MCAAP Immunization Initiative Update
August 2023
Registration is Open!
28th Annual MIAP Pediatric Immunization Skills Building Conference
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
DCU Center, Worcester/Online

The 28th Annual Massachusetts Immunization Action Partnership (MIAP) Pediatric Immunization Skills Building Conference will be held as a hybrid conference on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The in-person conference will be held at the DCU Center, Worcester, Massachusetts. Click here to visit the conference website.
2023 MIAP Conference Award
Nomination deadline: Friday, September 8, 2023

Each year, the Massachusetts Immunization Action Partnership (MIAP) recognizes Massachusetts individuals or groups which have made an outstanding contribution to pediatric immunization in Massachusetts. The recipient of this award is an individual or an organization that has demonstrated leadership, initiative, innovation, collaboration and/or advocacy. The MIAP Conference Organizing Committee is seeking nominations for this year’s award.

The award will be presented on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, during the 28th Annual MIAP Pediatric Immunization Skills Building Conference.

Click here to download a nomination form. The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, September 8, 2023.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Cynthia McReynolds (
CDC Director Adopts ACIP Recommendation for
RSV Immunization in Infants

On August 3, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) director Mandy Cohen, MD, MPH, adopted the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommendation for the use of nirsevimab, trade name BeyfortusTM, a long-acting monoclonal antibody product, which has been shown to reduce the risk of both hospitalizations and healthcare visits for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants by about 80 percent.

CDC recommends one dose of nirsevimab for all infants younger than 8 months, born during – or entering – their first RSV season (typically fall through spring). For a small group of children between the ages of 8 and 19 months who are at increased risk of severe RSV disease, such as children who are severely immunocompromised, a dose is recommended in their second season.

ACIP voted to include nirsevimab in the Vaccines for Children program, which provides recommended vaccines and immunizations at no cost to about half of the nation’s children. CDC is currently working to make nirsevimab available through the Vaccines for Children program. Healthcare providers will be a key partner in CDC’s outreach efforts. Additional clinical guidance and healthcare provider education material will be provided by CDC in the coming months.

Click here to read the full CDC press release.

Updates will circulated as they become available.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month!
#ImmunityCommunity #NIAM2023

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance held each August to highlight the importance of routine vaccination for people of all ages.

You play a critical role in cultivating an "Immunity Community." The following NIAM resources can be helpful for you and your organization, not only during NIAM, but also throughout the year:

  • Engage in learning opportunities with CDC’s Immunization Education and Training courses. Attend the upcoming MCAAP Immunization Initiative webinar and MIAP Conference. Additionally, check out the Provider Education, Events and Meetings Events section of this newsletter.
  • Make your practice a supportive space that welcomes vaccine questions and concerns from patients and parents.
  • Use proven strategies from CDC's Let's Rise initiative to encourage parents and patients to stay up to date on vaccinations.
  • Make immunization schedules easy for parents and patients to find by displaying them on your website. Click here to access Massachusetts School Immunization Requirements for the 2023-2024 school year.
  • Share clear and accurate information about the latest vaccine recommendations, including COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Use tools like PneumoRecs VaxAdvisor Mobile App to help you make vaccine recommendations.

Please see the Resource Spotlight section of this newsletter for additional NIAM resources.

Be on the lookout for NIAM updates throughout August.

Thank you for all that you do to protect Massachusetts children and adults against vaccine preventable diseases!
National Health Center Week
August 6-12, 2023

Every August, the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) sponsors National Health Center Week (NHCW). NHCW celebrates and increases awareness of America’s 1,400 Community Health Centers (CHCs), and is an opportunity to highlight the commitment and passion of Community Health Center staff, board members, and supporters who make it possible to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare services to more than 30 million patients across 14,500 communities annually. This year's NHCW theme is "Community Health Centers: The Roadmap to a Stronger America."

The Healey Administration has proclaimed the week of August 6-12 to be Massachusetts Health Center Week. Click here to read more.

During NHCW, the Massachusetts Vaccine Confidence Project (MVCP) recognized Massachusetts Community Health Centers for their dedication to keeping Massachusetts communities healthy.

Please see the Resource Spotlight section of this newsletter for more information about NHCW.
COVID-19 Vaccine Update

From the MDPH's Provider Bulletin, August 8, 2023

COVID-19 Vaccine Ordering

COVID-19 vaccine ordering is no longer available in the MIIS at the current time. The latest information from the CDC is signaling that commercialization is likely to occur in mid to late September. Providers serving individuals <19 years of age will continue to receive free state-supplied vaccine once commercialization occurs. We will inform providers once ordering for your <19 population is available again in the MIIS. Providers serving adult populations must start planning for private purchase of COVID-19 vaccines for when commercialization takes effect. Public providers (LBOHs, CHCs) who serve uninsured adult populations will receive additional information about accessing free COVID-19 vaccines through the federal Bridge program once additional information becomes available.  

If your site requires additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine prior to commercialization, please reach out to provider sites in your area or network that may be able to supply your site with the requested doses. If your site needs assistance with identifying available doses in your area , please contact the Vaccine Management Unit at 617-983-6828 or Please ensure that anytime your site is transferring vaccines to another location, you are following all guidance detailed in the Vaccine Transport SOP.

Reference: MDPH Covid-19 Provider Bulletin, August 8, 2023

From the AAP Immunization Initiatives Newsletter, July 2023

As of May 10, according to CDC data, only 11% of children ages 2-4 years had received a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine and only 0.6% had received at least one bivalent dose. Among children under 2 years, 9% have had at least one dose and 0.6% have had a bivalent dose. Efforts to simplify the COVID-19 vaccine schedule continue as this may lead to more children getting vaccinated. The ACIP COVID-19 vaccine work group indicated support for a single, potentially annual dose for children ages 2 years and older; however, this would require additional regulatory action and discussion.

It is expected that even after the transition to commercialization, the COVID-19 vaccine will be available at no out-of-pocket cost for those insured (including Medicaid and Medicare), and for children eligible for the VFC program. The CDC is preparing for commercialization of COVID vaccines this fall and expects to publish guidance for partners this summer.

Recently, the FDA requested that omicron XBB.1.5, the most commonly circulating strain of COVID-19, be contained in a new monovalent COVID-19 vaccine. Authorization of this vaccine is expected in the next few months. At that time, CDC would make recommendations on who should get it and how many doses would be needed.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Immunization Initiatives newsletter, July 2023

Please see the Resource Spotlight section for additional COVID-19 vaccine resources.
Vaccine Confidence Update

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an opportunity to celebrate the importance of vaccines. This month's newsletter has resources that you can utilize during August and throughout the year to promote vaccine confidence in your practice.

In celebration of National Health Center Week (NHCW), the MVCP participated at a Health Fair at the Baystate High Street Community Health Center on Thursday, August 10, and recognized Massachusetts Community Health Centers with certificates of appreciation.

On Friday, August 11, the MVCP partnered with Martha's Vineyard Hospital to discuss Vaccine Confidence with Martha's Vineyard health care providers and community advocates.

Click here to read the Summer 2023 Massachusetts Vaccine Confidence Project newsletter.

Click here to visit the MVCP website.
Resource Spotlight

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM)
#ImmunityCommunity #NIAM23
  • NIAM Toolkit, CDC
  • Childhood Immunization Discussion Guides, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
  • Adolescent Immunization Discussion Guides, AAP
  • NIAM 2023 Social Media Resources, Voices for Vaccines

National Health Center Week (NHCW)

COVID-19 Vaccines

Recently Published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

Bulletins and Newsletters
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Bulletins webpage
  • Massachusetts Vaccine Confidence Project Newsletter - Summer 2023
  • Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS) Monthly Update - August 2023, Issue 17
  • MDPH Vaccine Management Update - July 2023
  • AAP Immunization Initiatives Newsletter - July 2023
Provider Education, Events and Meetings

Upcoming Events and Meetings
August 2023
National Immunization Awareness Month
Click here for more information.

August 6-12, 2023
National Health Center Week
Click here for more information.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 6:30-9:00 PM
Massachusetts PTA Virtual Program
Going Back to School Healthy
This MCAAP partner program will address the specific needs and concerns of Massachusetts communities to support students, educators and families in "Going Back to School Healthy." Click here for more information and to register for the program.

Thursday, September 14, 2026, 4:00-6:00 PM
Massachusetts Vaccine Purchasing Advisory Council Meeting
The meeting will be hybrid. The in-person meeting will be held at Massachusetts Medical Society, Waltham, Massachusetts. Click here for more information.

Thursday, September 14, 2025, 6:15-8:15 PM
MCAAP Immunization Initiative
MCAAP Immunization Initiative Advisory Committee Meeting
The meeting will be hybrid. The in-person meeting will be held at Massachusetts Medical Society, Waltham, Massachusetts. If you are interested in attending the meeting or have questions, please contact Cynthia McReynolds (

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 1:00-3:00 PM
Massachusetts Adult Immunization Coalition (MAIC)
MAIC Meeting
The meeting will be virtual. Click here to register to attend the meeting. Please contact Amy Sgueglia with questions (

Registration is Open!
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Massachusetts Immunization Action Partnership (MIAP)
28th Annual MIAP Pediatric Immunization Skills Building Conference
The conference will be hybrid. Click here to visit the conference website.

On Demand Meetings and Recordings
MCAAP Immunization Initiative Webinar Series
Vaccine Refresher! Preventing Vaccine Administration Errors (recorded 6/29/23)
Click here to access the webinar recording and resources.

Updates in ACIP Recommendations for the 2023 Childhood/Adolescent and Adult Immunization Schedules (recorded 3/9/23)
Click here to access the webinar recording, presentation slides and resources.

Understanding Current COVID-19 and HPV Vaccination Challenges (recorded 1/26/23)
Click here to access the webinar recording, presentation slides and resources.
Click here to visit our website!