October 22, 2023

weekly e-newsletter

Mill Creek Academy's Webpage

Report Card Release Date Changes

Quarter 2 report card release has been shifted to Jan 17. (from Jan 19)

Quarter 3 report card release has been shifted to March 22. (from March 26)

The calendar on the district website will be updated. 

Order this year's Yearbook by October 31st for the discounted price of $35.00. Starting November 1st, the price will be $40.00

Elementary School News

Middle School News

Athletic Liability Form


Trunk or Treat:

Thank you to all the car decorators, volunteers, and participants for making this year’s Trunk or Treat a fantastic event!  

We’re always looking for volunteers!

Volunteers are needed for Cafe Supervision, Helping Hands, Art Room Help, Health Screening, and the Middle School Social.  Click here to sign up to volunteer today!

We are 361 members strong, Mighty Mustangs!  It was awesome seeing so many "Family Members" at Trunk or Treat! Thank you so much for your support!

Click here to become a member of the PTA

The MCA PTA is looking for Business Partners

When you choose to become a business

partner with MCA, you have a choice to provide financial or “in kind” support that enables the PTA at Mill Creek Academy to make a positive impact for every student and staff member.

Learn more about our Business Partner program by clicking here.

Connect with us today!

Email: mcapta18@gmail.com

Click here to follow us on Facebook

Click here to see our new website

Fill Out Your Volunteer School Access Form!
In a continuing effort to provide safety and security to our students and staff we ask that you complete a School Access Form if you plan to enter a facility in the St. Johns County School District. Any person passing beyond the front office area must show a valid driver’s license or state identification card.
It is recommended individuals include their middle name when completing the online application; and, if no middle name, then please use the acronym “NMN”.  

Complete the School Access Form
St Johns County School District
For the most recent news from the district, please visit the district's webpage.
Visit our website