D. Brian Murphy, President
June 2022
Volume XLVI, Issue 6

In This Issue...
Ann's Article...........................Page 2
CLEs......................................Page 3
Lawyer Wellness....................Page 4
Young Lawyers......................Page 5
Women Lawyers....................Page 6
VZC Bar.................................Page 7
Significant Decisions.............Page 8
Member Spotlight..................Page 8
SAVLP...................................Page 9
In the News...........................Page 10
Mobile Bar Foundation..........Page 12
Birthdays...............................Page 14
President - D. Brian Murphy
President Elect - Forrest S. Latta
Vice President - Raymond Bell
Secretary - Catherine S. Kirkland
Treasurer - Suntrease Williams-Maynard
Asst. Treasurer - Mary Margaret K. Bailey
Executive Director - Ann F. Sirmon
Editor - Tiffany Ray
As I write this article, we are on the eve of primary elections.  By the time this is published, most of the contests will be decided (runoffs are scheduled for June 21) and the winners will begin to focus their attention on the general election in November.  There are several local races of particular importance to our Bar and I hope that all of you voted and encouraged others to vote.  Fortunately for us, we have a qualified slate of local candidates, most of whom are active members of our Bar.

Because we have such accomplished and qualified candidates at the local level, it has been disappointing to witness some of the negative advertising that has been on display.  Most of this was likely done at the insistence of paid “advisors” and “strategists” who appear to take a win-at-all-costs approach.  Maybe this is what it takes to win in this age of divisiveness.  Or, maybe it has always been this way.  In either circumstance, it would be nice to see it stop.  The candidates are all good people and are better than what has been spilling out from some of their campaigns.

At the state and national levels, there are primary contests for Governor, the Alabama Supreme Court, and the U.S. Senate, among others.  For the past few weeks, we have all been inundated with TV and radio ads, mailers and social media posts related to these contests.  Seeing it all makes me wonder how many people feel like I do and just want to quickly get back to the “good ol’ days” of being bombarded with lawyer, pharmaceutical and insurance company commercials!  Many of these political commercials make lawyer commercials seem boring.  Most have the same themes: “I’m Trumpier than my opponent!” or “Trial lawyers are evil!” or my personal favorite, “My gun is bigger than your gun!” – most of the time featuring the candidate in hunting gear that has obviously never been worn before.  Again, my assumption is that some advisor or strategist tells candidates this is what it takes to win, and unfortunately, they’re probably correct.

Now that my political rant is over, let me tell you about some of the great things being accomplished by our Bar.  We had a terrific turnout for the May Law Day luncheon.  Jeff Sessions was the keynote speaker and it was great hearing from him about his life in public service and his thoughts on our future.  Our Law Day Chair, Ann Chapman, did a wonderful job with all the Law Day activities, including the presentation of awards to students who participated in the essay and art contests and the presentation of the Liberty Bell Award to Dr. Kathleen Orange.

I would like to extend a special thank you to Alison Herlihy and Krissy McCulloch for organizing and sponsoring an event on behalf of the MBA Wellness Committee on May 18.  The event featured two speakers, an executive coach and a therapist.  The topic of the program was burnout prevention and stress management.  It was exceptional and well attended, and I hope it will be repeated.

I hope everyone has a great summer, and I look forward to seeing everyone at our next membership luncheon, which will be held in August.
D. Brian Murphy
Mobile Bar Association, 2022 President
Ann's Article
Happy June! I would like to briefly reflect on May—it was a month full of great activities. For starters, our May Law Day activities were a huge success! Thank you to Law Day Chair Ann Chapman and all the Law Day Committee members for your hard work and dedication. Excellent job! It was fun celebrating our Art and Essay Contest winners as well as our Liberty Bell Award Recipient, S. Kathleen Orange, Ph.D, during the Law Day Luncheon. It was really neat meeting all the different people at the luncheon who have been impacted by Dr. Orange in some way. I also enjoyed hearing from our guest speaker at the luncheon, Jeff Sessions, who discussed his career in public office and his thoughts on Law Day and this year’s theme. Many thanks to all the Mobile Bar members who joined us for the luncheon. We had a large crowd! 

May was also mental health awareness month. The MBA launched its Lawyer Assistance website page offering a variety of mental health resources for members. Also, our Lawyer Wellness committee held an excellent CLE on wellness and burnout prevention. Both of the session’s guest speakers offered great practical tips that can be used daily. My hope is that you were able to join us or took advantage of some of the services we provided during the month of May.

As you know, back in March, I attended the ABA Bar Leadership Institute. One of the sessions I attended provided some really good practical technology tips I’d like to share.  

  1. When should I leave for that destination? It’s a question we always ask ourselves to make sure we arrive on time. If you use Google Maps, open your app. Set your destination. Click the vertical ellipses in the upper right corner. Select “Set Depart or Arrive Times.” Set your arrival time and click “Set.” Your app will show when you should leave based on the predicted traffic.
  2. Wi-Fi Calling – If you are using your personal smartphone for calls more often and find that your Wi-Fi is stronger than your cell phone signal, you can switch to Wi-Fi calling on most carriers. No special app is needed. If your mobile phone is reasonably up to date, you can just switch to Wi-Fi for calls. Go to “Settings,” scroll down to “Phone,” select “Wi-Fi calling,” click “Wi-Fi calling on this phone.” Check your phone carrier for any usage fees.
  3. Microsoft Outlook 365 App – Have you ever been out of your office, received an email, and then needed to make an appointment on your calendar? Like me, you don’t want to double book yourself. In the Outlook app on your phone, compose an email or reply to an email. In the lower left corner, click on the calendar icon. Select “Convert to Event.” Choose the date and time and then send the event request. 
  4. New Stock Photography in MS Office – Do you make presentations? Have you updated the photos/photography/icons in your presentations lately? If you subscribe to Microsoft Office 365, you now have a whole new crop of free images to put in your documents, emails, and presentations. They are free! In PowerPoint or Word, go to the “Insert” tab, choose “Pictures,” and click on “Stock Images.” You will see tons of images, cut-out people, icons, and stickers to add interest to your documents and presentations.
  5. Expanded Clipboard in MS 365 (Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Excel) – Do you copy and paste the same sentence or item multiple times in the day or across multiple Office apps? Well, everything you copy/paste is held in a clipboard. Click here for instructions on how to expand the view of your clipboard so it can be used multiple times in different Office apps. Your clipboard will delete the items when you shut down all applications, when it reaches 25 clips, or when you reboot. 
  6. How to Help Others Pronounce Your Name Correctly in LinkedIn – Do you have a LinkedIn account? Do people find you through LinkedIn? If your name is frequently mispronounced, you can help people who visit your LinkedIn profile learn how to say it by adding an audio file. This is a useful feature for you and for people who would prefer not to butcher your name when you meet. To record and display your name on LinkedIn, open the app. Tap your profile picture, then “view profile.” Tap the edit icon (a diagonal pencil) from your introduction card. Tap “+ Record Name Pronunciation.” Then tap the recording button and hold it down to record you pronouncing your name. When you are satisfied with the recording, tap the “Use” button, followed by “Save.” 

Hope these tips are helpful! They have been for me. Let me know if you get stuck on any of them. Happy to assist. Have a great summer! Happy Father’s Day to all our Mobile Bar Association dads and granddads.
Executive Director
Mobile Bar Association
Workers Compensation Section Lunch and Learn

Monday, June 13, 2022 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Available CLE Credits: 1.0 | Cost: Free | Buffet: $18.00


Law Clerks & MBA Member practicing 12 years or less: FREE | Non-Member: $35.00
MBA Member practicing 13 years or more: $25.00 | Non-Member: $35.00
By Alison Herlihy, Lawyer Wellness Co-Chair
On May 18, Lawyer Wellness held its first in-person CLE of 2022, called Lawyer Wellness: An Introduction to Burnout Prevention and Pathway to a Positive Well-Being. We had an excellent turnout and great participation! Our speakers were Executive Coach Tarah Keech and therapist Emily Ryan. Lunch was sponsored by Herlihy Family Law and Empowered Family Law.

Our next event is a FREE Yoga Sculpt class at downtown’s Oyster City Brewing Company on Wednesday, June 22.  Yoga sculpt combines a yoga flow with a fun, boot-camp-style workout.  The one-hour session starts at 5:30 p.m. and will be taught by MBA member Tiffany Ray.  All are welcome.  Hope to see you there! For more information, email tiffany@taylormartino.com.

We would like to hear from you! Please email alison@herlihyfamilylaw.com for any ideas on future events. Stay well! 
On behalf of the Mobile Young Lawyers Section, I want to thank everyone who sponsored and attended the 2022 Young Lawyers Charity Golf Tournament on May 6.  We were thrilled with the number of businesses and firms that chose to donate their time and resources to our cause—thanks to your contributions, we will donate more than $10,000 to The Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Alabama!

Congratulations to The Moore Law Firm for the lowest round of the day, as well as Thomas Thorneycroft, Stuart Parnell, Cullen Millsap and Matt Jackson, who were our individual winners of the day in the ‘closest to the pin’ and ‘longest drive’ contests.

We would also like to recognize Donna Henderson, Chris Kuglar, Riley Montgomery, and Jennifer English, along with their court reporting firms, for all their help and hard work leading up to, and on the day of, the tournament.  Their commitment to this event year after year always helps make the tournament one of the Mobile Bar’s most well-attended events.

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

The Mobile Young Lawyers Section Golf Tournament Committee
By Emily Killion, President
Please join the Mobile Bar Association Women Lawyers as we celebrate this year’s Trailblazer, the Honorable Sarah Hicks Stewart, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama.  We will host the Trailblazer Tea in her honor on June 21, 2022 at 11:30 in the Crystal Ballroom of the Battle House Hotel. Tickets are $25 for MBAWL members and $30 for non-members. Please RSVP to MBAWL President Emily Killion, emily.killion@airbus.com, by June 10 with the names of those attending.  We look forward to seeing everyone and honoring Justice Stewart!

Please mail checks to:
Mobile Bar Association Women Lawyers
P.O. Box 770
Mobile, AL 36633
By Freddie Stokes, President
On June 19, 1865, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, to ensure that the last of enslaved people were, in fact, freed from the bondage of slavery. While slavery was outlawed by the Emancipation Proclamation, approximately 250,000 enslaved people remained captive in Texas.  Thus, Juneteenth (short for June Nineteenth) became “Freedom Day” for all enslaved people in the United States.  On June 17, 2021, Juneteenth finally became a federal holiday. 

The Vernon Z. Crawford Bay Area Bar Association would like to wish everyone a Happy Juneteenth.  As we reflect upon the journey of enslaved people in the United States and celebrate the abolishment of slavery, we also appreciate the continuing fight for true equity and recommit to continuing the legacy of those who came before us.  In lieu of our general membership meeting in June, we will be having a Juneteenth Celebration and Social, sponsored by Beasley Allen.  Please check your email for additional information. 

“No one is free until we are all free.”— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In Robinson v. Harrigan Timberlands Limited Partnership, No. 1200563 (Ala. May 02, 2022), the Supreme Court affirmed summary judgment relating to the movement of a creek bed that formed the boundary line of a disputed tract of property.  Initially recognizing Alabama’s adoption of common-law rules relating to the avulsion and accretion of riparian and littoral lands, the Court affirmed the Clarke County Circuit Court’s ruling that the defendant timber companies had made the necessary prima facie showing on motion for summary judgment. Defendants met this requirement not by submitting affirmative evidence of accretion, but rather by demonstrating that the nonmoving plaintiff’s evidence was insufficient to establish avulsion, an essential element of plaintiff’s claims.     

In Terminix Int’l Co., L.P. v. Dauphin Surf Club Association, Inc., Nos. 1200846, 1200854 (Ala. May 13, 2022), the Supreme Court affirmed the Mobile County Circuit Court’s enforcement of an arbitration agreement, despite the fact that the arbitral forum named in the agreement was unable to act as arbitrator over the parties’ controversy.  While the Court acknowledged that the failure of an integral or essential term that “pervades” an arbitration agreement may be impossible to sever from such an agreement, it ultimately concluded that the designation of the arbitral forum was ancillary to the agreement to arbitrate, and that the circuit court was correct in compelling arbitration using an alternate arbitrator.
Big band’s heyday ended around the time of Elvis, but thanks to Hon. William Steele and the rest of the Mobile Big Band Society, the Port City is still swinging.

The Mobile Big Band Society, a nonprofit music group, was founded by attorney Ralph Holberg in 2009 in an effort to keep the big-band sound alive in South Alabama.  Judge Steele, who plays the alto saxophone, was one of the Mobile group’s original members and continues to perform with the band today.  He is also a longtime player with the Mobile Symphonic Pops Band—also known as the Mobile Pops—and occasionally ventures onto the dance floor with his wife, Linda, an avid and accomplished ballroom dancer.

“It’s just fun to be in that environment and to enjoy music from the performance side and to see how it’s accepted and how it affects people,” Judge Steele says of his side gigs.  “It makes people happy, it lifts their spirits.  And I get to be a part of that.”

For the uninitiated, a “big band” typically refers to a jazz ensemble with ten or more musicians and four instrumental sections—saxophones, trombones, trumpets, and rhythm.  Big-band music is an orchestral jazz style that heralded the arrival of the swing era in the United States and reached its peak in the 1930s and 1940s.  Think Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Glenn Miller. 

Judge Steele, a former Chief Assistant District Attorney for Mobile County who first took the bench as a magistrate judge in 1990 and was confirmed as a U.S. District Court Judge in 2003, picked up his first saxophone as a fifth-grader in Tuscumbia.  He’s never put it down.  “To me it’s like speaking a foreign language,” Judge Steele says.  And in a band, “I get to associate with people who speak that same language.  Everyone’s dedicated to producing the best quality of music they can.”

Judge Steele grew up playing in school bands.  “When my peers were listening to the Rolling Stones and the Beatles, I was listening to Maynard Ferguson,” he says.  In 1968, Judge Steele, then a high school student in Mobile, was selected for the McDonald’s All American Band, a national program that brought together student musicians from every state to perform during the iconic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City and the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, California.  Judge Steele, who would later become a Marine Corps pilot and pilot instructor, took his first flight in an airplane that year to get to New York.  Although the All American Band program shut down in 1992, Judge Steele recently connected with an alumni group and performed with them in a concert and parade over Memorial Day weekend in Columbus, Ohio.

Judge Steele’s passion for music landed him a scholarship to the University of Southern Mississippi, but when he got there, music didn’t feel like the right major.  “There were things that convinced me that I was neither talented enough or smart enough.  So I went to law school instead,” he says with a laugh.  

Nevertheless, Judge Steele continued to hone his sax skills through college and the Marine Corps.  After six years of active service, Judge Steele enrolled in law school at the University of Alabama.  Judge Steele joined the Mobile Pops after law school and later joined the Bob Schultz Orchestra, a local big-band group that disbanded around 2003. 

Many of Judge Steele’s bandmates from the Bob Schultz era reunited when the Mobile Big Band Society was born.  Judge Steele says the Society maintains about 18-19 members today and, in addition to their other gigs, can be found on the deck of the Blue Gill every third Tuesday of the month from March through October.  

In addition to his own music schedule, Judge Steele is a longtime supporter of the Mobile Symphony Orchestra.  He served fifteen years in the National Guard as a pilot and commanding officer of a helicopter assault company.  He took senior status at the Court in 2017, which has given him the flexibility to indulge a new passion: volunteer work at the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, where visitors can find him one morning a week answering questions at the information desk.  Once he retires and has the time to train, Judge Steele has his eye on a new gig: museum docent.
Summer is here, and we hope in the coming months you can take a break from work to enjoy some sunshine, fresh food, and most importantly, quality time with your family and friends.  We feel blessed to live on the Gulf Coast, particularly at this time of year, and have great hopes for an even brighter future for southwest Alabama.  SAVLP volunteers are a vital part of this region and just one of the reasons we are proud to call this area “home.”  As you may already know, our VLP was officially formed in 1987, formalizing decades of previous pro bono work provided by members of the Mobile Bar Association.  Many of the lawyers who founded the organization are now retired, but the torch stays lit through the collective efforts of hundreds of you across four counties who regularly volunteer with VLP.  We hope to encourage the same passion for service in the younger and newly admitted lawyers of our Bar (keeping in mind the Young Lawyers Section’s definition of young, which is a state of mind!).  So for the young and young-at-heart, please know we offer training materials, CLEs, and mentors for those who want to learn something new, polish their skills, or simply make our home state even sweeter by volunteering. 
Legal Resources Available Upon Request for Volunteer Lawyers:
(Black letter law and supporting forms for focused areas of the law frequently seen at SAVLP)

Small Estates and Request for Summary Distribution – created May 2022

Upcoming Events Needing Volunteers:
Thursday, June 9

Thursday, June 9

Thursday, June 16


Tues. & Thurs.
Legal Advice Clinic (Mobile County Courthouse)

On site at Ecumenical Ministries South Baldwin Community Outreach Day (Foley United Methodist Church)

On site at United Way Annex in Clarke County (118 Clark St., Grove Hill)

Attorney for the Day-prescheduled appointments (attorney chooses date/ location)

On site at Prodisee Pantry food bank in Spanish Fort
May Honor Roll
(Lawyers who accepted cases or worked an advice clinic in previous month)
Thomas H. Benton, III
Dru Lauren Bishop
Stephanie L. Booth
Knox Boteler
Henry H. Brewster
J. Craig Campbell
Annette Carwie
William G. Chason
James Paul Clinton
Edwin J. Curran, Jr.
Page S. Ellis
Jennifer Holifield
Ida D. Mashburn-Myrick
S. C. Middlebrooks
Henry T. Morrissette
Brenda J. Pierce
Mary E. Pilcher
Austin S. Prestwood
Rachele Reis
Jason D. Smith
Hendrik Snow
Scott D. Stevens
Tyler W. Thull
Patrick J. Ward
Jessica L. Welch
Thomas T. Zieman, Jr.
The following applicants were recently approved by the Executive Committee and welcomed into the Mobile Bar Association on Friday, May 13, 2022.

  • Shelby G. Beech, graduated from Thomas Goode Jones School of Law in 2021, admitted to the Alabama State Bar in 2021, and is employed with J. P. Coleman Law, LLC.
  • Daniel Scott Crongeyer, graduated from the Charlotte School of Law in 2015, admitted to the Alabama State Bar in 2022, and is a solo practitioner.
  • Zachary S. Huey, graduated from the University of Colorado Law School in 2018, admitted to the Alabama State Bar in 2021, and is employed with Huey Law Firm.
  • Frederick W. Killion, IV, graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law in 2020, admitted to the Alabama State Bar in 2021, and is employed with Holtsford, Gilliland, Higgins, Hitson, & Howard PC.

  • Michelle Cardone, is employed with Rimkus Consulting Group
DIED:  On April 16, 2022, Francine “Feenie” Marie Jeanne Havard Hallett, mother of MBA Member Larry Hallett, died at the age of 101. A native Mobilian, Feenie taught at several local public schools after graduating from Livingston College. She went on to work at Brookley Air Force Base and earn a master’s degree in early childhood education at the University of South Alabama. The daughter of a Parisian World War I bride, Feenie was fluent in French. She maintained close relations with her French family, began traveling to France when she was 9 months old, and continued to do so into her 70’s. Feenie was a longtime parishioner of Little Flower Catholic Church and will be remembered for her kind and gentle spirit. She was predeceased by her former husband, one daughter, and one son, and is survived by two sons, one daughter, four grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

KUDOS: MBA Member Suntrease Williams-Maynard was recently promoted to the rank of Major in the United States Air Force Reserve. Congratulations, Suntrease, and thank you for your service! Suntrease also served on the Executive Board of the American Heart Association’s 6th Annual Go Red for Women luncheon. Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women, and women of color are at especially high risk? Yet women—particularly women of color—continue to be underrepresented in cardiovascular clinical trials. Suntrease helped the American Heart Association raise more than $89,000 to address gender disparities in the research and treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Not too shabby.
Lyle Johnson LLC of Fairhope announces that Thomas R. Finley joined as an associate.

Association of Legal Administrators Mobile Chapter will host its 2022 Managing Partner Breakfast on Thursday, June 23, 2022 from 8 – 9:30 a.m at the Battle House Hotel in the Moonlight Ballroom. This year's guest speaker is the University of South Alabama's President Jo Bonner. All attorneys/judges are invited to attend. The cost of tickets is $40.00. Please send RSVP to Patty Risher by email at pdr@frazergreene.com.

Two office spaces available, located on North Florida Street between Dauphin St. & Old Shell Road; access to reception area, break-room and conference room; two bathrooms and secretarial area. Contact: Jim Fernandez at 251-433-0738 or jhflaw@bellsouth.net.

DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE:  209 N. JOACHIM STREET IN HISTORIC DETONTI SQUARE. Available: One large office upstairs, one large office downstairs, and one small office downstairs, including secretarial space.  Within walking distance of federal courts.  Amenities: Receptionist, VOIP telephone, internet, WIFI, email, fax machine, large color copier/scanner, onsite parking, lobby, conference room and kitchen. Contact CLAIRE DIXON (claire@evanscrowe.com) or EVANS CROWE (crowe@evanscrowe.comat 251-431-6011.

Respected Law Firm located in Riverview Plaza in the heart of downtown Mobile has space available for an immediate, direct sublease. This is a perfect opportunity for any small business or professional firm seeking space in a prominent building with great views and amenities. If interested, please reach out to Ray LoCicero at (504) 596-4149 for more information.
Shop at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the Mobile Bar Foundation with no fees or extra cost to you. Click here to learn more about AmazonSmile.

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________

YES, I want to make a donation to the Mobile Bar Foundation -
In honor/memory of: ______________________________________________________________________

Acknowledgement sent to:

Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

YES, I want to become a member of the Mobile Bar Foundation -

__ Life member ($5000, can be paid in up to 5 annual installments)
__ Sustaining Member ($100 or more annually)
__ Regular Member ($50 - $99 annually)
__ Member of MBA practicing 5 years or less ($25 - $99)
__ I would like more information on including the Foundation in my estate planning

I donate my gift of: $__________

Check: __________ (Please make checks payable to the Mobile Bar Foundation)
*Credit Card: Visa/Mastercard# ____________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________ Exp: ___________________________

Mail to: Mobile Bar Foundation, P.O. Drawer 2005, Mobile, AL 36652

* All credit card transactions will incur a $2.00 processing fee.
Thursday, June 9
Executive Committee Meeting

Monday, June 13
Workers Compensation Section Lunch and Learn

Wednesday, June 15
July Bar Bulletin Deadline

Thursday, June 16
Mentoring - Afternoon Coffee with the Court CLE

Thursday, June 16
Young Lawyers Social
Tuesday, June 21
Women Lawyers Trailblazer Tea

Wednesday, June 22
Lawyer Wellness Yoga Sculpt Class

Thursday, June 23
Grievance Committee Meeting

Thursday, June 23
Vernon Z. Crawford Bay Area Bar Association Juneteenth Celebration and Social
Listed below are members who celebrate a birthday in June.
Folashade Anderson
Patrick J. Anderson
Dorothy Allison Barker
Baxter A. Bishop
Tandice Hogan Blackwood
Jacqueline Blanchard
Edward Carter Blount, Jr.
Edward G. Isaacs Bowron
Agee S. Broughton, III
Donald E. (Skip) Brutkiewicz, Jr.
David Steven Cain, Jr.
R. Nash Campbell
Michelle Cardone Cardone
Jessica Brandi-Lee Catlin
Danny J. Collier, Jr.
Richard E. Davis
Madison Fuller Davis
Mark Deakle
Victor Arnell DuBose
John Townsend Dukes
Greg Dunagan
Bradley Harden Ezell
Thomas A. Fouts
Barry A. Friedman
Alexandra Katsimpalis Garrett
Robert E. Gibney
Rebecca Gilliland
Michaelyn S. Gober
Ryan H. Gunn
Virginia W. Haas
Ransome Reese Hare
Timothy Alan Heisterhagen
Kenneth Bryant Hitson
Laura Edwards Holland
Lee Faith Holland
L.D. Holt
Valynda Alexandrea Jerome-Williams
Koby Kirkland
Clay Arnold Lanham
Byron A. Lassiter
Sarah Jane Lindsay
Peter S. Mackey
Sumpter Milligan McGowin, II
Katherine Parks Nelson
Ann-Marie Niccolai
Steven L. Nicholas
Michael C. Niemeyer
Caine O'Rear, III
David Kirkwood Palmer, Jr.
Cleveland Martin Patterson, III
Rich Pearson
Mark L. Redditt
Elizabeth Darby Rehm
Allen A. Ritchie
Anna Lynes Scully
Kelly Sessoms
Julia James Shreve
Mary Catherine Stone
Michael David Strasavich
Mark Richard Ulmer
David Frederick Walker
James Fatherree Watkins
Judson William Wells
C. Richard Wilkins
Alexandra Terry Wood
Mobile Bar Association | 251-433-9790 | mobilebarassociation.com