay, along with the Marketing Research and Business Intelligence program of Algonquin College. The survey is open to all between May 20th and July 12th . We encourage everyone in your household to complete it so that we get everyone’s views. The survey results report will be made public in late August. Click here to have your views heard. Our summer Outreach programs will include webinars and some new signs and educational material. As always, please feel free to contact me with ideas or questions: chair@safequiet.ca
Enjoy your long weekend!
Warm regards,
Diana Piquette
Chair, Safe Quiet Lakes