ln This Issue:

  • MCAAP/AAP Opportunities to Volunteer
  • FREE Virtual RSV Roundtable Event - 9/27
  • MassHealth’s New Webpage for Pregnant Members
  • TODAY! - FREE Virtual Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) Grand Rounds - Boston Children's Hospital - 9/19 - 12 pm - 1 pm
  • A Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PESHU) ECHO Series: An Update on PFAS "Forever Chemicals for Physicians" - 10/4
  • AAP 2023 Election

MCAAP/AAP Open Positions

There are many opportunities for involvement on the Chapter and National levels to advocate for kids, families, trainees and pediatricians among others. Please consider applying for one of the positions listed below. These are great opportunities to get involved and for some, to build a strong resumes/CVs. We'd be happy to help with the process and/or customize volunteer opportunities that work for you. Here is a list of the current MCAAP Committees, AAP representatives and MCAAP expert representatives.

The MCAAP/AAP is in the process of

appointing members to the following positions:

  • DPH Newborn Screening Advisory Committee Representatives - For more information, click here and to apply contact Cathleen Haggerty at
  • MCAAP Membership Champion - For more information click here and to apply contact Cathleen Haggerty at
  • MCAAP Children's Mental Health Task Force Member(s) - For more information click here and to be added to the distribution list contact Cathleen Haggerty at
  • CME Committee - For more information click here and to apply contact Cathleen Haggerty at
  • MCAAP Nominating Committee Member - For more information click here and to apply contact Cathleen Haggerty at
  • AAP Massachusetts Suicide Prevention Ambassador(s) - For more information, click here.

Here are links for information on: AAP SectionsAAP Councils and AAP Committees.

Here is a current list of AAP Chairpersons and corresponding AAP staff members. The AAP main phone number is 630-626-6000.

Please contact us at 781-895-9852

or at for more information.

FREE Virtual RSV Roundtable

 Charting New Territory in Protecting Infants from RSV Disease: How Care Teams Can Master the State Rollout of a Breakthrough Preventive Therapy 


A Roundtable Discussion with Pediatric Experts

Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 7-8 p.m.

presented by the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health 

All health professionals who care for young families are invited to this interactive program addressing RSV passive immunization provided to infants by nirsevimab, how this Vaccines for Children product will be made available to practices and hospitals, and first steps in integrating the monoclonal antibody therapeutic into your health care organization. The panel, comprised of general and specialty pediatricians familiar with nirsevimab, will lay the groundwork for understanding RSV prevention strategies before answering audience questions on the science, care considerations, and practice logistics.

The program will be virtual. Register today.

If you have any questions, please contact Cathleen Haggerty at or Cynthia McReynolds at

MassHealth’s New Webpage for Pregnant Members

MassHealth has a new webpage for pregnant membersInformation for Pregnant MassHealth Members | The webpage is available in English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Haitian Creole, simplified Chinese, and Vietnamese.


FREE Virtual Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) Grand Rounds on September 19

The Pediatric Environmental Health Center at Boston Children’s Hospital and the New England Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (Region 1 PEHSU) are hosting a FREE virtual Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) Grand Rounds on September 19, 2023. CME’s are available. 


PEH Grand Rounds:

Title: “The Role Clinicians Play in Protecting the Health of Private Well Owners”

Speaker: Steve Wilson, MS

Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (ET)


The attached flyer and the registration page contain more

information on the speaker and the learning objectives.


Register now at:

The Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU) from federal regions 1, 2, 4, 6 and the Boston Children's Health Physicians (BCHP) are recruiting pediatric practitioners to join a 6-session learning collaborative aimed at educating and supporting physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and public health professionals on the issues surrounding Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and safe drinking water.

This topic is especially relevant as more is understood about the sources of PFAS as well as their health effects. Patients are more concerned than ever about their exposure and health risks.

Practices will engage in the ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) modelTM, a tele-mentoring platform that leverages video conference technology to connect subject matter experts with primary care providers in local communities, fostering an “all teach, all learn” approach.

This ECHO will meet for 6 sessions and each one will last one-hour. The first session of this ECHO will occur on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 1 pm ET / 11 am MT. CME, CEU, and MOC2 credit pending.

More detailed information can be found on the attached flyer and at the registration link below.


Register at:

2023 AAP Election Information 

Voting for the 2023 AAP election opened on Wednesday, September 13 and will close on Wednesday, September 27. All eligible AAP members received an email with the link to vote and are encouraged to participate in the election.

Visit the AAP Election Center (only accessible to eligible voting members) for more information. To learn more about the 2023 candidates, check out the AAP News election coverage. 

MCAAP| 781-895-9852 | 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 |