We have so much to celebrate in the month of May! Not only is May is National Foster Care Awareness Month and Mother's Day, but also it is our birthday month! Check out all of the good news below!

May is Foster Care Awareness Month

On an annual basis, Place of Hope is caring for thousands of foster children and youth who have come into care, at no fault of their own, having suffered severe abuse, neglect, abandonment and even human trafficking. 

Place of Hope offers housing and support services designed to end the cycles of abuse, neglect, homelessness, poverty, and human trafficking. We offer support to children, youth, and families in desperate need, and are one of the largest and most diverse residential children and families organizations in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast. We strive daily to help our children, youth, and families find true healing and restoration, which leads to healthy, successful lives.


  • In March 2022 just in Palm Beach County, there were over 1,700 children under DCF supervision due to abuse, neglect, abandonment, homelessness or trafficking.
  • Nearly 30,000 children in the state of Florida were  under DCF supervision in March 2022.
  • One of the main reasons for removal from a caregiver is drug or alcohol abuse. 
  • The national average for graduation for children in foster care is less than 57% and less than 2% of foster children will go on to post secondary education. 
  • Last year Place of Hope had 21 graduates, and we are on track again this year for every eligible youth to to graduate high school!

In honor of the children, youth and families we have served and will continue to serve well into the future, make a gift today. Make your gift a lasting gift by setting up a monthly recurring gift. Your gift today creates a lifetime of hope. 

Donate Today

Stories of Hope from Our Programs


Recently, we received a sibling group who were homeless, living where ever they could find shelter with their parents who were drug addicted. Thankfully, we were able to take in the sibling group keeping them together!

After several weeks in our care, the siblings expressed this is the first time in their lives they felt safe, loved and clean. 

Two of our girls were selected to represent Palm Beach County at the Future Youth Leadership Academy! This is an incredible accomplishment and a testament to their dedication, hard work and perseverance!

Two of our boys are doing so well in school! One of them received the principal's award for academics and behavior!

We took in two new boys over spring break and we spent it with them on new adventures like  hiking and various parks. At Lion Country Safari, we saw bobcat moms and babies, a Great Horned Owl and her babies, alligators and so much more. We also spent a day surfing the rapids at Rapids Water Park. So many great memories were made this Spring Break!

May Means it is Our Birthday!

We are turning 21! In just 21 years, we have served over 21,000 children youth and families in Palm Beach and the Treasure Coast. For our birthday this year, we have received an amazing gift: an 11-acre campus in Stuart which will become the Regional Headquarters for our Shade Tree Outreach Program! Our Shade Tree Outreach Program is estimated to serve between 5,000 - 10,000 children and families each year! This is certainly reason to celebrate!

Since opening our doors in 2001 we have kept over 600 sibling groups together, created over 350 forever families through adoption, served hundreds of single moms, moms-to-be and babies, transitioned nearly 200 young adults into healthy adulthood, provided high-quality and comprehensive case management and therapy to nearly 50 human trafficking victims and survivors

Our ability to serve our communities neediest and most vulnerable is not possible without the generosity and dedication from our supporters like you. Help us celebrate with one of the ways below!

Make a gift!

Make a one time or recurring gift in honor of Foster Care Awareness Month

Share the good news with friends!

Share why you support Place of Hope with your friends and family!

Host a drive or a party!

Help us meet the needs by hosting a drive or party with a purpose!


We are serving our community's single moms with children who need support, stability and resources, love and guidance. Just in 2021, we cared for nearly 20 single new moms-to-be in our Joann's Cottage, a faith-based, family-style maternity home for girls providing comprehensive care for young mothers and young mothers-to-be, our Leighan Roberts Rinker Parenting Cottage, our Villages of Hope Campus, and soon to be our Stuart Campus!  

Meet Brenda! Brenda is a 27-year-old, single mother to six year old Mia. Brenda and Mia were living in a trailer with eight other people. Her desire for more for her and her daughter's lives included safe and affordable housing. Her boss knew of Villages of Hope and encouraged Brenda to submit an application. Brenda is currently a lead teacher at her school and is striving toward completing her education and receiving her degree. We are thrilled to share that due to her hard work and the generosity of the PEO Sisterhood Chapter AL, Brenda received a $2,500 scholarship grant towards her books and classes and is enrolling at Palm Beach State College! We are proud of Brenda's determination to create a successful future for her and Mia.

Make a gift to support our programs caring for our community's single moms.

Upcoming Events!

The Hope Collection is live! Bubs & sass, a local Jupiter jewelry company, has partnered with us to create a special line called "The Hope Collection" inspired by the girls in our care. Owner Alyssa said, “I knew I wanted to share my story and expertise with a group of teenage girls. When I was introduced to Place of Hope it was a no brainer…I found my girls. They were amazing! There was so much talent and enthusiasm in the room that day. I can’t wait to do it again!” She explains after going to Place of Hope and meeting a group of our young ladies. The collection has 14 signature pieces sold throughout May, and 100% of the proceeds will be given back to the non-profit. Shop now at

To Our Moms With Love!

We are serving our community's single moms with children who need support, stability and resources, love and guidance. Join us May 7 at JMcLaughlin in Hobe Sound for a wonderful afternoon celebrating Moms and raising funds for Place of Hope and the single moms with children we care for each day.

Shop the spring collection with 15% of your purchase going back to Place of Hope!

Gather your ladies and join us for an afternoon of shopping, sipping and loving on our community's single moms with children.

Our 6th Annual Fish for Hope KDW Tournament is less than two weeks away! Whether you are fishing & fundraising or not, you can still support Place of Hope by participating in our raffle and silent auction. You do not need to be present to win!

We have a great line up of items that will be on display during our Awards Dinner party on May 14, from 6PM - 9PM at Harbourside Place Jupiter. Purchase your tickets to attend the Awards Party or purchase your raffle tickets by scanning the QR code or visit today!

Silent auction will be live this Friday, May 6. Check back then to start browsing and bidding!

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