weekly e-newsletter
October 2, 2022
Mustang Families:
We hope you are doing well and made it through the storm safely. School will resume on Monday, October 3rd for students. We understand that some of our families may have evacuated and others may have unique situations due to the storm. If your student is going to be absent on Monday, please complete the Digital Absentee Form on our website or through the link below.
Your safety and well-being is the highest priority.
MCA Administration
K-2 Character Parade
3-5 Character Dress-Up
F.A.S.T. Testing information

Parent Communication Regarding Grades 3-10 FAST Testing Results
Beginning this year, for grades 3-10 Reading and 3-8 Math, students will take the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) test during three progress monitoring (PM) windows. Each test covers information that is expected to be taught at some point during the school year. Therefore, the results from the first two tests may not reflect student achievement accurately. These results should not be considered student achievement but rather be used to identify areas of need. For the 2022–2023 school year, FAST ELA Reading and Mathematics achievement levels are preliminary. Finalized achievement levels will be available from the state next year.
See the below flyer for an exciting art project and fundraiser your K-5 grade students will be participating in during Art Resource Class. More information to come...
Middle School News
Tocoi Expectations - use this document to access the hyperlinks.
Dates to Remember!
· October 4th - PTA Meeting, 4pm, MCA Media Center
· October 7th - Disney Villain Trivia Night, 6-8:30pm
· October 14th - Spirit Night: Cold Stone Creamery, 5pm 
· October 21st - Trunk or Treat, 6-8pm
Mill Creek Academy is excited for our "I'm a Buddy NOT a Bully-A-Thon"!  Our Buddy-A-Thon runs 9/20-9/26. Participating students get to pick and help “build their own” huggable, lovable Buddy when the Bear Factory brings their “Create a Plush Buddy” program to our school on October 12th. The purpose of the program is to provide a great way to shed light on this important subject, but in a fun way for our students. On 10/13, all students can bring a stuffed animal (Buddy) to school as a visual reminder of the importance of being kind. Help us out and meet the Dragon when they visit! Read more and sign-up with the attached flyer.
MCA PTA invites you to join us for a Disney Villain Trivia Night!!
· October 7th, 6-8:30pm, MCA Cafe
· Families are welcome to create a team (5 person maximum)
· Disney-inspired costumes encouraged
· Interested in volunteering? Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4badaf22a2fec07-disney
 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat!
  • Trunk or Treat from 6-7pm 
  • DJ - Games - Prizes - Candy - Food Trucks 
  • Best Car Voting and more 6-8pm 
  • All Grades Welcome
If you would like to participate in the Trunk or Treat car decorating, you must reserve your space through the link below as space is limited: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4badaf22a2fec07-trunk 
*Trunk or Treat cars provide your own candy. Please nothing scary and follow code of conduct rules.
We are looking forward to a fun night for our Mustang Families and can't wait to see all the creative cars this year!
Volunteer with Your PTA!
We know everyone has lots going on and invite you to choose how to give back to the school. It can take so many forms, but any form is appreciated! Check out this video to learn more about all the opportunities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr10yx5_A1I 

Thank you to our Business Partners!
This week's highlighted business partner: OSSI Orthodontists. Visit https://ossiorthodontics.com/ to learn more about them!
Help us reach our goal of 400 members!! The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of students within the school. It is also a forum for parents to attend and vote at our General PTA Meetings. You will also have access to discounts from the State and National PTA. Thank you for your support! Membership: $12.00/year for Parent/Guardian. Visit: https://mcapta.memberhub.com/store/items/34839?fbclid=IwAR3SMp-_CXmb5dS7CD_C9GYCzdT9DNN-0obtyAivxVCrieDZjKtn25Vbr4w 
St Johns County School District
For the most recent news from the district, please visit the district's webpage.
Mill Creek Academy
3750 International Golf Pkwy
St. Augustine, FL 32092
(904) 547-3720