In This Issue:
- Call for Nominations
- FREE DROP-IN Virtual Lunch and Learn Series - Monday, January 8th - 12:30 - 1 pm
The MCAAP Forum Newsletter - Winter 2024 Issue
From the AAP:
- Community Pediatrics Training Initiative CPTI Grant
- Committee Member Openings
- MassHealth Announces Rate Increases for Primary Care
Additional FREE Educational Opportunities:
Virtual Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) Grand Rounds at Boston Children's Hospital - "How Environmental Health Research Guides Clinical Care: PFAS, Obesity, and Bone Health" - February 13, 2023
MA Department of Public Health ECHO Training - "Supporting Families in Pediatrics: Promoting Emotional, Behavioral, and Relational Health in Young Children with a Racial Equity Lens" - February 14 —May 22, 2024
- Texas AAP Chapter QI Opportunity - Earn MOC4 with the National Drowning Prevention QI Project
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2024 MCAAP Call for Nominations
The MCAAP 2024 election will fill vacancies on the executive board for Vice President/President-Elect, Treasurer, and representatives in Region 2 (Suffolk County), Region 3 (Middlesex and Essex Counties), Region 4 (Worcester), and Region 5 (Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire Counties) as well as two member-at-large positions (any counties). Click here to access a map of MA counties.
Individuals are eligible if they are voting members of the Chapter and live or work in one of the vacant regions. Please email names of nominees to Cathleen Haggerty at You may also mail nominations to 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451.
Nominations must be received by February 15, 2024. Electronic ballots will be emailed to voting members in mid-March.
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MCAAP Mondays:
FREE DROP-IN Virtual Lunch and Learn
2023-24 THEME:
Leveraging Community Services To Support Your Patients’
Learning and Developmental Needs
Biweekly Mondays from 12:30 to 1 pm
Hosted by MCAAP President Mary Beth Miotto with Special Guests
to Introduce Resources, Services, and Offer Access Tips
January 8th Session:
"Early Intervention Services in 2024:
Referrals, Care, and Communication”
Guest Speaker:
Emily White, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA
Director, Early Intervention Division
Bureau of Family Health and Nutrition
Department of Public Health
HERE is the meeting link!
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The Winter issue of the MCAAP newsletter, the Forum,
is available here as a PDF for online reading or printing.
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MassHealth Announces Rate Increases for Primary Care
In late November we received wonderful news from our partners at the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS). After extensive advocacy from the MMS with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and individual advocacy from independent pediatric and adult primary care practices, “MassHealth has announced its plan to increase investment in primary care practices that participate in the Primary Care Sub-Capitation Program for ACO members. The Commonwealth’s 17 Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have been notified of their 2024 contract updates, which include significant rate increases for those participating practices that are independent and not affiliated with a hospital or FQHC. Recognizing the unique clinical contributions and financial challenges of independent practices, and particularly independent pediatric practices, this investment is intended to help support the sustainability of primary care practices and improve access to these services. Sub-capitation rates will increase 25% for adults and 35% for children for the underlying provider fee schedule used to develop sub-capitation rates. Collectively this change will impact approximately 85% of participating provider organizations in the Commonwealth. ”
While there has not yet been a MassHealth bulletin released on this update, we are told that practices should get in touch this month with their assigned MassHealth ACO for more details and that the rate increases will be effective for services starting in January 2024.
Our Chapter works very closely with MMS and a number of Chapter leaders are also active in MMS committees and districts. The Chapter will continue to keep you apprised of any work that helps in the financial sustainability of all pediatric groups and practitioners in the Commonwealth and we invite you to reach out with questions, concerns, and ideas to our Board, Officers, and Executive Director.
Published in the Boston Globe on December 18th:
MassHealth to raise rates for some independent practices,
though doctors say more is urgently needed
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AAP Community Pediatrics Training Initiative
CPTI Advocacy Training Grant
Community Pediatrics Training Initiative (CPTI) program. CPTI works to improve child health by preparing pediatricians to be leaders through training in community-level advocacy and building sustainable community partnerships to work on systems and policy change.
CPTI has an annual grant opportunity, the Advocacy Training Grant, which targets and supports 4 pediatric faculty-resident pairs to attend the AAP Advocacy Conference as well as seed funding to implement an education project to strengthen the advocacy skills of others in their academic program.
The application deadline is Friday, January 12, 2024, with award notification in early February.
For more information, contact Courtney Day, AAP Manager, Community Health & Partnerships, at
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AAP National Committees - 2024 Member Positions
The AAP Board of Directors is soliciting nominations to fill member vacancies in the following AAP National Committees for terms beginning July 1, 2024:
- Committee on Bioethics
- Committee on Federal Government Affairs
- Committee on Infectious Diseases
- Committee on Nutrition
- Committee on Pediatric and Adolescent HIV
- Committee on Pediatric Education
- Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- Committee on Pediatric Workforce
- Committee on Philanthropy
- Committee on Practice & Ambulatory Medicine
- Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child & Family Health
- Committee on State Government Affairs
- Committee on Substance Use and Prevention
- Council on Children and Disasters
- Council on Immigrant Child and Family Health
- Payer Advocacy Advisory Committee
You can find the requirements, the statements of needs for each position, and the application materials on To be considered complete, an application must include a (1) factsheet, (2) biographical summary, (3) letter of nomination, and (4) letter of support. Once submitted, candidates will receive a request to complete their Conflict of Interest Disclosure. Completion of this disclosure will finalize the application process.
As part of the AAP Equity Agenda, the Board of Directors is committed to increasing the percentage of members from groups underrepresented in medicine that are serving in Academy leadership positions. Diverse candidates in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or national origin are encouraged to apply. To ensure a diverse pool of applications, the call for nominations will be widely distributed.
The deadline for nominations is February 16, 2024. Nominees must submit the completed application package to their Chapter President and the AAP Nominations Team ( The AAP Board of Directors will meet in May 2024 to review nominations and make final appointments.
Thank you for your review and contribution to the nominations process of AAP National Committees for the 2024 term. Please email any questions to
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Supporting Families in Pediatrics:
Promoting Emotional, Behavioral, and
Relational Health in Young Children
with a Racial Equity Lens
You are invited to the free Supporting Families in Pediatrics ECHO Training Series, presented by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Dates: February 14, 2024—May 22, 2024 (Wednesdays, twice a month)
Times: 12:00 pm—1:00 pm
Location: Virtual via iEcho Platform (Zoom)
This series is open to integrated pediatric care staff across Massachusetts and welcomes behavioral health clinicians, family partners, community health workers, and other providers serving children ages 0-6. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to best support families in promoting their child's healthy social and emotional development while using resources from the Pyramid Model, DC: 0-5, and the Liberation Health Framework. Participants will also have the opportunity to present and contribute to case consultations to deepen their learning experience. CEU credits have been applied for and will be awarded for free for social workers, LMHCs, and CHWs.
Please register by February 7, 2024. Registration may be limited depending on interest. Priority will be given to individuals working in pediatric primary care practices, however allied fields working with infants and young children are welcome to apply.
Register HERE!
If you have any questions, please contact
Marisa Matsudaira, LICSW at
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Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) Grand Rounds
February 13, 2024
The Pediatric Environmental Health Center at Boston Children’s Hospital and the New England Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (Region 1 PEHSU) are hosting a FREE virtual Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) Grand Rounds on February 13, 2024. CME credits are available.
“How Environmental Health Research Guides Clinical Care:
PFAS, Obesity, and Bone Health”
Speaker: Abby Fleisch MD MPH
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (EST)
Click here for more information.
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TX Chapter QI Opportunity - Earn MOC4 with the
National Drowning Prevention QI Project!
Earn 25 MOC 4 Credits with the National Drowning Prevention QI Project.
Apply today for the National Drowning Prevention QI Project. Drowning is a leading cause of death for children under age 14 in the U.S. This 7-month project will give you the tools to counsel families on water safety and drowning prevention by attending five one-hour webinars, collecting 60 caregiver surveys, and tracking counseling rates.
What you get from this FREE MOC4 project:
- 25 MOC 4 Credits (upon completion);
- Posters, brochures, and water watcher tags to distribute to families; and
- Training to confidently educate families on drowning and water safety.
Learn more here - Deadline extended to January 14th.
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MCAAP| 781-895-9852 | 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 | | | | | |