MCCF Monthly
May 2021
Ask Leroy is back! After slowing production back in December to keep Leroy and crew safe, we are happy to share that we've started production of new episodes for the upcoming summer. We thank you for your patience.

In this episode, Leroy wraps up a two-part mini-series "Lobster: From Boat to Buyer" with the help of Hugh Reynolds from Greenhead Lobster. Hugh takes us on a tour of their lobster processing facility in Bucksport, showing us an inside look at their process, some of the equipment they use, and the incredible team they have to get this lobster processed, packaged, and shipped.

Do you have a question about commercial fishing along the Maine coast?
Call 224.58.LEROY (224.585.3769), leave your question on the voicemail,
and he’ll answer it in an upcoming episode of “Ask Leroy!
Alewives Return to Area Ponds
Spring is here and that means two things for our Collaborative Management Specialist, Mike Thalhauser. Alewives are back, and MCCF is out supporting efforts to collaboratively manage this important species that connects our communities with the ocean.

As in past years, MCCF is supporting alewife committee members of Brooksville, Penobscot and Sedgwick and working together as the Three Town Alewife Committee. This includes counting returning adult fish, notching beaver dams to allow safe passage, and taking biological samples. Later this summer, we will also sample juveniles to look at abundances compared to these returns. This work is happening at Walkers, Wights, and Pierce Ponds and will total around 1,000 hours of time and effort. It shows how important these fish are to our communities and the real capacity that co-management can add to traditional fisheries management.

Also, one exciting bit of news is that we just saw the first sign of fish into Snows Brook! Fish were stocked into Frost Pond over the last several years ahead of work being done this year by our close partner Maine Coast Heritage Trust. Thanks to this work, passage will be re-secured to Frost Pond and Parker Pond and the Bagaduce River will again, be fully open to passage of river herring throughout the drainage.

Pictured above: Dana Black of Brooksville dips new fish returning to Snows Brook and eventually to Frost Pond over a culvert that currently blocks passage. This culvert will be replaced this summer.
Virtual Cooking Tour Coming
to Coastal Town Near You
Calling all seafood lovers and foodies! The Alliance for Maine’s Marine Economy is celebrating and sharing innovative seafood products on their online cooking tour. Join them for a virtual cooking experience and learn just how easy it is to prepare delicious Maine seafood. The next stop on their tour is Thursday, May 27 at 12:00pm with Chef Rob Dumas who will lead this culinary adventure preparing whole farmed sea scallops, along with Togue Brawn, Marsden Brewer and Marnie Crowell. Meet the fisherman who sustainably raised them, enjoy views of the beautiful Gulf of Maine, and learn how to prepare this delicious seafood product. Click here to register.

According to their website, the Alliance for Maine’s Marine Economy is “a responsive network of companies, organizations and individuals dedicated to the growth of a vibrant marine economy for Maine. Our mission is to ensure that Maine seafood, fishing and aquaculture industries and the natural and innovation ecosystems on which they depend are healthy and benefit Maine people and communities.” MCCF’s Executive Director, Paul Anderson is a member of the Alliance Steering Committee.

Maine Fishermen Eagerly Await
Atlantic Halibut Season
With spring, comes Maine’s Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) season, which officially opened on May 18. Due to conservation efforts, fishermen are limited to 25 tags per year in state of Maine waters. The halibut is the largest of all flat fishes and can grow up to 600 to 700 pounds, although these days in Maine waters, they are rarely more than 100 pounds. The fish must be tagged with a size limit of 41 inches or greater.

Halibut are typically caught on baited longlines or “tub trawls,” but catching one on a rod and reel produces a far more exciting story, especially for the angler. Choice of bait is the topic of many springtime discussions and runs the gamut from fresh alewives to hen clams and even pig hide.

To avoid overfishing, the state’s halibut season is short, with the last day of the season set for June 14. Until then, we encourage you to visit your local fish market or seafood retailer to find this seasonal fish. Even better, is if you know a local fisherman licensed to sell directly, that catches one and is looking to peddle it locally. Halibut is a healthy seafood option and easy to prepare.

If you’re interested in learning more about the fishery and how it's managed, you can find this topic featured as part of our online “Lunch & Learn” series, which can be viewed here.
May Online Lunch & Learn
Join us on Friday, May 28 at 12:30pm for "Co-management in Alewives, Shellfish and Other Fisheries in Maine." MCCF Collaborative Management Specialist, Mike Thalhauser will present two of the most formalized examples of co-management in Maine: shellfish and alewives. This hour-long talk will also highlight other efforts involving different fisheries and how MCCF supports collaborative management to sustain them. Learn more and register today!
Be inspired. Fish forever.
Every day, Maine fishermen are working in unpredictable elements to bring fresh seafood to the tables of many. Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries continues efforts to secure a sustainable future for fisheries and fishing communities in Eastern Maine and beyond. We are taking collective actions that include the knowledge of fishermen, the findings of scientists and partnerships with regulatory authorities, at all levels, to make sure we can
keep fishing alive for today and for tomorrow’s fishery stewards.

We know that these are unprecedented times. If you are able to give,
please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.

Together we can fish forever.