In This Issue
For programming schedules and more information on MCA-TV, visit
DVD's and BluRay disks can be made of any show we air at $20/DVD and $40/BluRay. Call the studio to purchase yours today!
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Be sure to "like" us on Facebook to get up to date information on MCA-TV programming, volunteer needs and more!
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Also, be sure to "follow" us Instagram. 
Remember, after you complete the production classes, you can sign a camera out to practice filming so you feel ready for whatever opportunities arise! Just contact Allison at 
to reserve a camera. 

Production Classes are Back

It's almost time for our next production classes! If you know anyone who would be interested in volunteering, this is their opportunity to do so by signing up for our free quarterly production classes. These classes are open to residents of any community.
Classes run from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. on Wednesdays for four weeks beginning Wednesday, August 5 at the MCA-TV studio located at 1700 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 140, Moon Township, PA 15108. To register, contact MCA-TV Director Allison Ford at or call 412.269.1191. Space is limited.
COVID-19 Guidelines 
As we monitor the ever-changing COVID-19 situation, we are open at MCA-TV! We have had a few shows in the studio already and a lot more coming! We welcome producers to start scheduling again to film in the station and check out our new control room! Volunteers are welcome to set up a time to come check out the new control room as well! Please call or email to set up a time to come so we can ensure we do not have too many people in the studio at once.

All measures are being taken to practice social distancing between employees and volunteers in the studio. Specifically, it is recommended that you stay at least 6 feet away from others and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. There will be alcohol-based sanitizer available so everyone can wash their hands frequently. In addition, the public will be required to wear a mask before being granted admittance to the building and during their time at the studio (with the exception being the talent). Individuals who cannot wear a mask due to a medical condition may enter the premise and are not required to provide documentation. If you are sick, we ask that you stay home for the safety of everyone until you are better. 
As always, you are welcome to reserve equipment from the studio to film as well. Just email us to reserve the equipment so we can ensure it is ready for you. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we all work through this reopening process. Our highest priority is the health and well-being of everyone in the MCA-TV family and our community. We will continue to monitor the evolving situation and keep you updated as changes occur. 
Volunteer Spotlight
James Hedderick  

Q. Give us a brief description of yourself.

I am a caring and kind person. I try my best and follow directions. I help out where I can and always put my best foot forward.

Q. How long have you been volunteering at MCA-TV?

have been volunteering at MCA-TV for a couple years now. I did my training back when I was in 7th grade and have helped out at all the football events since.

Q. What do you enjoy most about volunteering at MCA-TV?

I like that I'm helping out my community and I get to interact with people I wouldn't normally interact with.

Q. What brought you to MCA-TV to volunteer?

My mom brought up the film classes to me since I'm doing filming as a hobby and when we found out with that training you get access to volunteering at things, I knew I wanted to do that.

Q. Do you have any shows you would like to produce in the future?

I am currently working on a glorified version of fan fiction for multiple fandoms I enjoy into a "MCU" (Marvel Cinematic Universe) of sorts. It combines many of my favorite fandoms into one coherent story. I'm also working on an animated project with my friends. It's a slow process, but animation is very different from models and in camera work. 
The Options to Film are Unlimited
Do you have an idea for a show outside of the studio? Then you are in luck! Once you complete the production classes, you are able to borrow equipment from the studio to film outside today! You can film anything from garden show features to a car cruise or anything in between that interests you! 

If you have an idea for a new show and want to borrow equipment to film outside of the studio, contact the MCA-TV office today by email at to reserve equipment. 

Don't forget, you can also reserve the equipment to practice with at home so you can get familiar with using it outside of the studio. If you are interested, contact Allison today to find out more! 
Donation from MCA-TV  

In honor of our long time volunteer and advisory board member, Dave Merison, a donation has been made to the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in memory of his wife Susan Merison from MCA-TV. 
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities 
As of now, we will  be filming Moon High School football home games and some Moon High School Varsity soccer (Boys and Girls) home games this year. As soon as we finalize what games we will be covering, we will post the schedule. If you are interested in volunteering for any or all of these games, contact Allison today for more information! 
MCA-TV Instagram 
You can now stay up-to-date on MCA-TV events and happenings through the new Instagram account! 

Be sure to "follow" MCATV14 to see updates on the the updated studio, volunteer opportunities, updates from our producers and hosts, and more! 
Through The Years 
Produce a New Show Today! 
Do you have an idea for a new show?  MCA-TV is always looking for new content!

Producing a show is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Pitch your show idea to Allison Ford
2. Schedule a production date
3. Watch your show on MCA-TV

The rules are pretty simple, any Moon resident can produce a show or non-residents can work with a community producer to sign off on their production and help gather volunteers!

What is a community producer, you ask?
A community producer is a Moon Township resident that has gone through our production course.

If you are not a community producer, we can help pair you up with one!  We currently have about 15 active community producers ready to help you get your show on the road!  The process is easy! Just contact Allison Ford at with information about your idea and you are on your way!
MCA-TV Studio Information
1700 Beaver Grade Road Suite 140
Moon Township, PA 15108

Studio Hours
Monday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to Noon
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

MCA-TV Staff

Allison Ford
Director MCA-TV/ Communications

Frank Vieira 
MCA-TV Assistant Director

Morgan Torchia 
MCA-TV Production Assistant