2022 | November Issue

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MCACHE provides a local forum for the open exchange of information and viewpoints. In doing so, we help enhance the decision-making expertise and professional development with major responsibility for healthcare management in Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio – all while promoting the mission and vision of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).

Vision: To dramatically improve the health and wellness of our communities in Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio by being a premier society of healthcare leaders.
President's Message

David T. Brooks, FACHE, MHSA

As the MCACHE year ends, I reflect on the honor of serving as President. The annual meeting on November 1st served as a special event and culmination of so many great accomplishments and successes. The evening started with the Annual Business Meeting. As each of our Committee Chairs explained their group’s accomplishments for the year, I was struck by the commitment that our active leaders have to their profession. Much of MCACHE’s work happens through our committees which of course are made up of volunteers, whether those are the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Committees or Officers and other Board members. All these folks are very busy managers, executives, and leaders within their ‘paid’ jobs, along with no doubt busy family and personal activities. And yet, they still find time and energy to support MCACHE and the profession of healthcare leadership. This shows why we should have great confidence in our field and those who lead it going forward!

We celebrated much including the opportunity to recognize this hard work through awards from both local MCACHE as well as national ACHE.  A highlight was the opportunity to present to the late David Campbell’s family, the MCACHE Lifetime Achievement Award. It was such an honor for all of us that his wife and daughter were able to be present. Several MCACHE members described his servant leadership style, but also what type of friend, mentor, coach, supporter he was to so many of us personally, to the MCACHE chapter, and our predecessor organizations. He touched so many lives and he surely will be missed.

ACHE Regent, Thomas Lanni, FACHE, recognized the Regent Award winners who he presented with awards earlier in the year at the Michigan Hospital Association meeting. These include Sana Matloub, MHA – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in our Student category, Kristia Le, MHA, CHFP –Corewell Health as our Early Careerist, and the late Maia Platt, PhD – University of Detroit Mercy in our Faculty category.

Recognized by ACHE for exceptional service with a 2 STAR Fellow for Distinguished Service was recent Past President Michelle Hornberger, FACHE. And recognized with 3 STAR Fellow – Distinguished Service Awards were Denise Brooks-Williams, FACHE, and Peter Karadjoff, FACHE. And not to be outdone, MCACHE has chapter Contribution Awards for above and beyond service and support. This year, three amazing volunteer leaders are recognized -- Melanie Berger, from the Program Committee, Scott Johnson, from the Membership Committee, and, Scott Kowalski, from the Emerging Leaders Committee. All of our Award winners deserve our thanks and gratitude for their commitment and dedication to ACHE, MCACHE, and our profession.

The second part of the evening was a wonderful education session, (much thanks to the Program Committee members and Melanie Berger) featuring keynote speaker, Tina Freese Decker, FACHE, President & CEO, Corewell, and the three senior C-suite leader panelists, Denise Brooks-Williams, FACHE, Senior Vice-President & CEO North Market, Henry Ford Health, Alonzo Lewis, President, St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor and Livingston, and Joseph Hurshe, FACHE, Chief Operating Officer, Ascension Michigan. They answered questions and shared their vision of the future of healthcare and shared what had been accomplished during an ever-changing healthcare environment. As I reflected on the evening, the most fun of all was that we got to do it in person. I think I hugged over 100 people. 

Our upcoming 2023 leadership dream team includes all the volunteers listed below. We all need to be grateful for their time and their shared leadership. As the current President, I am personally thankful to each of you for attending MCACHE and ACHE educational programs, having fun at our networking events, volunteering for the community service events, being active in improving our profession, being a visible leader in your community, and just being an active and engaged member of the MCACHE chapter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart – you have made this year a truly wonderful one for me as the President of the Chapter.

2023 MCACHE Board of Directors

President: Angela DeLaere, MBA, FACHE

President-Elect: Michael Nanzer, DPT, MBA, FACHE

Past-President: David Brooks, MHSA, FACHE

Secretary: Lacey Sapkiewicz, MHSA

Treasurer: Branden Hill, MBA, CRA, CHFP, RT (R0 (CT) (N)

Regent: Thomas Lanni, Jr., MBA, FACHE

At-Large: Brian Madison, FACHE, FHFMA

At-Large: Nancy Susick, MSN, RN, FACHE

At-Large: Denise Fair Razo, MBA, MPH, FACHE

At-Large: Peter Karadjoff, MBA, FACHE

At-Large: Gwendolyn Parker, MD, MBA, FACHE

At-Large: Shawn Levitt, PhD(c), MBA, MHSA, RN, FACHE, CMCN, CP

By-Laws Chair: Robert J. Yellan, MPH, JD, FACHE

By-Laws Vice-Chair: Laura Napiewocki, JD, MHSA, FACHE

Career Development Chair: John Fick, EdD, MS, FACHE

Communication Chair: Medija Shaska, MS, FACHE, PMP

Communications Vice-Chair: Joseph Cafferty, MSW  

Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Michael Markel, RN, MSN, MSBA, FACHE

Emerging Healthcare Leaders Chair: Kristia Le, MHA

Emerging Healthcare Leaders Vice-Chair: Matthew Orsey, MHA

Membership Chair: Scott Johnson, MBA, MPH, CSMC

Membership Vice-Chair: Kenneth Rates, MHSA, MBA

Membership Vice-Chair: Richard Hillbom, FACHE

Program Chair:  Almir Karamovic, MPA, FHFMA, CSPPM

Program Vice-Chair: Melanie Berger, CPSM

Sponsorship Chair: Matt Rall, MBA

Student Activities Chair: Kathy Mielke, MPA, RDH

Board Advisor: Michelle Hornberger, MHSA, FACHE

Regent's Message

Thomas B. Lanni, Jr., FACHE, MBA

Regent for Michigan and Northwest Ohio

Chapter Leaders Conference


I had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to attend our first in-person Chapter Leaders Conference in three years, from September 18 – 20. It was great to be able to talk, network, and learn from other ACHE members and leaders on a variety of topics. There were a lot of good takeaways from the session, including a workshop led by Dr. Leslie Wainwright, PhD. The topic was “Applying Design Thinking to Healthcare’s Most Pressing Challenges”. It was also great to attend the breakout sessions to learn more about what fellow chapters are working on from technology, diversity and inclusion, opportunities for collaboration, and much more.


2023 Congress on Healthcare Leadership (Update)


There is an important update about the 2023 Congress on Healthcare Leadership. Following the success of this year’s Congress, next year’s event will be held March 20–23 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. Please note that this is a week earlier than previously announced. For more information on Congress, please visit https://www.ache.org/Learning-Center/Education-and-Events/Congress-on-Healthcare-Leadership



Become a Mentor in ACHE’s Leadership Mentoring Network

Help impact the future of healthcare to continue the great work you have started. The Career Resource Center is committed to enhancing the mentorship experience for our members by supporting more than 300 mentor-mentee relationships annually via our digital Leadership Mentoring Network. We invite you to complete a mentor profile. 


As a mentor, you can help guide the next generation of healthcare leaders by:

  • Sharing your experiences.
  • Providing strategic career advice.
  • Assisting with goal setting.


This one-on-one mentoring experience will primarily be held virtually through phone calls, video chat, and email. Formal mentor-mentee relationships last six months, with the next cohort launching in October. Learn more and complete your mentor profile today.


FACHE® Recertification

The mandatory recertification deadline for the 2022 class is December 31, 2022.


Fellows can check on their progress by logging into their My ACHE page and viewing the FACHE Recertification Progress Tool. There is no need to wait until December to recertify. Fellows should recertify early, pending all requirements have been met, so they may start earning continuing education and volunteer activities toward their next recertification cycle.


Fellows over the age of 60 who plan to retire within the next five years may be eligible for a one-time-only, five-year recertification waiver. Fellows in good standing who are retired from healthcare management may transfer to Retired or Life Fellow Status.


Complimentary Resources from our Premier Corporate Partners

Did you know ACHE’s Premier Corporate Partners provide complimentary webinars available for ACHE Qualified Education credit as well as additional resources for all ACHE members? Please take a moment to visit the Premier Corporate Partner Complimentary Resources section on ACHE.org for access to webinars, e-books, podcasts, white papers, and more. 

Previous Programs and Events

MCACHE Emerging Leaders Community Engagement at Earthworks Urban Farm -

August 6

By: Tyler Vogt - Chair, Emerging Leaders Community Engagement Committee

The Community Engagement Committee partnered with Earthworks Urban Farm to work in their garden beds on Saturday, August 6th. There was a total of 13 participants who spent the morning sifting compost, gathering it in wheelbarrows, and raked the compost into new beds for future garden growth. As a result of hours of hard work and sweat in the sun, the group was able to move roughly 50 wheelbarrows worth of compost and put down 3 new beds ready to be used to help grow vegetables to feed the community supported by the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. It was an absolute pleasure for MCACHE to partner with Earthworks Urban Farm and we look forward to future collaborations to assist the surrounding communities of Metro Detroit.

Everyone who participated within this event received free t-shirts embraced with our message of “Serve Lead Inspire” on the front and the MCACHE logo on the back. If you are interested in getting yourself one of these great looking shirts, please be sure to register for one of our future Community Engagement events.   

Cybersecurity Threats and Ways to Minimize Risk - August 24

By: Michelle Nguyen, MHA, Member, Program Committee

Overview of Cybersecurity Threats and Ways to Minimize Risks virtual webinar was held on August 24, 2022.

Panelists were:

  • Ash Goel, MD, Senior VP & CIO at Bronson Healthcare. Dr. Goel oversees the broad IT strategy for the organization and practices medicine on a part-time basis.
  • Geeta Kapoor, VP Information Security, MSC Industrial Supply Co. Geeta Kapoor had the experience of working in the health industry from serving as VP & Chief Info. Security Officer at Beaumont Health.
  • John Fowler, Deputy Information Security Officer, Henry Ford Health. John Fowler provides leadership and oversight in the strategic planning and execution of Henry Ford Health System's Enterprise Information Security Program.
  • Jon Ford, Managing Director, Mandiant. Jon Ford leads teams to respond to breaches and crisis events worldwide. He also delivers executive thought about solutions to protect critical missions, infrastructures, and national security interests worldwide. He had worked for the FBI and the US government. 


The panel reviewed cybersecurity threats and ways to minimize risks. Many areas, such as the system's vulnerabilities to remote access, personal devices, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Internet of Things (IoT), and supplier channels, could be avenues for attacks. The panel highlighted that solutions of these securities have to work smoothly for everyone, such as home users, employees, physicians, nurses, etc.

Healthcare organizations should focus on prevention. The key takeaways were:

  • All services and solutions should have built-in security from the beginning. Any legacy systems devices that are no longer supported should be removed from the network.
  • Leaders foster a security culture. Everyone needs to be educated and mindful of security.
  • All accesses need to implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
  • The security department should frequently review and delete any compromised credentials.
  • Healthcare organizations must audit and validate internal and external accesses and controls. Healthcare organizations can prevent future breaches by regularly reviewing these vulnerabilities, accesses, and credentials. 
  • Executives collaborate with the security and IT teams to improve cybersecurity.


MCACHE Emerging Leaders - Fowling Warehouse Networking - August 26

By: Michael Henry, Chair, Professional Development and Networking Committee

On Friday, August 26, there were 19 emerging leaders that attended the Fowling Warehouse networking event. It was a fun evening of networking, pizza, and games. Opening in December of 2014, the Hamtramck Fowling Warehouse was the first of its kind to open in the country. Fowling is a combination of football and bowling with the goal of knocking down the other teams ten bowling pins with a football before they knock over your own. The entire group had a blast showing off their skills in this unique game as friendly competition broke out on the two Fowling lanes the group reserved.

Midway through the evening, pizza and cheesy bread from Amiccii’s Pizza was served as everyone got the chance to pause the fowling activities in order to network and make some new connections. Our 3rd quarter events are typically a great time to welcome new Administrative Fellows and MCACHE members, so it was great to see some new faces in attendance.

Thanks to all who came out for an enjoyable evening with good company – we look forward to seeing you all at our future Professional Development and Networking events!

MCACHE Emerging Leaders - Summit - Leading as Your Best Self was a Success! - September 14

By: Kristin Shifman, Member, Emerging Leaders Summit Committee

On September 14, MCACHE Emerging Leaders hosted 140 emerging and executive leaders at Ford Field for the second MCACHE Emerging Leaders’ Summit. This event focused on “Leading as Your Best Self.”

Dr. Bill Moutzouros, MD, Chief of Sports Medicine at Henry Ford Health and Head Physician for the Detroit Pistons, and Dr. Ramsey Shehab, MD, Deputy Chief of Sports Medicine at Henry Ford Health and Team Physician for the Detroit Pistons, kicked off the event with a keynote speech on “How to be the Best Version of Yourself.” The moderator for this session was Angela DeLaere, MCACHE President Elect, President & CEO, Visiting Nurse Association and Bluewater Hospice.

Dr. Moutzouros and Dr. Shehab discussed how to be the best version of yourself personally and in your career. The keynote speech outlined holistic approaches to physical, mental, and social well-being and described how concepts of physical and mental preparedness in sports performance can be used in a professional setting.

Following the keynote presentations, attendees chose to participate within multiple breakout sessions and a tour of Ford Field. The first breakout session was a “Leadership/Personality Assessment” with Nancy Mauer, Principal, Sonder Haven LLC. The leadership assessment focused on helping leaders to recognize behavioral patterns and gain insight into how they manage themselves and their colleagues.  

Aligned with the Summit’s message of “Leading as Your Best Self,” a supporting session was available to discuss “Your Personal Brand” with Venus Smith, Senior Customer Success Manager, LinkedIn. In an ever-changing environment of virtual and in person work, building and maintaining your personal brand is an essential part of any career.  This session provided tactics for individuals to grow their person brand.  Venus explained the importance of having a detailed LinkedIn profile for job growth.

The last supporting breakout of the Summit was an interactive case study titled “Hitting the Ground Sprinting” with Medija Shaska, Director of Project Management Office, Emergent Holdings, as the facilitator. The case study challenged individuals to discover ways to combat changes and stress at work. The main leadership qualities of trust, compassion, stability, and hope were discussed.

To close out the Summit, attendees enjoyed a panel discussion regarding “What Does it Mean to Bring Yourself to Work?” The moderator of the session was Peter Watson, VP, Clinical Operations & Strategy, HAP, and the panelists were Denise Fair Razo, Chief Public Health Officer, City of Detroit, Darren Evans, System Pharmacy Manager, Rochester Regional Health, Jacqlyn Smith, Chief Strategy Officer, DMC Children’s Hospital of Michigan, and Michael Dixon, VP, Human Resources, Beaumont Health.

This distinguished group of healthcare leaders gave insight into tips and tricks for bringing your best self to work and methods for overcoming adversity and stressful situations. The panelists spoke on how to remain present in the moment, support the mission at hand, and deliver the quality outcomes. Panelists shared insights of servant leadership and how to best foster the team approach and strategies that are required to work in an ever-evolving healthcare industry.

Attendees also enjoyed a resume review booth sponsored by Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) and a headshot booth by Michelle Renaud Photography. LHH provided feedback to attendees’ resumes while focusing on developing their accomplishment stories. Michelle Renaud provided headshot photos to attendees to be used for work and in upgrading professional networking pictures. The Summit concluded with networking and an afterglow.

The 2022 “Leading as your Best Self” Summit was the culmination of a years’ worth of work by the MCACHE Emerging Leaders planning team and showcased the power and potential of Metro Detroit’s young professionals in bringing healthcare organizations together. The Summit was also made possible with sponsorship from Beaumont Health, Henry Ford Health, Alexion, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Hall Render, Ultra-X Imaging, Visiting Nurse Association & Blue Water Hospice, and Bowling Green State University.  Lastly, we would like to thank Susan Stokes, David Brooks, MCACHE President, and Angela Delaere, MCACHE Present Elect.

The Implementation & Sustainability of Telepsychiatry - September 27

By: Medija Shaska, MS, FACHE, PMP, Chair Communications Committee

On Tuesday, September 27, the Midwest Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives had the honor of hosting a virtual event, where 3 distinguished guests discussed the role of telemedicine in the field of psychiatry, the progress so far especially in the face of the pandemic as well as the next steps and future paths for this new channel of care.

The panelists and contributors to the discussion were Dr. Anton Babushkin, an experienced provider and entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Startmywellness.com, Dr. Paresh Patel Medical Director and Ambulatory Clinical Chief at Michigan Medicine and Amanda May, Manager of Behavioral Health Integration Program at Henry Ford Health. The discussion was moderated by Stephen Mertz, COO at Sheppard Pratt Solutions, a division of Sheppard Pratt, one of nation’s largest and most well-regarded behavioral healthcare organizations.

The panelists touched on a lot of aspects including considerations of safety when providing tele-care, regulatory considerations, and reimbursements as vital to sustainability as well as advocacy for this relatively new profession.

Telepsychiatry was lauded for all the various new opportunities that it provides to patients, including the opportunity for the provider to engage with more than the patient, but also their family members or care takers, which has been helpful in many cases. Dr. Paresh touched on the limitations of technology when providing telepsychiatry, for example when providing group therapy. In terms of safety, Amanda noted the importance of safety protocols needed to help patients in crisis when providing virtual care and the work that HFH has done in that regard. Dr. Babushkin elaborated on the needed “human connection” when providing virtual care but noted that virtual care does provide more safety to providers in risk type situations. All panelists noted the need for further virtual training of providers, in order to use the technologies appropriately when providing such care.

Panelists discussed in length the shifting payer landscape, the new regulatory requirements that are popping up across the country but also the wide opportunities for further growth and innovation in this space, which they all hoped wouldn’t be stifled by any future regulation or even their lack off.

In all, this was a wonderful event, where attendees had an opportunity to learn more about behavioral health and telepsychiatry, and the expanded care that the use of virtual technology has given patients all over the country. 

Biennial Symposium at the University of Michigan - October 7

By David Brooks, FACHE, President, MCACHE

MCACHE supported the Biennial Symposium of the University of Michigan's Health Management and Policy Griffith Leadership Center on October 7, in Ann Arbor. The 200 or so attendees heard from over 20 alumni and non-alumni leaders in healthcare including both health system executives, journalists, health agency leaders and government officials. 

The all-day program focused on policy and leadership issues including health equity, human capital and workforce challenges, leadership development, artificial intelligence and population health. 

The event was at the Michigan League and many members of the UM HSMP faculty and students participated along with many MCACHE members

ACHE Virtual Symposium Keynote Recap on Leading Workforce Transformation - October 10 & 11

By: Michael J. Hoeflein, PE, CHFM, MBA, FACHE – Administrative Director, Michigan Medicine

In earlier October I had the opportunity to attend the day and a half ACHE Virtual Leadership Symposium to soak in some of the latest trends in healthcare leadership. In this article I will share my experience attending a multi-day virtual event and highlights from the keynote speaker.

Overall, the virtual conference was well organized with eight one-hour sessions spanning the two days on topics covering inclusive leadership, leadership development, health equity, and sustainable health systems of the future. It was thoughtful of the event organizers to have breaks in between each session, and the late morning start of 10am provided a few early morning hours to do my day job. Sessions were all recorded and available immediately for viewing. As with many leaders, finding time for continuing education can be challenging, the ACHE Virtual Leadership Symposium simply delivered in the way of providing a good mix of leadership content, a flexible schedule, and after-conference content.  

The keynote presentation kicking off the symposium was presented by Melissa Swift of the Mercer company, a consultancy firm focusing on transforming the world of work. Ms. Swift is the Transformation Solutions Leader for the US and Canada markets. Ms. Swift’s presentation covered informative trends, analytics on workforce drivers, and suggestions to transform the healthcare work environment.

Why should workforce transformation be a priority for your organization?

Ms. Swift shared on a national level there is a massive labor shortage between job listings and unemployed people. This shortage translates to being roughly 5 million people short. On an industry level, data from Global Talent Trend shows that 82% of workers in healthcare are at risk for burnout. The combination of labor shortages and increasing employee burnout will very likely lead to reduced levels of patient care.

Workplace drivers impacting the healthcare labor industry - What is wrong with the work we do?

·        Work intensity - with reduced staffing levels impacting many HCOs, many leaders place the burden of maintaining the workload status quo on the remaining employees.  This results in work intensification, doing more work in the same increment of time. In healthcare pre-Covid, EMR was a leading driver of burnout. For inpatient care, a nurse could spend 4 hours out of at 12-hour shift on medical records. Work intensity is seen as providing the same care but packing more into the same job.

·        Performative work –work to show our work. Performative work is excessive reporting and status meetings, or sending more emails. Performative work can frustrate people resulting in staff looking for better opportunities.

·        Misunderstood work – when your boss doesn’t understand the work you’re doing. In the healthcare environment misunderstood work is pervasive. Healthcare generally has high experts in different areas, in a system designed to create experts.

Who is to blame, what is causing it, where are the break downs?

·        Work anxiety monster – that little voice that says people are lazy and people are slow, and we make management decisions based on this assumption.

·        Boss-baby customer phenomenon - started roughly around the dot.com era, the belief surfaced that technology would let us overdeliver for our customers. What happened was an over-rotation on customer experience at the expense of the employee experience. The new challenge is how do you balance the customer and employee experience?

·        The copy machine – encompasses the policies and procedures of an organization, an over-emphasis on copying past practices rather than innovating. For example, we tend to copy old requisitions or job descriptions in hiring practices and wonder why an organization doesn’t change. Often HCOs reward leaders for sameness and continuity and over rotate on pay compared to the role of making work better. The result is HCOs keep things the same when they want them to change.

·        Technology – data from Citrix found that 33% of workers deal with 10-20 different collaboration technologies in a day, 18% of those surveyed said they would quit just due to the use of bad technology at their HCO.

Unifying the employer perspective with the employee perspective on how work gets done is the new challenge or workplace transformation. Ms. Swift shared, to drive workforce transformation HCOs must change how work gets done, become a more attractive employer by understanding what amplifies and diminishes energy at work, and focus on how to create a good work experience.

Change how work gets done:

1.      Start with the work, what are the tasks being done.

2.      What is the right combination of humans and automation.

3.      What are all the ways humans can do the work.

4.      Allow talent to flow to the work, create a system where the wanting is rewarded.

Global Talent Trend research found: 52% of HCOs are redesigning work, 51% are implementing automation, 50% are investing in re-scaling and up-scaling, and 49% of HCOs are redesigning talent process, hiring, and learning.

What amplifies energy at work

1.      Authenticity – courageously be who you are.

2.      Financial security – look at overall picture for lower wage positions, remove the worry.

3.      DEI concerns – pay and promotions are being done fairly.

4.      High EQ managers – HCOs tend to pick leaders because of their financial or operation skill but not their EQ. Pick people with high EQ that amply the energy of their people.

What diminishes energy at work.

1.      Feeling replaceable, automation can be a concern and must be implemented strategically.

2.      Lack of flexibility, while some things cannot be flexible telemedicine, virtual care, etc, how do you create flexibility in other ways, scheduling or pay models.

3.      Lack of diversity

4.      Lack of development and career opportunities. This can be done for free in most cases

5.      Outdated technology

6.      Perceiving a slow-moving culture.

What should you be thinking about in terms of creating a good work experience, the (4) E’s:

1.      Enriching – stay connected to the purpose of what we are doing. At a job level, can staff see the impact of their day-to-day efforts.

2.      Efficient – is it easy to do my job? Technology and process can interfere. Some organizations are simply using fewer technologies in their day.

3.      Embracing – is this a diverse and inclusive work environment. Do people understand and appreciate other’s work?

4.      Empathy – am I being treated as a person. For example: there has been a boom in organizations offering pet insurance. Many people purchased pets during Covid. By offer offering a new insurance option, staff felt their organization should empathy toward their personal situation.  

Islamic Organization of North America (IONA) Fall Clean-up - October 22

By: Tyler Vogt - Chair, Emerging Leaders Community Engagement Committee

MCACHE's Community Engagement Committee collaborated with the Islamic Organization of North America (IONA) to host a Fall campus clean-up event on Saturday, October 22. We had a total of 18 participants attend the event, which included MCACHE members and family member from the Metro Detroit area and were able to completely fill the two on premise dumpsters with litter, tree branches, leaves and grass clippings. The specific campus areas that participants raked, swept, and cleaned were a park with a children’s playground, soup kitchen parking lot, Masjid parking lot, an alley way, and shop front sidewalks. It was an absolute pleasure for MCACHE to partner with the Islamic Organization of North America and we look forward to future collaborations.

To usher in the Fall season, all participants enjoyed cider and donuts during this event as well as a free t-shirt embracing our message of “Serve Lead Inspire” on the front and the MCACHE logo on the back. If you are interested in getting yourself one of these great looking shirts, please be sure to register for one of our upcoming 2023 Community Engagement events.  

Upcoming Programing


Computational Pathology Emerging into Practice Medicine


12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.




Join us for a panel discussion to talk about the latest advances in computational pathology and AI with experts in the field. Learn from the top healthcare experts from the comfort of your home!



Joseph Anderson, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Magpie Diagnostics



Giovanni Lujan, MD, Associate Professor of Pathology & Associate Director of Digital and Computational Pathology, The Ohio State University, College of Medicine

J Mark M. Tuthill, MD, Division Head, Pathology Informatics, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit

TJ Meyer, Chief Executive Officer, Pathware, Inc.



$25 – MCACHE Member

$35 – Non-Member

$10 – Student

{Earn 1.5 ACHE Face-to-Face credits

*You must attend the entire time to earn the credits.



Deadline for Registration is November 29, 2022. Register today!


Adam Carlson, Senior Vice President of Advocacy, Michigan Health and Hospital Association

"State of the State" Address on Healthcare in Michigan


5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Location: Beaumont Service Center

26901 Beaumont Blvd.

Southfield, MI 48033



Adam Carlson will provide a "State of the State" address on healthcare in Michigan --his update should be especially timely given the election! In addition, food and refreshments will be offered along with a networking session prior to the presentation. This event has become an Emerging Leaders staple and is always extremely informative and engaging!

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer and Get Involved
The word volunteer is defined as “a person who undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service or to do something” -- a similar definition could be used for leadership.
Enhance your membership experience by being actively engaged in YOUR MCACHE Chapter. Your strengths, skills, and competencies are invaluable in helping to elevate the Healthcare Executive profession, and volunteering is a great leadership development tool and way to connect with others.

Complete the Willingness to Serve Form if you'd like to volunteer! MCACHE is especially looking for volunteers for the MCACHE Communication Committee.

Not quite sure yet how you’d like to help? Send a note to mcache@achemail.net. — we will work with you to find the perfect fit.
Welcome! New MCACHE Members

Miranda Arens-Bennett

Katie Cox

Savannah Downs

Edith English, MSN, RN, NEA-BC

Nicolina Evola

Ryan Gutzky, MHA

Sohail Hassan, MBBS, MBA

Michael S. Kosal

Brian Lance

Jana Lekura, PharmD

Haley Medrano

Brittani Phinisee

Amanda Rancourt

Christina M. Richmond

Franz Salas

Logan Scheurer

Jennifer Shepley, MS, BSN, RN

Maren Simonte, MHSA

Natasha Smith

Hannah Spies

Lauren Waggoner, MHA

Peter Y. Watson, MD

Tyson Werner

Samuel White, Jr.

Tiffany Williams

Kimberly Winkle, MBA

Crystal Young

Dayna Zabrzenski-Hunter

Congratulations to those that became a Fellow in 2022

David J. Gaffney, FACHE

Medija Shaska, FACHE

Kent Bishop, MD, FACHE

Mark S. Hausman, MD, FACHE

Amanda Kerr, FACHE

Lynn M. Carpenter, FACHE

Michael Hoeflein, FACHE

Lihua Dishman, FACHE

Thank you to our MCACHE 2022 Sponsors
Our award-winning teams deliver compassionate, extraordinary care every day, through eight hospitals, 155 outpatient sites, nearly 5,000 affiliated physicians, 1,800 advanced practice providers, 9,000 nurses, and 2,000 volunteers across three counties in Southeast Michigan. Our commitment to patient- and family-centered care contributes to the health and well-being of residents throughout the community and beyond. In 2019, we had 179,600 inpatient discharges, 17,600 births and 577,000 emergency visits.
In Michigan, Ascension operates 16 hospitals and hundreds of related healthcare facilities that together employ over 23,000 associates. Across the state, Ascension provided over $311 million in community benefit and care of persons living in poverty in FY2020. Serving Michigan for over 140 years, Ascension is a faith-based healthcare organization dedicated to transformation through innovation across the continuum of care.

As one of the leading non-profit and Catholic health systems in the U.S., Ascension is committed to delivering compassionate, personalized care to all, with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable. In FY2020, Ascension provided $2.4 billion in care of persons living in poverty and other community benefit programs. Ascension includes more than 160,000 associates and 40,000 aligned providers. The national health system operates more than 2,600 sites of care – including 146 hospitals and more than 40 senior living facilities – in 19 states and the District of Columbia while providing a variety of services including clinical and network services, venture capital investing, investment management, biomedical engineering, facilities management, risk management, and contracting through Ascension’s own group purchasing organization. Visit www.ascension.org.
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of AstraZeneca, is an American pharmaceutical company headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts that specializes in orphan drugs to treat rare diseases. Its products include eculizumab (Soliris) with $4.064 billion in 2020 revenues and ravulizumab (Ultomiris) with $1.076 billion in 2020 revenues, both used to treat the rare disorders of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH); asfotase alfa (Strensiq) with $731 million in 2020 revenues, used to treat hypophosphatasia; sebelipase alfa (Kanuma) with $117 million in 2020 revenues, used to treat lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, and andexanet alfa (Andexxa) with $78 million in 2020 revenues, used to stop life-threatening or uncontrollable bleeding in people who are taking rivaroxaban or apixaban. With costs that can reach as much as $2 million per year, the drugs manufactured by Alexion are some of the most expensive drugs worldwide. https://alexion.com/ 
Select Medical is one of the largest operators of critical illness recovery hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, and occupational health centers in the United States based on the number of facilities. As of June 30, 2020, Select Medical operated 101 critical illness recovery hospitals in 28 states, 29 rehabilitation hospitals in 12 states, and 1,757 outpatient rehabilitation clinics in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Select Medical’s joint venture subsidiary Concentra operated 522 occupational health centers in 41 states. Concentra also provides contract services at employer worksites. On June 30, 2020, Select Medical had operations in 47 states and the District of Columbia. Information about Select Medical is available at www.selectmedical.com.

Founded in 1915 by auto pioneer Henry Ford and now one of the nation's leading health care providers, Henry Ford Health System is committed to improving the health and well-being of our diverse Michigan community.

It is comprised of Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Henry Ford Hospital Wyandotte, Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals, Henry Ford Kingswood Hospital, Henry Ford Hospital West Bloomfield, Henry Ford Allegiance Health, and numerous medical centers. Henry Ford Health System also includes one of the nation's largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. In 1986, Health Alliance Plan (HAP) joined the Henry Ford Health System family.

With more than 30,000 employees, Henry Ford Health System is the fifth-largest employer in metro Detroit, and among the most diverse.  For more information, please visit https://www.henryford.com/
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit mutual insurance company, is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. BCBSM provides health benefits to more than 4.7 million members residing in Michigan in addition to employees of Michigan-headquartered companies residing outside the state. The company has been committed to delivering affordable health care products through a broad variety of plans for businesses, individuals, and seniors for 82 years. Beyond health care coverage, BCBSM supports impactful community initiatives and provides leadership in improving health care. For more information, visit bcbsm.com and MiBluesPerspectives.com.

As the nation's largest health care-focused law firm, Hall Render is distinguished by our attorneys' extensive knowledge and experience. Health law attorneys across the country provide organizations in the highly regulated health care industry with full-service legal representation. Commitment and experience complement the firm's understanding of the evolving landscape of today's health care industry, distinguishing Hall Render as one of the nation's preeminent health care law firms. www.hallrender.com
The HCS Group is Michigan’s premier provider of mobile imaging services. Based in Plymouth, Michigan, and established in 2005, The HCS Group offers clients comprehensive management solutions along with unparalleled value in the delivery of high-quality imaging services. Our turnkey resource management team handles everything from recruiting top-notch technical staff to comprehensive marketing and sales services to patient scheduling. Under The HCS Group umbrella we have also established IntelliAuth360 which provides insurance pre-authorization, Ultra-X Imaging which provides mobile x-ray and ultrasound services, and Options Staffing 360 which provides supplemental staffing services for the healthcare industry.

At The HCS Group, our culture drives our strategy. We are committed to creating a culture that focuses on people, passion, partnership, and performance. Selected as a Detroit Free Press Top Workplaces, for the past four years, we are grateful for our employees and the commitment they have made to providing exceptional service. To find out more, please visit us at The HCS Group.com or check us out on social media at The HCS Group Facebook and The HCS Group Linkedin.

HED is an architecture and engineering firm with offices in eight cities. We have a reputation for design excellence, believing that all the facets of design must create a positive impact. Nowhere is this more relevant than in the delivery of world-class healthcare environments, which demand continuous learning, adaptation, and experience—along with constantly navigating the complex healthcare landscape. From evolving treatment modalities and changing healthcare laws, to strict building codes and funding uncertainties, we guide our clients to deliver exceptional patient care through excellent design. To learn more, visit hed.design
Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc. (JJHCS) provides contracting supply chain, and business services to customers of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson including hospital systems and group purchasing organizations, health plans, physicians, specialty pharmacy providers, distributors, and wholesalers, pharmacy benefits managers, long-term care providers, employers, government payer programs and government health care institutions. jnj.com
Patina – A KORN FERRY Company provides senior-level interim solutions to healthcare providers & payers, medical device, private equity, and professional services markets. Its network of nearly 30,000 senior interim professionals is available to fill company needs in executive leadership, revenue cycle, clinical operations, supply chain, engineering, IT, and more.

Established in 2015 under The HCS Group umbrella of companies, Ultra-X Imaging is Michigan and northern Ohio’s comprehensive solution for mobile diagnostic imaging services. With its office in Southfield, Michigan, Ultra-X Imaging can perform diagnostic imaging health services for skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and in the comfort of the patient’s own home.

Recognized as the most efficient and reputable 24/7 mobile x-ray and ultrasound service, Ultra-X Imaging has achieved “Triple Aim” (enhanced patient satisfaction, improved quality through better coordination of care, and reduced cost) by working with local health systems. Our UlltraLynk® systems improve quality by comparing images throughout the continuum—eliminating ER visits and readmission as a result. Since its development, Ultra-X Imaging’s culture which is founded on people, passion, partnership, and performance has landed it on the Detroit Free Press Top Work Places for the past four years. To learn more please visit us at Ultra-X Imaging or visit our social media at Ultra-X Imaging Facebook and Ultra-X Imaging Linkedin

The Department of Health Management and Policy (HMP) at the University of Michigan School of Public Health offers innovative and challenging degree programs that provide the knowledge and skills needed for leadership in health services management and health policy.

Courses in our top-ranked program are taught by world-renowned faculty members with active research programs. The department’s dedicated and talented alumni network has made important and lasting contributions to the nation's public health and healthcare systems.

Our alumni hold key leadership positions in local, state, federal and international government agencies; health insurance plans; community-based programs for disadvantaged groups; health policy research and advocacy organizations; and hospitals, clinics, HMOs, and health centers in the U.S. and abroad.

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Medija Shaska, FACHE, PMP, Communications Committee Chairperson prishtina94@yahoo.com

Joe Cafferty, MSW, Communication Committee Vise Chairperson



Susan Stokes susan-stokes@comcast.net

Social Media Coordinator:

Caitlyn N. Hakim caitlynhakim@gmail.com

Contact MCACHE: mcache@achemail.net

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