October 1, 2023

weekly e-newsletter

Mill Creek Academy's Webpage

Check out this great video of some of MCA's finest and the awesome ways that Beaver Toyota and INK are helping our students and classrooms.




INK Director Cathy Newman says:

"We are so grateful to you for allowing us into classrooms at Millcreek! The teachers were so eloquent in sharing their stories and the video is amazing!"


Parents and guardians DO NOT need to call the school when their student is out. Excuse for absence is not accepted via phone.

Please complete the online “Digital Absentee Form” located on the front page of our school website under Quick Links


write a note and send it with your child to turn in to their teacher upon their return.

The note should contain the dates the student was absent, their full name, and the reason they were out.

Notes for absences (whether electronic or hand written) must be received within 48 hours of your student returning to school.

School Team Challenge 5K
We would like to invite you to participate in the School Team Challenge at the Jail Break 5K on October 21, 2023. INK! will award a grant of $1,000 to the St. Johns County public school that registers the highest number of participants* in the 5K Run/Walk. The school with the second highest number of participants will win a $500 grant, and the school with the third highest number of participants will win a $250 grant award.
For additional details, see the attached flyer (copied below) or visit the race website here: bit.ly/JB5K

F.A.S.T. Testing

MCA PM1 FAST Testing is complete at this time.

Parents see directions below on how to access your students FAST test scores.

Elementary School News

Leaders of Character Celebrations

We are so happy to announce the return of our Leaders of Character Celebrations. This is a chance for K-5 grade level students, staff and parents to gather and celebrate students showing exceptional character. Each teacher nominates a student from their classroom in the five areas of: Academics, Growth Mindset, LEAD Behaviors, and the Character traits of the past two months (For Oct that will be Fairness and Responsibility). 

These assemblies happen 3x/school year, at the end of the first 3 Quarters and we meet in the café.

All parents of children who are getting awards will be notified by classroom teachers two weeks prior to the assemblies. If you are invited you will be asked to make sure you have completed the School Access form. This form allows people to enter the school building past the front office. You will also be directed to a link to RSVP. This allows front office staff to create visitor stickers a week before the event so that when you arrive you will not need to sign in at the computers. We RSVP simply to save time! If you are invited and have not RSVP you can still arrive the morning of your child’s celebration. You will just have to stand in line to log into our lobby computers to get a visitor sticker.

Children are not told they are receiving a certificate until their name is called the morning of the assembly. Please be sure to save the surprise for your child!

Any questions on these assemblies, please contact Mrs. Ambrose 547-3739 or Mrs. Jordan 547-3736.

Thank you so much in joining us for these fun filled events celebrating great character!

Middle School News

Middle School Picture Day - October 3

Attention Parents or Guardians of a Mustang Middle School Student!

Your middle school student has an opportunity to participate in the 2nd Annual Len Matice Foundation, Stop the Bullying Campaign. Please watch the short video from Len Mattice himself, where he will explain what the contest is all about. Also see attached for details of the contest rules.

 Len Mattiace Video for Students.mp4

Len Mattiace Foundation

Stop the Bullying Campaign Contest in partnership with St. Johns County School District

Contest Rules

1. Open to all middle school students enrolled in a St. Johns County School District School.

2. A student may only formally participate in one project for entry, either solo or as a team.

3. One thousand dollars will be awarded to one student or team with a winning entry. All team members should be listed on the entry form. If a team is selected, the $1000 will be divided evenly among the team members. Three winning entries will be selected.

4. Create an original project that demonstrates kindness, compassion, and / or inclusion. Be creative. Submissions may include a written paper, video, song, service project, etc.

5. Video submissions must not exceed four (4) minutes in length, written papers must be ten (10) pages or less. All service or art related projects must be submitted with pictures or video and a detailed description.

6. Each student project will be judged on the quality of the presentation, its overall impact on others, and the ease of understanding or interpretation.

7. The project must not contain anything inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, defamatory, or harmful against any individual, group, or religion.

8. The project cannot be anything unlawful.

9. The project contest starts now and ends November 03, 2023, at 5:00 pm.

10. Project must be submitted to Julie.Haden@stjohns.k12.fl.us.

11. Three (3) $1000 winners will be announced by December 8th, 2023, along with thirteen (13) $100 dollar winners, with a visit from the Prize Patrol.

12. All entries become property of the St. Johns County School District and the Len Mattiace Foundation

Attention 8th Grade Families:

Athletic Liability Form


Our “Readers are Leaders” Buddy-a-thon is happening right now! The PTA has a goal of raising $35,000 to fund MCA’s new PBIS student reward system, new PE equipment, and upgrade old technology! We’re a little over halfway to our goal - help us reach it by October 3rd! Register now! 

All students who raised $65 or more will be able to build their buddies at MCA on October 12 or 13th. We’re looking for volunteers to come help with this fun event!  Sign up to volunteer here!  

October PTA Meeting: Tuesday, October 3rd

Join us at the October PTA meeting!! Childcare will be provided. See you in the Media Center at 4:00 pm!

Whit’s Spirit Night: Tuesday, October 10th

Enjoy a sweet treat and support MCA at the same time! See you at Whit's Frozen Custard on 10/10 from 5:00 - 9:00 pm!

Trunk or Treat: Friday, October 20th

All grades are welcome to join the MCA PTA on October 20th from 6-8pm for Trunk or Treat! Trunk or Treat from 6-7 PM, and vote for your favorite car, dance with the DJ, play games, visit food trucks, and more from 6-8 PM!

Want to decorate a trunk for Trunk Or Treat? Families, business partners, Scout troops and more are invited to sign up to decorate a trunk! Participants will vote and the top three trunks will win a prize!! Sign up here to reserve your spot! 

Looking for volunteer hours? Sign up today for Trunk or Treat! This would be great for high school students who need service hours. Sign up to volunteer here!  

We are 351 members strong, Mighty Mustangs! Thank you so much for your support!

Click here to become a member of the PTA

Click here to learn about volunteer opportunities

The MCA PTA is looking for Business Partners

When you choose to become a business

partner with MCA, you have a choice to provide financial or “in kind” support that enables the PTA at Mill Creek Academy to make a positive impact for every student and staff member.

Learn more about our Business Partner program by clicking here.

Connect with us today!

Email: mcapta18@gmail.com

Click here to follow us on Facebook

Click here to see our new website

Fill Out Your Volunteer School Access Form!
In a continuing effort to provide safety and security to our students and staff we ask that you complete a School Access Form if you plan to enter a facility in the St. Johns County School District. Any person passing beyond the front office area must show a valid driver’s license or state identification card.
It is recommended individuals include their middle name when completing the online application; and, if no middle name, then please use the acronym “NMN”.  

Complete the School Access Form
St Johns County School District
For the most recent news from the district, please visit the district's webpage.
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