MCC Governing Board Expands Protocols
to Manage Designated Funds
8 March 2019

Since the year-end letter went out, the Governing Board has received more information related to the use of designated funds. To move forward and begin the healing process, we have conducted a thorough examination of the events surrounding the handling of designated funds and have taken steps to change protocols. These changes will improve checks and balances and ensure designated funds are distributed appropriately.

A few examples of steps taken are:
  1. The Governing Board is taking a more active role in MCC’s daily operations.
  2. The number of people with the ability to move funds is limited and we have addressed lines of authorization regarding moving of funds and expenditures.
  3.  Procedural updates will be required, and we will identify a timeline for this work.
  4. The Governing Board and the Finance Team have agreed on a repayment plan to begin replenishing the designated funds.

We acknowledge this has been a long journey. We know many of you have been concerned there would not be a real effort put into this issue and you have felt discouraged. We hope you recognize the work being done and we hope, even if you don’t believe we’ve gone far enough yet, that you’ll trust us and support us and all staff who will be working with us to move forward.

Many blessings to all of you,

MCC Governing Board
Rev. Miak Siew, Vice Chair
Christy Temples, Clerk
Dr. David Williams, Treasurer
Rev. Onetta Brooks
Rev. Victoria Burson
Bob Niehaus
Marsha Warren
Rev. Elder Rachelle Brown, Interim Moderator
Statement from Interim Moderator, Rev. Elder Rachelle Brown
As the Interim Moderator of the denomination, I acknowledge ultimate responsibility for the way UFMCC has operated. Therefore, I apologize for the misuse of designated funds to pay for operational expenses and for the anger and hurt felt by many during this ordeal. The Governing Board, along with the Finance Team, has agreed on a repayment plan to replenish those funds, and the Finance Team will release a statement regarding this plan, as noted in the Governing Board statement. Additionally, I want you to know that it is my pleasure to serve you, and while there is still much work to do, we have done important work together, and I am grateful.