Meriden Congregational Church Newsletter April 2022

We are a Spiritually Progressive,
Open & Affirming, Sanctuary Congregation 
dedicated to 
Transforming Lives
as a Compassionate Community,
extravagantly welcoming EVERYONE,
celebrating diversity, cultivating awe & wonder,
and seeking Peace with Justice for all Creation!

Join us for our Intergenerational
Faith Community Celebrations
Each Sunday at 10:00 AM
Back in the Church,
with masks and physical distancing,
and zoom option as well!

Watch for weekly e-mail notices,
and/or contact
Here it is! Volume 4 Issue 7 of our e-mail newsletter

Worship & Music Ministry News
  • Prayers for Ukraine
  • Our Sunday Faith Community Celebrations in April
  • Music and Ministry Notes
  • Co-pastors' Sabbatical--June, July, August 2022
  • Tenderly Held in our Hearts and Prayers
  • Horton Center Retreat: September 17-18, 2022
  •  Into God’s Hands
  • New Children of God
  • Virtual Iftar-Seder on Palm Sunday--April 10th @ 7:30 PM
  • Maundy Thursday Zoom Service @ 7:00 PM
  • Virtual Liberation Seder on Easter Saturday--April 16th, @ 8:30 PM
  • Easter Services--Sunrise @ 5:45, and Hybrid Celebration @ 10:00 AM

April Calendar of Events in the Life of our Spiritual Family
  • "Revolutionary Love" Study Circle Continues in April

MCC Administration & Finance News
  • Buildings and Grounds Initiatives for 2022
  • Report of the Assistant Treasurers
  • "Rooted in Love" Stewardship Update
  • COVID-19 Task Force Notice For March

  • Welcoming and Caring Ministry
  • Order your Easter Lilies by April 8th
  • April Birthdays & Anniversaries

Growing a Just World for All
  • One Great Hour of Sharing Offering on Palm Sunday
  • Peace & Justice Ministry Coordinator's Report
  • LISTEN Community Dinner & Claremont Soup Kitchen
  • Turning Points Network Stepping Up March on April 30th
  • Support for Twin Pines Housing
  • Racial Justice Ministry Team Meeting on Thursday--April 21st
  • Black Lives Matter Vigils at 5:00 PM each Wednesday
  • Numerous Earth Day Activities, including "Youth vs Gov" Film
  • Worker Justice News
  • Report from our Worker Justice Minister, Gail Kinney
  • PRO Act Support
  • Legislator Contact Information
  • Immigrant Solidarity
  • Monthly Immigrant Solidarity Network Meetings
Transforming Lives as a Compassionate Community:
Rooted in Revolutionary Love”
As the war and suffering in Ukraine weighs on our hearts, we are so grateful to our friend and colleague, pastor, artist and writer, the Rev. Kurt Shaffert, for this prayer for the people of Ukraine and all our world. May this prayer be continually on our lips and in our hearts through these days and weeks to come.
Ukraine Emergency Appeal
The United Church of Christ is appealing for support for refugees who have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries and for elderly and other vulnerable people who are displaced within Ukraine and unable to leave. Mail a check made payable to the United Church of Christ PO BOX 71957 Cleveland, OH 44194. Please be sure to note “Ukraine Relief Fund” on your check in the memo section. For more information, and/or to donate on-line, go to

Revs. John and Susan Gregory-Davis,
Meriden Congregational Church

  “No sooner had [Mary of Magdala] said this
Then she turned around and caught sight of Jesus standing there,
but she didn’t know
it was Jesus.
He asked her,
“Why are you weeping?
 For whom are you looking?”
 She supposed it was the gardener so she said,
 “Please, if you’re the one who carried Jesus away,
 tell me where you’ve laid the body and I will take it away.” 
John 20:14-15
In these very early days of April, we are just a couple of weeks away from the JOY of Easter Sunday. And what a celebration of new life this will be! At this moment, though, we are still continuing our daily Lenten journey--these forty days devoted to inner soul searching, outward act of love and justice, and intentional questions about what it means to live in God’s Way within a world groaning with the labor pains of suffering and new birth. As individuals, communities and a species, we have a lot of ongoing work to do—spiritual, humanitarian and environmental. And, yet, as much as we do or don’t do between now and Holy Week, we know with certain hope that Easter will come! We know and trust that God’s Love continues to break through the hardness of our human hearts and finds new ways to comfort, heal, and transform. As we think, though, about these two remaining weeks before Easter, what are our hopes for the Lenten work that we—as individuals within a church family—still wish to attend to before we gather on April 17th to joyously proclaim together: “Alleluia! Christ is Risen!” “Christ is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!”
One of the daily Lenten devotionals that we have encouraged our church family to read and pray with this Lent is entitled, A Grounded Faith: Reconnecting with Creator and Creation in the Season of Lent (ed. Rev. Dr. Janet L. Parker and Re. Solveig Nilsen-Goodin), with special thanks to church member, Lee Oxenham, for making multiple copies available to our congregation. Among the rich reflections this devotional offers each day is the entry for Easter Sunday, itself. (Yes, I read ahead, couldn’t wait!). I was struck by this Easter Sunday reflection from one of the devotional’s contributors, Michael Ellick—currently the Director of Public Engagement for Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
Ellick intriguingly points out that, in the Biblical accounts, Jesus’ resurrection appearances take on different forms to different people! I had never really thought about that! As in the account from the Gospel of John (above), Mary of Magdala initially sees Jesus as a gardener. Later in the Johannine Gospel, the disciples first see Jesus simply as a figure on the beach, calling out to them with instructions how to increase their catch of fish. In the Gospel of Luke, Cleopas and an unnamed disciple, walking along the road to Emmaus, experience Jesus as a stranger. Then the group of disciples in the upper room of the Lukan Gospel think they are seeing a ghost that has passed through the closed door
Short of imagining Jesus as a resurrected “shape shifter,” Ellick suggests we are invited to envision all the different ways and places the Holy is present and alive through the infinite shapes, colors, and forms that make up creation. As Ellick writes, “The Bible asks us to consider not only that God is real, but that God is here, taking the form of all of us and the whole community of creation; and that God is discovered only when we learn how to break bread and make peace with all of God’s parts in equal measure.”
Thus, Easter—celebrating the Resurrection of Love—invites us to “see” the love embodied by Jesus in every diverse aspect of creation, often surprising us in unexpected places and ways. In this sense, we never know when and how we will encounter resurrected love! We could even experience it, for example, in the difficult people we encounter, the situations we’d rather not deal with, the seemingly insurmountable problems of the world, the unrelenting pain we know and witness, not to mention the daily challenges we face. But this is the hope and the promise of Easter! Resurrected Love is and will continue to be rising among us, even at times in spite of us!           
So, at this point in Lent—these two weeks before Easter, where do we find ourselves on our Lenten journey? How ready, how prepared are we to be a vessel of resurrected love and to recognize the presence of resurrected love all around us, especially in those places least expected? What ongoing spiritual work are we called to attend to during these remaining Lenten days? Will we be able to readily recognize resurrected love in the garden, on the beach, along the life road of fear, confusion and grief, in those who are unknown--even ghostly to us, as well as in all the places, times and ways we find ourselves least expecting the potential and presence of loving connection among us? How is the Source of All Love calling us to go even deeper on this last leg of our Lenten journey so that, come Easter Sunday, we will have opened ourselves up fully to the transforming growth that is awaiting us? 
With all that is going on in our world these days—from the horrific war and death in Ukraine and in so many other places across the earth to daily assaults on civil rights and democracy in our own country to the ongoing plunder of our planet, our world needs all of us to be recognizing the sacred humanity and holy presence within every aspect of our collective lives and earthly home. May this invitation to even deeper awareness—at the heart of Jesus’ life, ministry and resurrection—bless our journey through these remaining days of Lent. We may be joyously surprised at how and where and who we might encounter as unexpected sources of resurrected love!  

Your faithful Co-Pastors,
Susan & John
Hybrid with both In-person (masks & physical distancing) and Zoom.

We will update you weekly via email as we closely monitor the Covid/Omicron risk which may affect our ability to safely offer In-person services. All services will continue to be offered via Zoom.

APRIL 3RD @ 10:00 AM
Fifth Sunday in LENT
Communion Celebration
Join us for our Intergenerational Celebration of Communion on this First Sunday in the Season of Lent, bracketed between celebrating the birth of Cesar Chavez and remembering the death of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

April 10th @ 10:00 AM
Palm Sunday Celebration
The highlight of our Intergenerational Palm Sunday Celebration this year will be the joyous Baptism of the beautiful baby son, Ross, of Larissa & Bob Pyer. Come celebrate with us as we begin our journey through this Holy Week, remembering both the excitement and hope of the people as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and the foreboding of trials and troubles to come on the way to Easter's resurrection JOY. In addition to our regular offering, we shall also be invited to give generously in support of One Great Hour of Sharing.

April 17th @ 5:45 AM & 10:00 AM
Our Celebration of Resurrection JOY begins at 6:15 AM with the return of our much beloved outdoor Sunrise Service! Then, we will gather again virtually this year, for our intergenerational sharing of the Easter Story of God's never-ending Love for every one of us, featuring recordings of two glorious anthems by members of our virtual choir, and concluding with a rendition of Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus," sadly not sung live by all of us, but still soaring in its exultation of Easter JOY!  Please do plan to join us, and invite your friends, family, and neighbors too!!

April 4th @ 5:45 AM & 10:00 AM
Our Celebration of Resurrection JOY begins at 5:45 AM with the our much beloved outdoor Sunrise Service, followed this year by the return of a simple Breakfast in the Parish House. Then, we will gather, whether in person or on zoom, a for our intergenerational sharing of the Easter Story of God's never-ending Love for every one of us, featuring a live Easter Choir directed by "Doc" Winslow, sharing Easter Communion both together, and separately, and concluding with singing Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus," whether in church or in our homes, in soaring exultation of Easter JOY!  Please do plan to join us, and invite your friends, family, and neighbors too!!

APRIL 24th @ 10:00 AM
Second Sunday of Easter
Earth Day Sunday
  Join us for this Inter-generational Service as we celebrate Earth Day, recommitting ourselves to taking essential care of our generous yet fragile earth.  

MAY 1st @ 10:00 AM
Third Sunday of Easter
Founders' Day Sunday!
Join us for a virtual celebration of the 242nd Birthday of the Meriden Congregational Church! Our Intergenerational Communion Service will feature highlights of our life and ministry together.
Whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Wherever you are on
life's journey,

share in all our
Spiritual Family Services, Celebrations,
and Activities!

Happy Spring to all! We are so excited to be providing fun and meaningful programming for our children and youth--in safe and engaging ways--such as through Sunday morning Children's Messages, offered by Kelsey MacNamee, our Coordinator for Children, Youth and Families, in-person, "Church School in the Woods!" twice per month for our elementary school aged children, and "Faith Odyssey in the Woods" twice per month for our sixth through seventh graders.

Kelsey also generally holds regular supportive in-person gatherings (twice per month) for our high school students, though this schedule will be different this month due to OWL for this age group (see below).

And during April, we will be continuing to offer the OWL Whole Lives (OWL) program for our 10th through 12th graders.

Our children, youth and families are so welcome and encouraged to join us for our Easter Celebrations on April 17th (Sunrise Service at 5:45am and hybrid 10:00am Service)! We wish every one a very Happy and Blessed Easter!

Love to you all! --The Spiritual Formation Ministry Team (Odile Clavier, Susan Gregory-Davis, Kelsey MacNamee, and Cathy Rodriguez) and the OWL Ministry Team (Susan Gregory-Davis, Karen Heaton, Kelsey MacNamee, and Susan Sanzone Fauver).
Music and Ministry Notes

Music and Ministry
April 2022

The Music and Ministry group is busy finalizing plans for the celebration of Easter. There will be our traditional outdoor Sunrise Service early on Easter morning as well as the ten a.m. service in the sanctuary. The Covid Task Force will hopefully soon approve a small Easter coffee hour following the sunrise service.  

In addition, we are planning for worship services while John and Susan are away this summer on a well deserved sabbatical during the month of June, July, & August.  

Wishing a blessed and happy Easter to everyone!.
Cindy Marx-Wood for Music and Ministry

During the Season of Lent,
we are invited to fast from the ego’s fearful thinking,
and fill ourselves instead with Faith”
 -- Joan Borysenko

For Lent this year, what will you fast from…….
So that you can feast on……..

Fast from negativity; Feast on enthusiasm.
Fast from criticism; Feast on appreciation.
Fast from despair; Feast on joy.
Fast from self concern; Feast on compassion for others.
Fast from resentment; Feast on forgiveness.
Fast from fear; Feast on love.
Fast from self-doubt; Feast on trust.
Fast from discouragement; Feast on hope.
Fast from discontent; Feast on gratitude.
Fast from selfishness; Feast on service.
Fast from helplessness; Feast on empowerment.
Fast from apathy; Feast on activism.
Fast from differences that divide; Feast on unity in diversity.
Fast from apathy; Feast on wonder.
Fast from hostility; Feast on non-violence.
Fast from perfectionism; Feast on belovedness.  
Tenderly Held in Our Hearts and Prayers
Throughout this Eastertide,  we give joyous thanks for the caring and sharing which make this community of faith such a welcome home for all of us. We fervently pray for the safety of the people of Ukraine and for an end to the war being raged against them, even as we likewise pray for the families of the many lives still being lost to COVID 19 in this country and all throughout our world, and for all those affected in any way by this continuing pandemic, especially all front line teachers, heath care deliverers, and other “essential workers.”  
          So too do we celebrate with all those bearing new life, with special concern for Judy & Dan Croitoru’s daughter, Rachel & her husband, Peter,  and pray with those yet hoping to conceive, or seeking to adopt. a beloved child of God, even as we also pray for our friends in Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and Zimbabwe, and all those living in such troubled lands as Haiti, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Pakistan, North Korea, Hong Kong, Yemen, Nigeria, Burma, South Sudan, the Congo, Iraq, & Iran.  We pray too for all immigrants & refugees seeking sanctuary & welcome throughout our worldthat we may be among those who offer an oasis of hospitality & compassion within the kin-dom of God’s heart.  And we pray for our BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) friends and neighbors, seeking to build with them a world wherein “BLACK LIVES MATTER!”
           Likewise do we pray for Larry Burch; Glenn Greenough; Cindy Griffin’s friend, Heidi;  Greg Marshall; Juliette Hampton’s friends, Mikka, & Elizabeth; Betty Walker; Penny Arcone’s friends Dick Slubin & Bill Kmon;  Connie Kousman’s sister, Joyce; Joan Dumont; Beth Kopp’s father, Jim Kane; Allyson Wendt; Linda Perkins; Jody Schubert’s brother, Rick; Jim Schubert’s sister, Martha; Jeannie Hines’ father, Joe McClellan; Joan Burch; Clare Louzier; Suzanne Lenz; Carol Hartman’s daughter-in-law, Michelle; Judy Croitoru; Robyn Carpenter;  Chris Dye; Linda Perkins’ friends, Dorothy, Barbara, Albert, & Doug; Caren Saunders’ father, William HomeyerRod & Barb Wendt’s granddaughter, Ada Jane; Susan Turner’s cousin, Buddy Stevenson, and Sue’s friend, Barbara Zenker; and Odile Clavier’s mother, Marie-Claire, as well as her niece, Amelie Marie.

We also pray for these members and friends of our faith community currently receiving treatment for cancer: Laura Cousineau’s friend, Lee Willard; Ben Griffin’s cousin, Arianna; Cecilia Hampton’s best friend Victoria’s mother, Bev; Sue Turner’s sister-in-law Bev, and Bev’s step-daughter, Sarah, as well as Sue’s cousin Jesse’s husband, Ron Letterchio; Rosemary Affeldts’ husband, Dan; Connie Kousman; Gail Kinney’s brothers, Charles & David; Laura Cousineau’s brother-in-law, Eric; Linda Perkins’ friend, Linda Stone; Shideko Terai’s friends, Melanie & Paul; Suzanne Lenz’ brother, Bob, as well as Suzanne’s nephew, Billy; Bailey Sibert; Ed Foltyn; Caren Saunders’ mother, Betty Homeyer; Jo Evarts, as well as Jo’s sister, Jingles; Robert Bryant; Cynthia Howe; Jeff McNamara; Lauryn Moeller’s daughter-in-law, Lisa Rae Moeller; and Kevin Ramos-Glew’s nephew, Duncan.
If you or someone you know would like a name to be added to our Prayer List, please let us know. In an effort to keep it as up-to-date as possible, please also let us know when you would like a name removed.

Horton Center 2022!
Have you always wanted (or at least thought about wanting) to join our church on the 3rd weekend in September for our annual Horton Center Retreat? Or have you been among those faithful outdoor enthusiasts who WOULDN'T MISS this weekend for anything? Either way, 2022 is the year to join us, whether this will be your first time, your twentieth time or anywhere in between!

September 17-18!
Horton Center--
New Hampshire Conference of the U.C.C.'s gorgeous Outdoor Ministry Center in the White Mountains (Randolph, NH), where we relax and enjoy the spectacular views, lovely walks and nearby hikes in the fall foliage, fun games for the kids (tether ball, soccer, ropes course, etc.), reading in the Adirondack chairs, worship on Chapel Rock, great meals we prepare, comfortable cabin accommodations (hot showers, electricity, restrooms) and the best of company!!! We hope you will join us for a peaceful and renewing weekend in the mountains for church members of all ages!!!

Unfortunately, due to waning interest in the past few years, we are having to evaluate whether we will be able to continue offering this wonderful weekend AFTER this coming fall. Unless there is renewed interest this year, 2022 may be the last year we will go to Horton Center as a church! We hope this won't be the case, but it depends on you--members of our church family to join us this year! The cost (with financial assistance readily available) is $25/person.

To help us with gaining church momentum for this special weekend, please let us know if you can join us (even if your interest is tentative) by May 15th. And please let us know if you have any questions! We look forward to being with you on the mountain!
Your camping Co-Pastors, Susan and John

Into God's Hands 

As gradually warming weather leads us to yearn for the new life of spring, so too have our hearts ached with the loss of dearly beloved friends and relatives of our faith community.
           We grieve with incomprehension and anguish the more than 980,000 lives lost to COVID-19 in this country alone, as well as all other pandemic-related deaths throughout our world.
        So too do we extend our sympathy to nossos amigos brasileiros, Heleno, Eveline, & Davi, as they mourn the loss of Eveline's avo' (grandmother), Antonia Isabel Cordeiro dos Santos.
           We extend our sympathy to Susan Sanzone-Fauver and her family, upon the loss of Susan’s aunt, Rita, on Saturday—March 12th, 2022.
           Likewise are our prayers with Laura & Ed Cousineau, as they mourn the unexpected death of their dear friend, Dr. Warachel E. Faison, on Saturday—March 19th, 2022.
           And in recognition of how much a part of our lives our beloved pets become, we grieve with Reed Brozen and his family the loss of their canine companion, Lucy-fur; as well as Cindy Marx-Wood, upon the loss of her dog, Truffle.

            As God has welcomed each of these dearly departed ones back into the realm of God’s eternal embrace, may their families and loved ones be comforted with God’s healing presence in the midst of this time of mourning.
New Children of God!!
We delight with Betty Pardoe in the birth of her first great grandchild,  Riley Ann Pardoe!!  Born on Sunday—November 21st, 2021, baby Riley weighed in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and measured 20 inches long, and is the daughter of Jeremy & Megan Pardoe. In grateful company with Riley’s proud parents, grandparents, and great grandma, we joyously proclaim,
WELCOME to our World, Riley Ann!!
So too do we rejoice with Larissa & Bob Pyer in the birth of their son, Ross Conrad Pyer!!  Born on Friday—January 14th, 2022 at 6:56 AM, baby Ross weighed in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and measured 19 inches long. We are so thrilled for Mama Larissa & Papa Bob, and with them we joyously proclaim,
WELCOME to our World,  
Ross Conrad!
And we celebrate with Jeff Robbins the birth of his fourth grandchild, Miles Donahue Bradley!!  Born on Monday—January 31st, 2022 at 4:16 AM, baby Miles weighed in at 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 19.5 inches long, and is the son of Emily (Robbins) & Jeff Bradley. In grateful company with Miles’ brother Luke, and sister Grace, his delighted
parents, & his proud grandpa, we joyously proclaim,
WELCOME to our World,
Miles Donahue!!
Palm Sunday—April 10th @ 7:30 PM

This year, the sacred Muslim "moonth" of Ramadan and the Jewish "first of moonths," Nisan, in which is Passover/ Pesach, are the same lunar moonth -- not often possible. So a group of Muslim, Jewish, and multireligious organizations have come together to hold (on Zoom, and recorded) a FREE gathering that brings together the special evening meals of both traditions.

At 7:30 pm EASTERN time on Sunday evening April 10th. In your own home, mosque, synagogue, or picnic table you can assemble the foods, from dates that begin Iftar to matzah that expresses in the Seder what Dr. Martin Luther King called "the fierce urgency of Now."" There will be discussions of some "fiercely urgent" public issues and some gently inward personal spiritual growth, with sharing from the wise of both traditions and from yourselves. Taking part is FREE, but we do need you to register at 
Though still physically distant from each other,
we are spiritually united as God’s Beloved Community!
A Feast of LoveApril 14th, 2022
Please join us on zoom at 7:00 PM

Although we have begun gathering in person, we’re still not quite ready to return to what had been our Maundy Thursday tradition for many years. Rather, we plan to reprise a somewhat modified version this Maundy Thursday—April 14th beginning at 7:00 PM, of the  simple Agape (Love) Feast we have enjoyed these past 2 years.
As was true back when Rabbi Jesus, shared a Passover Celebration with his friends and followers, the Jewish festival of Passover begins this year toward the end of what Christians call Holy Week. So although we shall once again not do anything as elaborate as our traditional Passover Seder (see elsewhere in this Newsletter for Seder observance options on zoom), we hope many will join us for our virtual remembrance of that Last Supper which was all about the Love living through the stories of our lives within God’s heart.  
By way of helping all of us prepare to share this sacred time together, we suggest if possible ahead of time having ready a basin and pitcher of warm water, soap, and towel (for ritual hand-washing), along with perhaps a Bible, cross, icon, or anything representing sacred presence for you, one or more candles to light, pictures of those not able to be present with you, and some sort of bread and beverage.  
We will send out the connection information, as well as a bulletin for the service, no later than 5:30 Thursday evening, by way of ensuring that we all may be as fully present as possible.  Please note that during Holy Week, this Maundy Thursday gathering is in lieu of our usual Wednesday evening Lenten Prayer gatherings.  

Liberation Seder
Saturday--April 16th @ 8:30 PM
These Passover community seders online have often been a spiritual high point for many attendees. They demonstrate how one can be deeply spiritual and also deeply committed to healing and transforming the world (tikkun olam). Many bring their friends (both Jewish and non-Jewish) to our Seder as an introduction to a Judaism that is joyous, politically progressive, environmentally conscious, and spiritually meaningful.

             Beyt Tikkun’s community Liberation Seder brings in creative elements which are hard to reproduce when it is just a few friends and family sitting together. Though we will not all be in the same room physically, we have used Zoom and its capacity to create a welcoming environment through exercises, small group discussions, songs, and dance. Our Haggadah (which you will receive online before the Seder) includes the tradition plus innovative interpretations some of which challenge the view of God as a big man in heaven periodically throwing down rewards and punishments. So invite your friends to Judaism that is rooted in the tradition but innovative and welcoming to nonJews as well.      
Register Here:
EASTER SUNDAYApril 17th, 2021
Easter Sunrise Service—5:45 AM
     Come join us as we greet Easter’s joyful dawn! We’ll meet at the church to assess where best to hold our outdoor service, depending upon the weather that morning.
Annual Easter Morning Breakfast6:30 AM
“Come and Have Breakfast” says the risen Jesus when he encounters the discouraged disciples on the seashore shortly after that First Easter. And likewise are we invited to share together a simple first meal on this Easter morn in our Parish House, to whatever degree we may feel comfortable doing so. 

Hybrid Easter Celebration –10:00 AM
A glorious celebration of Resurrection Joy featuring songs and prayers, the Easter Story of God's never-ending Love for every one of us, beautiful flowers, our Heavenly Easter Choir, trumpet, spine-tingling singing of Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus," and the blessing offered by the presence and loving response of each one of us. 
           By way of ensuring the health and safety of us all, we ask those who join us to be vaccinated, to wear the N95 masks that will be distributed at the door, and to honor the seat spacing we have designated.   And anyone preferring to celebrate Easter from their own homes is welcome join us on zoom at the link on the first page of this Newsletter, which will be shared again on Easter morning.
“The work of revolutionary love belongs to all of us. . . . We all have the ability to participate in this great love story. Imagine the stories we tell, the institutions we will build, and the lives we will lead when we affirm that every person is a person. Imagine the world we will birth when we see no stranger!”           - Valerie Kaur
Faith Odyssey for Adults!!
“Revolutionary Love for our Times”

At the Home of Selden & Jan Lord
(27 Serenity Drive, Cornish)
and at this Zoom Link:

    Those of us who shared in the recent Revolutionary Love Study group were so inspired and impressed that we have decided to continue exploring and delving into the principles and practices of what Sikh activist, Valerie Kaur, calls “revolutionary love.”  This time we shall engage in a 10 session course designed to help us dive deeper into the principles and practices we have already explored, guided by Valerie, and supplemented by nearly 30 other visionary leaders. Valerie believes our nation to be at a pivotal turning point, a time of choosing whether we shall devolve into chaos, division, and violence, or evolve into a nation that has never been, but is yearning to be born, “a nation that is truly MultiFaith, multicultural, multiracial, where we strive to ensure the dignity of every person.” 
           There is no advance reading required for this course, as we will be gathering to view and listen to presentations on each principle, and then be able to discuss them further among ourselves, as inspired by the various speakers’ reflections. Nor is having participated in our first “Revolutionary Love” study a requirement for sharing this one with us.  Our plan is to reconvene soon, on a date yet to be determined, both in person at the home of Selden & Jan Lord (27 Serenity Drive in Cornish), and on line at the above zoom link, with future meeting dates yet to be decided upon.  And we would love to have you join us!   If interested, do let us know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your schedule.
How is it with your Soul?

An invitation to women in our community to explore and share your journey with other spiritual companions!

If you are interested in meeting monthly with other women in our church as we support one another on our spiritual journeys, please let Susan know. We welcome you to join one of our Spiritual Companions groups and look forward to the blessing you will be among us!

Do you long for quiet time in our church?
Just let us know!

Only since the beginning of the pandemic has our beloved church had to be locked (due to the computer equipment in the sanctuary). If, during the week, you would ever like to have some quiet time in the church, please just let us know and we will unlock the church for you. Our church continues to be a sanctuary of peace and comfort for you. We look forward to making it available whenever you would like.
--Susan and John
CELEBRATING OUR 242nd    Birthday!!
Recalling that our church was founded on May 2nd, 1780,
we shall once again celebrate
Our Annual Founders’ day
 Communion Service on
Sunday--May 1st, 2022
           After two long years of virtual only services, this year those who wish will be welcome to gather with us in person, with everyone masked and fully vaccinated, if possible (anyone eligible but still unvaccinated is requested to join us by Zoom, rather than in person, for the health and safety of alland with the pews marked so as to ensure sufficient physical distance between us.  As we do each Sunday, we will also provide a zoom option for those who prefer to join us from their homes. 
           But either way, especially as these past couple of years have moved many of us to even greater appreciation for our beautiful church, we are all invited to share in this 242nd birthday of our faith community, through sharing and rejoicing with each other in the many gifts that we have offered and received through our connection with our “brave little church” here on the Meriden hilltop, as well as the beautiful gifts we are for each other. And especially since we do not yet feel ready to return to our Annual Silent Auction Fundraiser on this Church Birthday weekend, we are also invited to offer generous “Birthday” gifts in support of our church’s ministry! 
           We’ll send out a reminder as our church birthday celebration draws nigh, but let’s start thinking now about memories, stories, treasures, hopes, and dreams we might wish to share with each other as we gather, whether in person, or on-line from far and near for our church’s 242nd Birthday Celebration, both in thanksgiving for all that we have already been as a faith community, and likewise to envision all that our Beloved Community may yet become!  
Co-Pastors' Sabbatical this Summer of 2022
(June, July and August)

We, Susan and John, are deeply grateful to our church for the opportunity to take a sabbatical leave from our church responsibilities during the summer of 2022. The United Church of Christ recommends that congregations grant their pastors three months of sabbatical leave every five years. The Meriden Congregational Church has been very generous to us by supporting this recommendation. Though we haven't taken sabbaticals on this particular time schedule, we are so thankful for the previous sabbaticals we have enjoyed during our tenure here--in 2006 and 2014. This summer we will continue the tradition of clergy sabbaticals by engaging in time for professional and personal reading, spiritual renewal, and relaxation.

Since we will be away during this time, we are working closely with our church's Leadership Ministry Team to plan for Sunday worship and pastoral coverage through these three months. As with our past sabbaticals, we are confident that this coverage not only will be forthcoming but will offer spiritual refreshment to our church family as well. We will keep you informed as this sabbatical coverage develops.

Again, our thanks go to you--our church family--
for supporting this sabbatical time. We are deeply grateful.

Peace and blessings to all, Susan & John
Building and Grounds Initiatives for 2022 as reported in the Annual Report


Through March 29th we received $18,669 in pledges for a total of $62,409 in pledges for the year 2022.. Also we received $253 in plate contributions for a total of $1275 for 2022 so far. So the grand total of Pledge and Plate Donations for the year so far is $63,683. This number does not reflect stock donations and some other funds.

This is a high total because many people choose to pay their whole pledge at the beginning of the year.
Since I , Cindy Marx-Wood, Steve Beaupre and Evan Oxenham have been voted in as assistant treasurers at the Annual Meeting, we will try to meet these new obligations with respect for all of you and a gratitude for your trust.

Kathy Wright
Cindy Marx-Wood
Stewardship Update

Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone for your incredible generosity in support of our shared Meriden Congregational Church ministry for this new year. Without loyal support from members and friends, we simply could not be offering the ministry we do to our church family, our community, and the world beyond. As of March 26, 2022, we have met 92% of our goal to raise $150,000 to support our operations in 2022. This includes pledges committed total $138,430 from 61 individuals or families.

It is not too late to make a pledge for 2022! We still need your support. At the Annual Meeting in January, those members present agreed to approve a deficit budget (by $24,043) for the Church this year. Right now, the plan is to address this shortfall by using some of the Paycheck Protection Program funds we received as a loan from the government in 2021 (~32k). However, we will not do so until that loan has been forgiven, which we hope will be approved this year.

We are fortunate to hopefully have these funds to fall back on this year. That will not be the case for much longer in the future. Any additional pledges made for this year will mean that we can expect to draw down less from this pool of funds in 2022.

As a result of this deficit budget and some mounting capital expenses that we must address in the next year or so, the Leadership Team is assessing our current financial position to determine how we can improve our financial outlook now and into the future. Please watch for updates from us. 

Thank you for all that you do for our MCC Community,
Jill Marshall, Vice Chair & Stewardship Chair

Notes from the COVID Task Force

It ain’t over till it’s over! —a COVID Meditation for March 2022

"No one wants to actually be done with the pandemic more than disabled, chronically ill, and immunocompromised Americans. We just don't have the luxury of pretending the pandemic is over when it isn't. And it clearly is not."
--CNN on-line post by Christina Maxouris on 20 February 20, 2022, “'We're doing everything we can to survive': As the US looks to move on from Covid-19, high-risk and disabled Americans feel forgotten”

The elderly, the imprisoned, the homeless, the institutionalized, those with physical or intellectual differences, the chronically ill, the poor, the immuno-compromised, the children too young to be vaccinated all remain at some risk even as this pandemic appears to be taking a pause. Is this the final curtain of the drama, or is there a second act yet to follow after an intermission from a tediously long, gloomy and protracted first half of this world-wide tragedy?

From the outset, our church’s COVID-19 Task Force has respected the truism that only the virus itself will dictate its own conclusion, not the whimsical human pronouncements of an illusory victory.  Historically, human crises tend to fall first and hardest on the most vulnerable among us: This current pandemic has proven no different. Those who cry out the loudest for the reinstatement of their individual freedoms conveniently forget about the vulnerable.

Over the coming month or so the Task Force may decide to loosen some church-wide precautions. But any future easing of current practices needs a studied scientific approach, careful enactment and close monitoring of our state’s evolving pandemic. The Task Force will meet virtually in late February/early March to consider appropriate next steps—can we sing while masked?...can we meet in larger groups for Lenten and Eastertide worship? …might we, perhaps, sometime soon even “dare” to eat together seated at indoor tables?

Just as the on-line article above observed that those are truly vulnerable remain at risk for the Covid-19 virus, our church discussions have to address the fullest range of those who remain at high risk. That’s the simpler part of our task.

But it seems that there is an even more critical question we should be asking ourselves based on our sense of the core of the Christian Gospel—aren’t the groups expanded and cited in the opening paragraphs above those to whom the Gospel asks us to extend care, understanding and --dare I suggest—respect? Jesus’ preaching, healing miracles and public mission were lived among these groups. As a local church, what is our obligation and duty to the vulnerable among us? Is it now equal or greater than our mutual obligations towards one another in Sunday Worship?

Wait…you don’t really have to answer that last thought! Wasn’t it simply a “casual rhetorical device.” Or is it a broader and deeper claim we must make upon one another to follow the true path of justice, mercy and humility?

Ed Cousineau, for the COVID-19 Task Force



We Get to Gather Together
In the Church, Outside, And on Zoom

Thanks to Cindy Marx-Wood, and Kathy Wright who have ushered during our Church Services. Thanks to John Gregory-Davis for providing brownies or candy for after church and to Kathy Wright for providing snacks after church. Thanks also go to Jim Lenz and Juliette Hampton for master-minding the Zoom portion of our services and running our multi-media services.

This Easter we will have an outdoor Sunrise Service as usual. This service is one of my favorites of the year. Even if the weather is wintery the bird song makes up for the cold. It is also one of the few opportunities to meet together without masking. This year we will also try a small Easter Breakfast after the Sunrise Service. (Masking is required in the Parish House except when eating). I figure that the danger of gathering inside is about as great as going to a restaurant to eat a meal.

Other Sundays, Coffee Hour is offered indoors in the Parish House. Contact me if you would like to volunteer to provide food for some Sunday.

Kathy Wright, Coordinator of the Welcoming and Caring Ministry
Easter Flowers
via Lebanon Coop
Easter Lilies                        1 plant                 $12.99
Easter Lilies                        2 plant                 $39.99
Tulips                                   6” pot                  $9.99
Daffodils                             8” pot                   $17.99
Hyacinth                             6” pot                   $9.99
Hyacinth                             8” pot                   $17.99
Azalea                                 6” pot                   $29.99
Blooming garden              8” pot                   $19.99
Blooming garden              10” pot                  $29.99

. All orders must be in by April 8th if at all possible. Call the church office with your request (603-469-3235). Please say who the flowers are in honor of or in memory of and leave your name. Send your check to the Church Box 187, Meriden, NH 03770. Thanks, Kathy Wright

4/1        Beckett Eastman
4/2        Marcia Copperswaite
4/2         John Yacavone
4/2         Cindy LaFlam
4/2         Taylor Williams
4/6         Jed Wilbur
4/6         Zoey Houde-Crane
4/7         Natalie Ruppertsberger
4/7         Reed Brozen
4/7        Virginia Sraeel
4/11       Graham Brooks
4/12       Bryden Nugent
4/13       Noah Herfort
4/13       Rodney Wendt
4/13       Warren Calderone
4/15       Bobby Annis
4/15       Johanna Schafer
4/16       Harold Clark
4/17       David Carver
4/17      Yesenia Araya
4/17       Bob Bucklin
4/18       Betty Pardoe
4/19      Alexandra Parsons
4/20       Mike Schafer
4/20       David Sneiderman
4/20      Michelle Sneiderman
4/21       Elaine Lenz
4/21      Caitlyn Howell
4/21 Heleno Ramiro Costa
4/22     Andile Muhlauri
4/22       Betsy Beck
4/22      Carter Williams
4/23       Austin James Currier
4/24       Lisa Elder
4/24       Macsen Elkouh
4/24      Hunter Townsend
4/25       Jasmine Hardy
4/25       Jan Timmons
4/25       Lindsay Anikis
4/25       Becky Luce
4/26       Christina Robinson
4/26       Susan Yacavone
4/27       Deborah Chapman
4/27       Kaylee Rogers
4/28       Ursula Herfort
4/29      Karyn Swett
4/30       Alyssa Reetz
4/30       Svia Araya Russman

4/8     Shawn and Robert Phelps
4/15   Andrea and Brandon Feid
4/20   David and Michelle Sneiderman
4/20   Bob and Carla Bucklin
4/21   Carol and Mike Hartman
4/25   Susan and John Yacavone

One Great Hour of  Sharing- is the refugee, relief and development offering of the United Church of Christ, transforms lives through health, education, agricultural, and emergency relief initiatives in 138 countries. Every year at this time, members and friends of our congregation open our hearts to reach out with love, faith, and compassion to people all throughout our world with our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS). Our contributions to this effort will take place this year on Palm Sunday—April 10th, when we will join Christians from nine other denominations in uniting to generate funds for healing work across the globe.
This year’s offering theme is “Love Remains.” During this time of the Covid 19 pandemic ravaging our world, we are reminded that the most vulnerable in our midst suffer first, most and longest.  Thus are we are called to embody Love as an active decision to think of and work on behalf of others; and to care for other with acts of kindness and advocacy. One Great Hour of Sharing has, for over 70 years, supported the most vulnerable among us. The Church’s response to the present crisis will begin with the most at-risk communities across the country and around the world, as well as those facing spikes of racism in response to this disease. Through One Great Hour of Sharing we extend shelter to those who have no place to stay, offer compassion to those who have pain—be it physical, emotional, or spiritual—and we set a feast, with God, for those who lack access to enough food to eat. During these uncertain times, we depend on our Church, faith, family and God’s grace to see us through.
Through this ecumenical effort, we connect visibly, effectively, efficiently, and powerfully as God’s Beloved Community. Let us therefore give generously to this great connector of our churches and our shared faith, work, and witness in the world! Checks may be made out to Meriden Congregational Church (with OGHS on the Memo line) and sent to PO Box 187, Meriden, NH 03770.
Outreach News

Nora Kells Gordon is leading the Meriden Congregational Church Team
It will be an in-person March to Cap Off our Fundraising
To support this worthy Cause.
You may send checks to the church for Turning Points Network or send in a check for MCC with Turning Points Network in the memo line
Outreach, Peace, and Justice Ministry Teams
News for April 2022 

"The way to heal the soul of the nation is to pass policies that heal the body of the nation. It’s the just thing to do. That’s how we as a nation can move forward together." ~Rev. Dr. William J. Barber
Break the silence!

NEWSFLASH! Listen Community Dinners up and running again! Hooray! Thanks to Anne Cragin, Ed Cousineau, & Larry Wolkin for joining me on March 3rd. Meriden Congregational Church has offered the commitment to prepare and serve dinners the FIRST Thursdays of the odd numbered months. The next dates are: May 5, July 7, Sept 1, Nov 3. If you know of anyone, including the broader community, who would be interested, please text, phone or email Shideko Terai. 603-252-7898 [email protected] 

Claremont Soup Kitchen Bill Chapelle continues to lead volunteer participation at the Claremont Soup Kitchen on the fourth Saturday of every month and this slot covers the hours 2-5:30 PM. No cooking experience necessary. April 23 is the next opportunity. “We always have a lot of fun. You begin your Saturday night with a good feeling you have given nice people a delicious meal.” ~Bill Chapelle

Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. As of April 2, CNBC reports that Ukraine “has regained control of the capital city of Kyiv, while chances appeared better for peace talks ahead.” And what about the people of these nations? According to India Today, more than 3M refugees have fled Ukraine. 7K Russian soldiers have been killed, 14K injured; nearly 3K Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, 3.7K injured, 572 captured. War is still not the answer. As we continue to practice peace within our communities of family, neighbors, and spiritual friends we radiate kindness and compassion with the intention of clear seeing, seeking justice, and refraining from doing harm. Please contribute to the UCC Ukraine Relief Fund to help the people of Ukraine, either by mailing a check made payable to the United Church of Christ, PO Box 71957, Cleveland OH 44194 & memo line: Ukraine Relief Fund, or by going on-line to

"There are millions of poor people in this country who have very little, or even nothing, to lose. If they can be helped to take action together, they...will be a new and unsettling force..." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Labor Justice 
Please read Rev. Dr. Gail Kinney’s article.

Social Justice 
Legislative advocacy continues for bills that protect the freedom to vote and oppose bills that pick apart voting procedures which have proven records that there is no voter fraud in NH; oppose bills that threaten women’s reproductive rights, threaten trans rights, threaten the unhoused, and tear apart laws that protect the environment and seek climate justice.
Please watch for opportunities to register either opposition or support.

Immigrant Justice
The first Tuesday of each month NH Immigrant Solidarity Network (NH ISN) meets. This month, both Co-Pastor John and Shideko plan to attend as representatives of MCC which is a member of NHISN. Organizations include GSOP, AFSC, and clergy. It is interfaith and non-partisan. Please contact John if you would like to get involved. Agenda topics for April include: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services – delays; Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Cameroon; Stopping HB 1266 (preventing localities from non-cooperation with immigration enforcement; Maggie Hassan recent statements of which we must hold her accountable. 

Racial Justice
The next meeting of our Racial Justice Ministry team is scheduled for Thursday--April 21st @ 7:00 PM. A primary Agenda item will be discerning how to participate in the new UCC "Movement Toward Racial Justice Campaign" Our weekly Black Lives Matter Vigils now occur on Wednesday afternoons from 5:00 to 5:30, and all are welcome to join us anytime.

Climate Justice
Lee and Evan Oxenham have been alerting us about informative events and presentations connecting us to becoming more engaged in climate justice, especially in anticipation of Earth Day this month:
Thursday, April 7th 4:00 PM –Deep Listening to the Allurement of Evolution-in this Time of Crisis Register: see notice below for link
Earth Day on Friday, April 22 
6:00 PM – Winona LaDuke on the Rights of Nature Register: (See Flyer Below)
Saturday--April 23rd @ 7:00 PM
Virtual screening of Interfaith Power and Light film, "Youth vs Gov," celebrating an inspiring group of young superhero activists. Registration required for this free screening, as noted below.

Many thanks, 
Shideko Terai (she/her), Outreach, Peace & Justice Coordinator
text or phone 603-252-7898 email [email protected]
“Deep Listening to the
Allurement of Evolution”
in this Time of Crisis
Thursday—April 7th @ 4:00 PM
        Margie Abbot explores what the developing cosmology has to do with our everyday lives and spirituality. She will share her story of coming to consciousness as well as her own experiences with cosmic allurements and how they can embed us more deeply into the creativity of the evolving universe. Margie will call upon the wisdom of current thought leaders to help us explore our own allurements through small groups and contemplative listening.
Ecumenical Earth Day Service: Weathering the Storm
Friday, April 22nd, 12:00 PM
Each year, over a billion people around the world celebrate earth day through acts of service and worship. This year, Creation Justice Ministries is hosting an ecumenical service that you can join from anywhere. Join Christian siblings from across theological traditions to celebrate Earth Day and worship the Creator. We hope that you are able to join us for this short service of prayer and worship to celebrate the Creator and all of creation!
Register Here:
"Mother Earth needs us to keep our covenant.
We will do this in courts, we will do this on our radio station,
and we will commit to our descendants to work hard to protect this land and water for them. Whether you have feet, wings, fins, or roots, we are all in it togetherIf we build a society based on honoring the earth,
we build a society which is sustainable,
and has the capacity to support all life forms." 
 —Winona LaDuke
Register Here:
In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd,
all are enthusiastically invited to join us for a special screening of the InterFaith Power & Light 
Climate Change Superhero movie:
View trailer at:
Saturday---April 23rd @ 7:00 PM
(RSVP to [email protected] to receive zoom link)
           YOUTH v GOV follows 21 young Americans suing the world’s most powerful government to protect their constitutional rights to a stable climate. Armed with a wealth of evidence, these courageous youth leaders file a ground-breaking lawsuit against the U.S. government, asserting it has willfully acted over six decades to create the climate crisis, thus endangering their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property. If these young people are successful, they will not only make history, they will change the future.
This film is the featured film of Interfaith Power & Light’s Faith Climate Action Week, April 22-May 1, 2022. Our theme this year is Sacred Trust: Our children’s right to a livable future.” We will examine our responsibility to safeguard our Earth for future generations, and how our faiths call us to respond with bold and just solutions to climate change.
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday--April 27th @ 7:30 PM for a webinar with the filmmaker Christi Cooper, and two youth plaintiffs from the film – Nathan Baring, a Quaker, and Miko Vergun who is Jewish.

Divisive Concepts Language
Doesn’t Belong Anywhere
in NH Law !

       Worker Justice in the Upper Valley and Beyond
By Gail Kinney, Worker Justice Minister

The Upper Valley now has a new, officially recognized union – the young, energetic, solidarity-savvy Student Worker Collective at Dartmouth – made up of student dining services workers on the Dartmouth campus. 

As I’ve shared previously with the MCC Spiritual Family, these are students working for low wages while surrounded by a sea of Dartmouth privilege. The group includes many students of color, students from low-income families, and international students. During the pandemic, these dining services student employees worked with increasing stress and no sick pay and felt both unsafe and devalued.

So, they began the hard work of organizing and worker-to-worker outreach. Once the word “union” was powerfully presented to Dartmouth management with the active support of a supermajority of the dining services student workers, the students quickly secured both sick pay and a wage increase. Perhaps this was part of a College effort to convey to the students that a union wasn’t necessary. But instead, the move just reinforced, for the students, the power of collective worker action.

On March 30, a National Labor Relations Board staffer counted the union ballots, including a close-up examination of each vote cast, in front of a Zoom screen populated with both student workers and a College representative. I was privileged to be on this Zoom call. Despite the mail ballot election having been conducted during a period of semester final exams followed by a semester break, the result was resoundingly “Union Yes.” 

The vote count: 52-Yes. 0 (that’s zero!) – No. The message is clear. The workers are united. Their solidarity is tenacious. On April 1, two days after the Dartmouth student vote, the National Labor Relations Board delivered the astounding news that workers at a giant Amazon warehouse on Staten Island had voted, by close to an 11% margin, to unionize. This is an incredible feat, given the extent to which this powerful corporation used its money and might to defeat the union campaign.

You can find a very interesting article about these interconnected workforce dynamics here: In this season of both angst and resurrection, may we find hope in the potential of structuring a fair and just economy – so that all God’s children may thrive.

Steve Beaupre' faithfully rings our church bell
each Wednesday afternoon at 5:00 PM as a clarion call to
our Community BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigil
Thank you, Steve!!
 We are continuing our Showing Up for Racial Justice BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigils each Wednesday afternoon, now happening from 5:00 to 5:30 PM, on the SouthWest corner of the intersection of Rte 120 & Main Street (at the blinking traffic light). We have “BLACK LIVES MATTER” signs available for folk to hold, but please feel free to make and/or bring your own signs.

Come join us in “showing up for racial justice,” and Standing for  LOVE , and AGAINST racism, white supremacy, hatred, and violence, here in our community and beyond!  Togetherlet us publicly declare that we will NOT be complicit in white terrorand let us call our friends and neighbors to rise up with us in our resolute affirmation of the inherent and sacred value of us all within Beloved Community

Watch this brief video for more information:

The House of Representatives passed the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act last year, but anti-worker legislators in the Senate blocked it. Undeterred, working people fought to elect pro-worker lawmakers to the Senate, House and White House. And we won.

Lawmakers gave us their word they would make the PRO Act a top priority. It’s time for them to keep that promise. The House passed the PRO Act for a second time on March 9, 2021, sending the bill to the U.S. Senate.

The PRO Act is the cornerstone of the AFL-CIO’s Workers First Agenda. If it passes, it would: Empower workers to organize and bargain, Hold corporations accountable for union-busting, and Repeal “right to work” laws, which were created during the Jim Crow era to keep White and Black workers from organizing together. Stronger unions mean higher wages, safer working conditions and dignity for all people who work. Passing the PRO Act will be our first step to getting there. 
John Gregory-Davis Speaking at the Budget Protest in Concord, NH-- June 24, 2021
Legislator Contact Information
                                                                                 Rep. Annie McLane Kuster
137 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-5206 (Washington)
18 North Main Street, Fourth Floor
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-226-1002 (New Hampshire)

Sen. Maggie Hassan
330 Hart Senate Office Building  .
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3324 (Washington
1200 Elm St. Suite 6
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 603-662-2204 (New Hampshire)

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
506 Hart Senate Office Bdg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2841 (Washington)
2 Wall St #220
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 602-647-7500 (NH)

Rep. Lee Walker Oxenham
92 Methodist Hill Road
Plainfield, NH 03781-5415
Phone: 603-727-9368

Rep. Brian Sullivan
642 Olde Farms Road
Grantham, NH 03753-3124
PHONE 603-381-7889

Rep. Linda Tanner
PO Box 267
Georges Mills, NH 03751-0267
Phone: 603-763-4471

Sen. Suzanne Prentiss
Legislative Office Building, Room 102
33 State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-3092
Immigrant Solidarity

The UVHS & The Plainfield Community Resource Room have teamed up to help all Cat & Dog Owners in our area.
Every Month on the 3rd Saturday
when the Resource Room & Food Pantry is open
the UVHS will be present to provide  
FREE Cat & Dog Food.
For more information
please contact Stephanie at 469-3201.