Bishop Brossart High School
May 2022

It’s hard to believe, as I type this, we have a little over three weeks left for the school year. Time is flying by as it always does this time of the year. I hope everyone is having a Happy Easter Season and enjoyed the break from school.

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has made my first year as principal a great year. When Mr. Ridder retired last year and I accepted the position, I thought I knew what to expect. Well obviously until you are in a position, you never really know. Yet, again, this year proved what a great community we have at BBHS.

We want to wish everyone a happy, safe, and fun summer break. We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2026 next school year and can’t wait to see all the students return led by the Class of 2023.

Finally, I would like to wish the best to our graduating seniors, the Class of 2022. They have had an unusual high school experience, but they have made the best of it and are already making us proud. I believe they will continue to grow in their faith and be a wonderful addition to our alumni community. Please keep them in your prayers as this year comes to a close and we celebrate their graduation on May 22nd. So here is to our Senior Class of 2022.

God Bless,
Chris Holtz

The $100 Registration Fee for 2022-23 is now due for current Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors who will be returning to Bishop Brossart High School next year. 
Deadline for Registration is May 16th
Checks should be made payable to Bishop Brossart High School and sent to the school office.
Tuition Rates for 2022-23:                  
In-Diocese            $ 7,590.00
Out-of-Diocese    $ 8,345.00
Family Rate (In-Diocese) -     $14,780.00
Subject Fees 2022-23: The following scale applies to each student in the grade level:
Freshmen       $380
Sophomores   $380
Juniors            $405
Seniors           $555
YEARBOOKS - On sale through May 6.

If you haven't ordered your 2021-2022 yearbook and would like to, please go to and search for Bishop Brossart.   Cost is $68 

Bishop Brossart senior art students will have their work on display in the Bishop Brossart Art Gallery this month.

Emma Decker, Lydia Haubner, Zach Kahmann, Bianca Schmidt, Grace Schroeder and Rylee Schultz, our six senior art students, will all have work on display.

The Gallery will be open for the public to view the students' work on:

Sunday, May 8 - 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Sunday, May 15 - 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Sunday, May 29 - 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Summer Reading 2022

Over the summer, all Bishop Brossart students have summer reading from their English class. The expectation is for each student to read the novel prior to returning to school in August. Students should expect some form of assessment covering the novel. Below are the novels selected by the English teachers. 

Incoming Freshmen: Ripper by Stefan Petrucha

Incoming Sophomores: The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

Incoming Juniors: 
American Literature: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
AP Language and Composition: Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover

Incoming Seniors: 
British Literature: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
Dual Credit: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
        The Plague by Albert Camus

Volleyball clinics for any 5-8th grader will be held on Wednesdays in May. All clinics will be held at the BBHS Gym.

May 4- Passing/ Defense 4-5:30 pm
May 11- Setting/ Serving 4-5:30 pm
May 18- Hitting/ Blocking 4-5:30 pm

Each clinic is $5. Come to one or come to them all!. Please sign up ahead of time via the link.

Volleyball Camp will be held Monday, July 11- July 13, 2022 from 8:30-11:30 am.
Please sign up and pay via Go Fan Website

Volleyball Open Gyms will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in June from 4-6 pm.
 Any player (7th-12th grade) wishing to try out may participate. Please contact Bree Velazquez for any volleyball questions @ 
Opinions / Comments!!   
Contact: 635-2108 Ext. 7704 

$90,222.22    $88.050.88        211        June 30, 2022
It was a great year to be a Mustang! With the exception of a few weeks of mask wearing, we were able to have a normal school year. Our students were educated all year long in their classroom, they sat at lunch wherever they wanted and next to whomever they pleased.  They had the opportunity to experience school dances, sporting events, academic competitions, numerous assemblies, and the Senior Play together.  We could pray and worship together without restrictions.  For the first time in nearly two years, our students were able to experience what it truly means to be a Mustang!
Your generosity through the Annual Appeal allows us to provide our teachers and students with the most current technology, textbooks, and workbooks. The Annual Appeal helps us provide our students with the best possible education and experience here at Bishop Brossart High School. It also affords us the opportunity to keep tuition costs low so that all families have the chance to provide a Catholic education for their child. We thank you for your support of this year's Annual Appeal and all that you do for the BBHS family.
Please consider contributing to this year’s Annual Appeal. Help us make this our most successful year yet, both in terms of amount raised and total number of contributions. Your gift will support the students of today and the Mustangs attending in the future. You can make a secure online contribution on our website:  On this page you can track how close we are to our goal, and it ranks classes by the amount given and the number of class members who have donated. We are forever thankful for your generosity and support of the students of BBHS.
May God Bless each of you for everything you do for Bishop Brossart High School.
APRIL MUSTANG MONTHLY WINNERS… $50 each: Dan & Brenda Williamson, Milissa Schack, Joey Hickman, Becca Faulkner $25 each: Tom Holtz, Lucy Reeder, Ron & Shauna Dunlevy, Leann Ward, Stephen & Barbara Goderweis, Dan & Sue Feldman. The next drawing is May 2nd at the monthly PTU meeting.
FIRST FRIDAY MASS… There will be a First Friday Mass in St. Francis of Assisi Chapel on Friday, May 6th at 6:45 am. All are welcome to join in mass and a light breakfast in Hegenauer Hall afterwards. 
$10,000 DERBY DAY RAFFLE… Tickets are now available for the $10,000 Derby Day Raffle on Saturday, MAY 7th. Each raffle card has 10 spaces costing $10.00 per space or you may purchase the entire card for $100.00 with all proceeds benefiting the BBHS PTU. ONLY 250 CARDS WILL BE SOLD. For tickets call 859-635-2108 Ext 1017 or
Baseball Alumni Night... Monday, May 2nd at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s. The Mustangs play the Scott Eagles. All Baseball Alumni and one guest will get in for free. Baseball Alumni will be recognized before the start of the game.
Track and Field Alumni Night... Wednesday, May 11th at 5:00 p.m. at the MAC. The Mustangs will be racing against Villa Madonna, Beechwood, and Walton Verona. All Track & Field Alumni and one guest will get in for free. Track & Field Alumni will be recognized before the start of the meet.
Drama Camp... Presents Disney Frozen Kids – Auditions will be Thursday, June 9th from 3:30-5:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 11th from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Camp will be Monday, June 13th-Friday, June 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. The show will be Saturday, June 18th at 3 p.m.
STUDENT SHADOW… Any 8th grade student interested in shadowing for a day at BBHS can contact Tony Harden to schedule at (859) 635-2108 ext. 7704 or email at
BBHS SPRING CONCERT… BBHS music students will perform at their spring concert on Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 pm in the Munninghoff Family Performing Arts Center. All are welcome!  
BBHS GOLF OUTINGS… Circle your calendar! Get your foursomes together for a great day on the course. Both outings will be held at A J Jolly Golf Course and include 18 holes with cart, breakfast, lunch and dinner at the course, beer and refreshments, and the Jeff Wyler Buick / GMC “Hole in One” contest for a 2022 Buick.
34th Annual Ladies Outing - Thursday, June 16
9 a.m. start time
$90.00 - Call 781-4337 for reservations
43rd Annual Men’s Outing – Friday, June 17
8 a.m. or 1 p.m. starts available
$100.00 - Call 635-4657 for reservations
The BBHS annual golf outings are quickly approaching.  We need your help with sponsorships and donations, as well as, your attendance at one or both outings. 
These outings benefit ALL MUSTANG SPORTS PROGRAMS. The expenses to operate all the sports programs at BBHS exceed $200,000 a year. Entry fees, uniforms, equipment, supplies, transportation, officials, and salaries make up the bulk of this amount.  Revenues from participation fees, gate receipts, District and Regional shares, advertising, concessions and spirit apparel do not even cover half the expenses. We rely on the golf outing and other operations to help cover the remaining deficit. With your support of the golf outing, we can help cover these costs.
Please consider being a sponsor, or, asking your employer or a business contact to be a sponsor.  Sponsors will include advertising at both outings.  Corporate sponsorships are also available. 
Certificates for door prizes, goodie bags, or raffles are also needed.  Do you have any gift cards from Christmas that you haven't used? Donate them!  Can you donate Reds tickets, Bengals tickets or concert tickets?  Do you have a vacation home and can donate one week's use?  We are a 501c3 nonprofit and our TIN number or acknowledgement letter can be provided upon request.
If you have any questions, please contact Tony Harden at or 859-635-2108 ext. 7704.  Sponsorship forms, and reservation forms are available online at  Jump on the MUSTANG bandwagon and be part of TWO great events!!!
Keep up to date on all things Brossart, LIKE our FACEBOOK page.
SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS... Find more info at
Girls Soccer                 May 31-June 2  8:30-11:00am
Girls Basketball           June 13-16       9:00-11:30am
Boys Basketball           June 20-23      8:30-11:30am
Boys Baseball              June 7-9           9:00-12:00 Noon
Volleyball                     July 11-13        8:30-11:30am
Football                        July 13            6:00-9:00pm
Boys Soccer                July 11-13       8:30-11:00am

OrthoCincy and St. Elizabeth will again offer FREE sports physicals for your student-athletes in Edgewood, KY.


Don’t forget to use our scrips program for gift cards, birthdays, weddings, etc. We also carry gas cards and Kroger cards for your everyday purchases.
Order forms are available on the school website or you can contact Pat Bremke at

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Bishop Brossart High School

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(859)635-2135 Fax
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