MC's Big CATS Are Leading With Love

The Big CAT Mentorship Program truly takes MC's Mission of 'Lead Students to Jesus Christ' to heart. In August, the Campus Ministry (CM) Department kicked off its second year of the Big CAT Mentorship program. Seeing the need and wanting to implement a mentorship program that could truly be student driven, the CM Department researched options and landed on a model that they adopted from Ignite Nation.

This yearlong program matches freshmen students with 1-2 upperclassmen leaders that help guide them through their first year at Marin Catholic, truly caring about their wellbeing and connection to the MC community. Each Big CAT mentor goes through an application process and training to learn what it means to be a mentor. These Big CATS are themselves mentored by our Executive Big CATS, who are a select group of Juniors and Seniors. The Executive Big CATS train the Big CATS, so they can in turn, mentor their Freshmen. The program is designed to empower and build trust across the various classes.

The Big CAT Mentorship program is designed to group students into families, so that they get to know each other, as well as understand each other’s struggles and realize they are not alone. Each month the Big CATS meet with their freshmen families and engage in various activities including ice breakers, academic support resources, goal setting and more.

The Amazing Race - October 2023

In October, the Big CAT mentors hosted an Amazing RACE for the freshmen class. There were 20 Big CAT groups that competed in 9 different challenges around campus. The challenges included charades, a puzzle, the name game (so they could make sure they knew everyone in their group), hula hoop challenge, corn hole, trivia (to see how much they know about MC!), the paper airplane challenge and human knots. They also could gain points by taking pictures at specific locations on campus with the Saints banners, on Senior deck, with the gaurdian angel statue and in the grotto with Mary. Each team name connected to the color of the bandana they were wearing. The freshmen enjoyed meeting new classmates and had fun competing in the different challenges. 

The top 3 teams who earned the most points won prizes. First prize received an In-and-Out lunch. Second prize received a dessert of their choice (they chose donuts!) and 3rd prize received candy of their choice. It was a fun day had by all!

Ricky Kampmann's Silver Lining - November 2023

The November Big CATS meeting centered on the theme of including others and the virtues of charity and temperance, knowing that our actions have the power to break each other down or build each other up. At the beginning of this meeting, Senior Ricky Kampmann addressed the group with a talk that focused on the themes of inclusivity and kindness. He spoke to the group about a time in his life when he was feeling down and lost and received a most unexpected text from an old friend that changed his life. This simple act of kindness from another MC Student is ultimately what caused Ricky to become a Wildcat himself.

Ricky challenged the group during his talk, " Who have you included in your world this week? Who have you reached out to in your class that needs a friend?"

Ricky, a member of the MC varsity football team and team chaplain, explained to the group that this past season, he had the opportunity to pay forward the kindness that his friend had shown to him. It was at the end of the bad loss that MC suffered against their rivals the San Marin Mustangs that Ricky realized the silver lining. "I walked over to our arch rivals who had just beaten us, and extended an invitation. I invited the San Marin Mustangs to pray on the field with us in gratitude for the game we just played. In that moment it wasn’t about winning, losing, trophy, no trophy. It was about what this game represents, which is the brotherhood that existed on that field between both teams who love the sport and love to compete, and it was about thanking God for this opportunity. When you bring people together and help to be a person who forms a community, and builds others up, you can’t help but be joyful and grateful. We are here to support each other, lift each other up and to impact each other for the better. When we do this, we create the best of what Marin Catholic can be."

Christmas Bingo - December 2023

On the morning of December 12, Big CATS mentors met with their freshmen students in the JPII during morning CATS. This meeting was to support the freshmen as they enter into their first finals week. It gave the Big CATS the opportunity to talk to the freshmen about their experiences during finals and to give them some words of wisdom. All of the students were treated to donut holes, bingo and prizes for the winners. The Big CAT mentors look forward to continuing their mentorship throughout the winter and spring months and will celebrate the end of the year together on March 7 with a scheduled Big CAT Family celebration. More details to come!

Interested in becoming a Big CAT?

Please reach out to Ms. Lianni Castro-Teets in the Campus Ministry Department.

Michelle Vollert

Director Campus Ministry

Lianni Castro-Teets

Campus Ministry Associate

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