weekly e-newsletter
April 25, 2021

MCA Families, we appreciate your assistance in supporting our health and safety protocols here on campus. As a reminder, below is the student health screener questions. If you can say yes to any of the symptoms below for your child, please keep your child at home until you can say no to all symptoms. If you can say yes to the questions, follow the instructions in red.
Student Health Screening Entry Form
Please assess your child daily for the following symptoms and answer the contact questions.

  • Fever of 100.4 or higher
  • Uncontrolled cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste
  • Muscle aches
  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  1. Is your child currently awaiting COVID-19 test results? If yes, please keep your child home and notify the school nurse when test results received. Further instructions will be discussed at that time.
  2. Does your child live in the same household with someone positive for COVID-19? If yes, your child must quarantine for 14 days from the last date of contact with the positive individual. *Certain criteria may qualify for a shortened quarantine of 10 days. Please contact the nurse for more information.
  3. Has your child had close contact with someone who in the past 14 days who tested positive for COVID-19? If yes, your child must quarantine for 14 days from the last date of contact with the positive individual. *Certain criteria may qualify for a shortened quarantine of 10 days. Please contact the nurse for more information.*

Please refer to the attached document to review our health and safety protocols.
As a reminder, staff and students are required to wear face coverings that cover their nose and mouth at arrival, dismissal, transitions, and anytime they cannot socially distance.
CDC/DOH Quarantine Update
CDC updates regarding quarantine requirements after vaccination:
  • Individuals who have been fully vaccinated – that is, 2 weeks or more have passed since the second dose in a 2-dose vaccine or the first dose in a 1-dose vaccine series – will not be required to quarantine following exposure, provided he/she does not develop new symptoms of COVID-19. 
The Department of Health (DOH) requests that we follow the current contact tracing protocol, regardless of vaccination status. They will contact exposed individuals to ensure no symptoms have developed, research his/her vaccination status in the state system, and provide further COVID education. The DOH will determine if the individual is exempt from quarantine. The Health Services Department, as well as the school nurses, will work diligently to assist students, parents and staff in this process
Morning Drop-Off
We wanted to send a quick reminder: students should not be dropped-off prior to 8:00 a.m. This poses a safety issue when students are unsupervised. Thank you for your cooperation.
Testing Proctors
We need your help recruiting proctors for Middle School District Exams, FSA, and K-3 iReady assessments.
iReady Proctors Signup - iReady sign-up here
FSA/District Exams Sign up - FSA/District sign-up here
State and District Testing
State and district testing will be in April and May. Please check the school website for testing days for your student.
During testing, students cannot be checked-out while they are taking their test (except in cases of emergency).


Current SJCSD PK students DO NOT have to complete a registration. They will complete the process through RSV which opens on April 12th. PK students outside of the district's program will need to complete a registration.

Current SJVS students wishing to return to their home zone brick and mortar school for 2021-2022 DO NOT have to complete a registration. They will complete the process through RSV which opens on April 12th.

Current students (including rising 9th graders) do NOT need to reregister. You will receive a Returning Student Verification later in the spring which will update your documentation in preparation for next year and/or for moving on to high school.

Kindergarten and new students register early!
Voluntary Pre-K: A child must be four years old on or before September 1st.
Kindergarten: A child must be five years old on or before September 1st.
First Grade: A child must be six years old on or before September 1st AND satisfy one of the
a) Satisfactory completion of kindergarten in a Florida public school.
b) Satisfactory completion of kindergarten in a non-public school.
c) Previous attendance in an out-of-state school in which the student was admitted on the basis of age requirements established by the state of residency.

Registration Requirements:
•   Proof of Residency.
•   Proof of Immunization.
•   Copy of Birth Certificate.
•   Physical/Health Exam with in 12 months of enrollment.
Important Updates
It is a State of Florida requirement that all students MUST provide the school with proof of receiving the Tdap vaccine in prior to beginning 7th grade. The Florida Department of Health states that:

“In addition to compliance with all other immunization requirements, children entering, attending, or transferring to the seventh grade in Florida schools must complete the following: 
one (1) tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap).”

We must receive documentation of the Tdap immunization on a Florida Shot record DH 680 before school begins in the fall or your child will not be able to pick up their schedule or attend class on the first day of school. Receipts and other forms of documentation are not acceptable. Immunization information can be found at the St. Johns Co. School District website: http://www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/health/immunizations/

Please check with your child’s health care provider. If your child already received the shot, you only need to get an updated form. If your child has not received the shot, it will require an office visit to both receive the shot and pick up the updated form.

Returning student verifications were sent out via email the week of April 12. Please complete
and return as soon as possible. 5th and 8th grade students must also submit proof of residency per district policy.

When your child is absent you need to send in a hand written note or utilize our Digital Absentee Form under Quick Links on our website for the absence to be considered for excusal. The note must contain the students name, dates absent, and the reason for the absence. Notes must be received within 48 hours of a student’s return to school. 

Middle School Students
Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Brick and Mortar students received their Student Request Verification form on Friday, April 23, 2021 in homeroom. Please read the letter on the front of the form, review the courses listed on the back, sign and return the form to your child’s homeroom teacher. If you have a question about the recommended classes or wish for administration to review a specific course that you would like changed, please make note on the form and return.
For questions, please email Stacy.stackhouse@stjohns.k12.fl.us

Free Breakfast and Lunch

Free breakfast and lunch will be offered to all students through the end of this school year.
SAC Meeting
If you have any questions, please contact Art Thomas at arthur.thomas@stjohns.k12.fl.us
Thank you to the following businesses:

Mindy's Massage & Wellness LLC
POSH Nails Lounge
Blooms & Branches
Dead Sea Wow- Carole Sullivan
Circle of Wellness Day Spa
 Here is a sneak week of how we are spoiling the staff this week! 
The PTA will be selling carnations for students to
purchase for teachers and staff for $1 Monday morning. Wednesday morning we
will be selling candy for $1 in front of the flagpole (cash only, please try to
bring small bills or change). These are first come first serve. We want to thank Blooms and Branches for donating the carnations. They are a new locally
owned florist located in the St. Augustine Indoor Mall.
Thank you!

Amazon Smile
Did you know that you can be helping our school while shopping! By simply signing up for Amazon Smiles and selecting Mill Creek, Amazon will donate a portion of what you are already spending to our school!

Helping Hands
We want to remind everyone that we need some helping hands on Thursdays, here is the link to the sign up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4DABAD22ABFD0-helping, Please join us.

Teacher and Staff Appreciation week is April 26th-April 30th.
Please join in the celebration.
Teacher and Staff "Favorites" list have been uploaded to our website if you would like to take a look!

Please contact mcapta18@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
Distant Learning Webpage - Visit https://www-mca.stjohns.k12.fl.us/distance-learners/ for links and the latest information.
St Johns County School District
For the most recent news from the district, please visit the district's webpage.
Mill Creek Academy
3750 International Golf Pkwy
St. Augustine, FL 32092
(904) 547-3720