MBF Awards $20,000 to Justice George Lewis Ruffin Society for a New Long Road to Justice Project
Thanks to the generous support of our Fellows and donors, the MBF recently awarded a special grant of $20,000 to the Justice George Lewis Ruffin Society, affiliated with Northeastern University’s School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, for a new phase of its Long Road to Justice projects.
Since 2018, Long Road to Justice: The African American Experience in the African American Courts has been installed at the Edward W. Brooke Courthouse. The exhibit seeks to educate the viewer about the struggles, sacrifices and successes of African Americans in seeking justice in Massachusetts. Spanning for over 300 years, the exhibit begins with enslaved people who went to court to seek their freedom. The MBF was a proud supporter of the installation of this permanent exhibit.

The exhibit provides the framework for the latest project: Long Road to Justice: Black Changemakers in MA Past, Present, Future. Comprised of a documentary film and teachers’ resource guide, this exciting educational initiative is designed for middle and high schools across the Commonwealth. Black Changemakers, which is aligned with the Massachusetts Department of Education’s History and Social Science Framework, introduces young audiences to men and women who, over a span of three centuries, took enormous personal risk to seek justice and equality.
Read more and learn how you can support this project directly.
Thank you for joining us!
Thanks to all who participated in our Lunchtime Regional Roundtables this fall. We came away from each conversation with new and creative ideas to promote engagement across the state and better support our grantees and donors in each region.

We would also like to thank our hosts, Margaret J. Hurley, Richard J. Grahn, Angela McConney Scheepers, Corey M. Carvalho, and Robert J. Ambrogi.

If you were unable to attend, look for our regional engagement survey coming soon.
Want to see your name on this list? Click the button below!
2020 Annual Report

Our 2020 Annual Report is now available! Click here to review the activities of a year like no other.

Thank you to those who contributed their time, talent, and financial resources in 2020 to advance the MBF's mission of increasing access to justice across the state!
Please Support the MBF's 2021 Annual Appeal - Coming Soon!
The MBF's 2021 Annual Appeal will launch on Giving Tuesday. This is our biggest fundraising campaign of the year and we hope our MBF community will give generously to help us close the justice gap in our state.

Our new website makes it easier than ever to donate. Please keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks!
Thank you to our Law Firm & Corporate Partners!

We are grateful to the following firms & companies that are helping us to expand funding to legal aid programs & increase access to justice in our state. If you would like to add your firm or company to the list, please click here
Gold Partners
Silver Partners
Bronze Partners
Massachusetts Bar Foundation
(617) 338-0500
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