Photo by Madison Elizabeth Scheps
The Thinking Woman's Almanac
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt
During the worst of this past February and March, in order to support my sanity, I became ruthless about keeping bouquets of flowers available in the studio.
Simultaneously focusing on studio triage. I stuffed some failed works on paper
into the recycling drawer of the studio flat file; anyone working here is welcome to remove anything from it for any purpose whatsoever. I threw out, or painted over,
some works I never wanted to see again. The results have been very gratifying.
A prime candidate for triage was an 18" x 24" Aquabord used originally for a portrait of someone who shall remain nameless. Washing off most of this in my ancient ball-and-claw bathtub resulted in the perfect substrate for the first of a series of floral still-lifes, each dominated by a specific hue.
Annie washing down Aquabord |
The resulting substrate |
Van Gogh's Bathtub, oil, 8" x 8," 2012 |
Here's Spring Magnet; the very green set-up was put together in anticipation of St. Patrick's Day, for which I often do a seasonal still life. This time, the set-up lasted long enough for a second version, in oil, and also for three of my students to do their own versions, each from a different vantage point in the studio. Judy Schiff's Flower Storm is in acrylic. Desiree Perez Rodriguez and Marge Wolf each made of use of a previously abandoned watercolor. Desiree's is on an 8" x 8" Aquabord, while Marge's Flower Study, Very Green is on paper.
Annie Shaver-Crandell's Spring Magnet,
watercolor on Aquabord, 18" x 24," 2018
Annie Shaver-Crandell's Green on Green on Orange, oil, 24" x 24," 2018 |
Judith Schiff's Flower Storm, acrylic |
Desiree Perez Rodriguez's Annie's Blue Board, watercolor on Aquabord |
Marge Wolf' s Flower Study, Very Green, watercolor |
Yellow on Yellow on Yellow, oil, 30" x 20," 2018
Copper Pitcher and February Flowers, oil, 30" x 20," 2018 |
Bye, Bye, Blues,
oil, 30" x 20," 2018
Coral Roses and Tulip, oil, 24" x 24," 2018 |
Eucalyptus, Statice, Roses and Tulips,
20" x 30," 2018
I continue to enjoy our monthly monotype parties at the
Salmagundi Club. An experiment with a watercolor-based version of the medium yielded
Sheep, watercolor monotype 1/2,
8.5" x 10," 2018
But I had enough trouble with the preparation of the Plexiglass plate with gum
arabic (no one's fault but mine) that last time I reverted to oil-based ink. As I am
still apparently in my animal husbandry phase as a monotype artist, the most recent
effort is
Angus and Herefords.
Angus and Herefords,
monotype, 5 3/4" x 7 3/4," 2018
The club's next monotype events are May 8, June 12 and July 3. These are open to non-members as well as Salmagundians, and are quite extraordinary -- wonderful opportunities to see others' modes of working, and to make new friends as well as art. If interested in participating, see details at www.salmagundi.org
Lavender Fields and monotype Three Graces will be available for bidding at
Salmagundi Club Spring Auctions, to be held May 11 and 18, both at 8:00 pm.
In the meantime, the auction exhibition will be on view as of April 30-May 18,
weekdays 1-6 pm, Saturdays and Sundays 1-5, with a public reception May 3, 7-9 pm.
Lavender Field, watercolor,
11" x 15," 2014
Three Graces, monotype 1/2, 5 7/8" x 8," 2016
Attentive Leaders, depicting an evening of Argentine tango at the club in the Upper Gallery pre-renovation, won first prize -- a gorgeous set of brushes -- at the recent Salmagundi exhibition of works about the club itself.
Attentive Leaders |
Annie with her prize brushes, the 15-brush Alla Prima Oil Brush Set
from the excellent Rosemary Brush Company
Space is currently available in my group painting classes, offered in my Bond Street studio. Class is in session three times a week, on a drop-in basis. All experience levels welcome. Email me for details about these and private lessons.
Classes have begun. A few spaces remain.
Current schedule:
Monday 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm
A typical workstation
Please go to Annie's store to purchase Gift Certificates. click here for
Annie's Store.
Gift Certificate
for classes with Annie
at the Bond Street Studio
One 3-hour Group Lesson with Annie Shaver-Crandell at the 39 Bond Street Studio $40
Completed puzzle, photo Delight Dodyk
Lavender at Abbey of Senanque, pastel on paper, 17" x 22 3/4" |
Three Trees, Comps, pastel on paper, 8 15/16" x 11 3/4"
Tiepolo in Manhattan, pastel on gessoed paper, 14" x 18"
May Morning, pastel on gessoed paper, 13.5" x 10.5," 2000 |
Two of the pieces (
Tiepolo and
May Morning) were done on paper prepared with a coat of pastel gesso ground to which I added pumice gel and fluid acrylic.
What I've been reading recently:
Coming in Annie's next newsletter,
Profile Views
Photo by Joseph Dalton |
Detail of unfinished cow painting
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I love hearing from all of you with all your questions and comments. Please feel free to write me at
annieshavercrandell@gmail.com and I promise to reply. Your comments help me build my studio.