• MCAAP/AAP News:
  • MCAAP Fall 2024 Newsletter - The Forum
  • RSV Information from the AAP
  • AAP 2025 Advocacy Conference and Grant Opportunity
  • MCAAP/AAP Open Positions
  • AAP Committee Chairperson Openings
  • AAP Chapter Early Career and Senior Member Champions

The fall 2024 issue of the MCAAP newsletter, the Forum, 

is available here as a PDF for online reading or printing. 

RSV information from the AAP

If you have questions about RSV, you can submit them here and a National staff member will follow up with you: Nirsevimab Question/Issue Submission Form


Share Feedback on RSV and Administration of Beyfortus

As we approach the 2024-25 fall respiratory virus season, the AAP is interested in learning more from chapter leaders and chapter executive directors about successes and barriers to administering Beyfortus in hospital and ambulatory settings. Information will inform the Academy's ongoing advocacy efforts. Please share feedback through the Nirsevimab Question/Issue Submission Form. We look forward to hearing from you.


Pre-recorded Webinar Series: Respiratory Virus Season 2024-2025

This new 2-part webinar series on Red Book® Online (RBO) presented by Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, FAAP, Chair, AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases, provides essential information on immunization recommendations and updates to prepare for respiratory virus season. To view these webinars, as well as related resources, please visit the newly redesigned Red Book Online Webinars page.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Update (13 min)

This webinar discusses AAP COVID-19 vaccine recommendations for 2024-2025. Learn about COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality data in children, as well as vaccine safety, effectiveness, coverage rates, pediatric provider recommendations, and parental attitudes.

  • RSV Immunization Update (11 min)

This webinar discusses AAP nirsevimab recommendations and administration timing, as well as the effectiveness of nirsevimab against RSV-associated emergency department visits and hospitalizations during the 2023-2024 RSV season.


RSV Immunization Guidance Not Changing; AAP Continues Work on Logistical Hurdles

The AAP recommends all infants be protected from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) by receiving nirsevimab or through vaccination of their pregnant parent with RSVpreF (Abrysvo), and is reminding clinicians to review the clinical guidance, which will remain the same. AAP experts are optimistic the use of nirsevimab will be smoother in the upcoming season, although some logistical hurdles remain. Read more in AAP News, and please use the AAP Nirsevimab Question/Issue reporting form to submit questions, successes, and barriers related to nirsevimab administration.


Communicating with Families and Promoting Vaccine Confidence

The 2025 AAP Advocacy Conference

March 2nd - 4th

 This year's conference will be held in Arlington, VA

Click here to register!

At the start of a new Congress and a new presidential administration, this March will be a critical time for pediatricians to connect with lawmakers and their staff. We must ensure that child health is at the top of their agenda.


Every year, the conference brings together pediatricians, pediatric subspecialists, pediatric trainees and AAP chapter leaders who share a passion for child health advocacy. Attendees will hear from distinguished guest speakers, participate in advocacy skills-building and child health policy issue sessions, and learn how to be a strong voice for children.


On the final day of the conference, participants from each state will attend meetings with their congressional offices to discuss a timely child health issue.


There will be a limited number of scholarships available to cover registration for the conference. We will share application information as soon as it is available.


To learn more about the conference,

please visit

Call for Applications:

CPTI Advocacy Training Grant

(Deadline - Friday, December 6, 2024) 

The application period for the 2025-2026 Community Pediatrics Training Initiative (CPTI) Advocacy Training Grant is now open. Any interested pediatric resident-faculty pairing may apply now through Friday, December 6, 2024.  

The grant provides funds for 4 faculty-resident pairs to attend the 2025 AAP Advocacy Conference in Arlington, VA from March 2-4, 2025, as well as up to $1,000 to support an educational advocacy project in their residency program in collaboration with their AAP Chapter. Priority will be given to those applicants that: demonstrate knowledge of the importance of advocacy for community-level policies and include work on an identified health disparity issue(s) in their community or state. 

Additional information on the grant and application form can be found on the CPTI website. Questions and concerns about the grant or application should be directed to Courtney Day (  

MCAAP/AAP Open Positions

There are many opportunities for involvement on the Chapter and National levels to advocate for kids, families, trainees and pediatricians among others. Please consider applying for one of the positions listed below. These are great opportunities to get involved and build strong rCVs. We'd be happy to help with the process and/or customize volunteer opportunities that work for you. Here is a list of the current MCAAP Committees, AAP representatives and MCAAP expert representatives. 

The MCAAP/AAP is in the process of

appointing members to the following positions:

  • MCAAP CME Committee Member - For more information click here.
  • MCAAP Membership Champion - For more information click here.
  • MCAAP Pediatric Council Chair - For more information click here.
  • MCAAP Infectious Disease Expert - For more ifnormation click here.
  • MCAAP Appointees to the MA Commission on LGBTQ Youth - For more information, click here.
  • AAP Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Facilitator - For more information click here.

Contact Cathleen Haggerty at to apply for any of these positions or for more information about MCAAP opportunities.

Call for Nominations

AAP National Committees 2025 Chairperson Positions


The AAP Board of Directors is soliciting nominations to fill chairperson vacancies in the following AAP National Committees for terms beginning July 1, 2025: 


  • Committee on Bioethics
  • Committee on Coding and Nomenclature
  • Committee on Continuing Medical Education
  • Committee on Fetus and Newborn
  • Committee on Nutrition
  • Committee on Pediatric Education
  • Committee on Pediatric Research


You can find the requirements, the statements of need for each position, and the application materials on To be considered complete, an application must include a (1) factsheet, (2) biographical summary, (3) letter of nomination, and (4) letter of support. Once submitted, candidates will receive a request to complete their conflict of interest disclosure. Completion of this disclosure will finalize the application process.  


Please visit the Committee Chair Nominations website on Lead@AAP for additional information: (member log-in required)


As part of the AAP Equity Agenda, the Board of Directors is committed to increasing the percentage of members from groups underrepresented in medicine that are serving in Academy leadership positions. Diverse candidates in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or national origin are encouraged to apply. To ensure a diverse pool of applications, the call for nominations will be widely distributed.  


The deadline for nominations is October 31, 2024. Nominees must submit the completed application package to their Chapter President and the AAP Nominations Team ( The AAP Board of Directors will meet in January 2025 to review nominations and make final appointments. Once appointed, committee chairpersons may be re-appointed annually for a term totaling four years.


Thank you for your review and contribution to the nominations process of AAP National Committees for the 2025 cycle. Please email any questions to

New Chapter Champion Program: Early Career and Senior Member Champions – Nominations Due December 15

We are excited to announce a new chapter champion program designed to strengthen chapter engagement with early career physicians and senior members and enhance communication with the national AAP Sections. The Early Career and Senior Member Chapter Champions will play a crucial role in advancing chapter goals by actively engaging members, participating in chapter activities, and serving as a liaison between the Section on Early Career Physicians (SOECP) and Section on Senior Members (SOSM).


Download the toolkit, which outlines the detailed application process, including a sample application, sample position description, sample congrats and regrets email, and scoring rubric. Chapters are encouraged to select champions for both positions from their early career and senior committees for these roles. Chapters that do not have these committees are welcome to nominate someone separately, invite chapter members to apply, or contact AAP staff for recruitment assistance (see staff contacts below).


Please use this nomination form to submit candidates for the Early Career and Senior Member Chapter Champions roles by Sunday, December 15. AAP staff plan to hold bi-annual meetings beginning in February or March 2025. 



Elisha Ferguson, Manager, Early Career Member Engagement 

Tori Davis, Manager, Senior Member Engagement

MCAAP e-newsletter archives can be found here.

MCAAP| 781-895-9852 | 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 |

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