• MassHealth Redetermination 
  • Extension of Flexibilities for Prior Authorization of Formula
  • AAP SSNUGLE QI 2.0 Recruiting Pediatric Practices - Deadline 2/3/2023
  • Training Physician Leaders to Advance a More Just Workplace CME Program - March 2-5, 2023
  • Massachusetts Child Access Psychiatry Program (MCPAP) BRIEF Survey
MassHealth Redetermination

During the pandemic, the federal government increased their contribution to state Medicaid rates as part of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Part of that plan mandated that states couldn’t terminate most enrollees’ Medicaid coverage while the federal public health emergency (PHE) was in place. This continuous coverage requirement has kept millions of people covered during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

While the public health emergency is still in place, a timeline was set whereby all state Medicaid programs need to redetermine enrolling eligibility for coverage. The information below from Health Care For All and MassHealth addresses how healthcare practices and community agencies can help our patients respond to MassHealth inquiries in order to maintain insurance coverage.

The Update: MassHealth Redetermination Campaign
For a more background on campaign goals, target municipalities and our three-pronged strategy, please go here.
Key Updates:
MassHealth Will Resume Eligibility Redeterminations Beginning April 1, 2023
Late last year, Congress passed and President Biden signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, which ended the federal requirement that states keep Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries continuously covered through the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). As a result of this policy change, Massachusetts, however, will resume MassHealth redeterminations April 1, 2023. For more information about the MassHealth redetermination process, see this helpful resource.
MassHealth Redetermination Campaign Will Launch in March 2023
With MassHealth redeterminations set to begin in April, HCFA, MassHealth and the Health Connector are working in close collaboration to ensure all key campaign components – outreach by community-based organizations, a robust ad and media campaign, and in-person outreach via canvassing – are in place before redeterminations begin.
You can find those resources here.
Extension of Flexibilities for Prior Authorization of Formula

From the MassHealth All Provider Bulletin 358


In All Provider Bulletin 343, EOHHS announced modifications to the prior authorization (PA) process for formula. These modifications applied to both MassHealth durable medical equipment (DME) and pharmacy providers for a period of 90 days. All Provider Bulletin 351 extended these flexibilities through December 31, 2022.

In response to continuing supply chain issues impacting formula availability, MassHealth is further extending its modified PA process for formula for both DME and pharmacy providers through at least June 30, 2023.

Click HERE to read the full bulletin.
From the AAP
SSNUGLE QI 2.0 is Recruiting Pediatric Practices!
Deadline February 3rd!

SSNUGLE QI 2.0 is a 6-month (February-July 2023) quality improvement (QI) learning collaborative sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) with funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. We're looking for up to 12 pediatric practices that want to improve delivery and consistency of safe infant sleep recommendations to families.

For more information, click HERE.
Training Physician Leaders
to Advance a More Just Workplace CME Program

Date: Thursday, March 2 – Sunday, March 5, 2023 (In-Person)
Location: Babson Executive Conference Center,
1 Snyder Drive, Babson Park,
Wellesley, MA 02457

Program Description:

In today’s evolving health care environment, physicians need exceptional leadership skills to manage rapid change in their workplace. This program is designed to train physicians to be leaders or to advance their current leadership skills. Sessions will address optimizing opportunities and negotiating challenges in the workplace, including the impact of racial and gender-based bias and inequity within health care organizations. The program will also empower participants to return to the workplace with a clear understanding of the imperative for action and a more robust toolkit to inspire positive change. This program is open to physicians interested in advancing their careers and accelerating their leadership skills, while building inclusive work environments.

For information about the sponsors and program, click HERE.
MCPAP Survey

Primary care clinicians seeing infants under 6 months for well child care are recommended to screen parents and caregivers for postpartum depression. The Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program (MCPAP) and MCPAP for Moms want to support this work. MCPAP for Moms promotes maternal and child health by building the capacity of providers serving pregnant and postpartum women and their children up to one year after delivery to effectively prevent, identify, and manage mental health and substance use concerns.  
The MCAAP collaborated with MCPAP and the MA Academy of Family Physicians (MassAFP) in an effort to distribute a survey to our members to collect data on mental health screenings and mental health resources for parental depression.

If you haven't already, we would appreciate if you would complete a very brief survey that we can gather information about how MCPAP for Moms and MCPAP can best serve your needs.  Please contact me if you have any questions about this survey.

Click HERE to take the survey.