MCCF Monthly
April 2021
Although we believe every day is Earth Day, April 22 marks the nationally declared Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970. I recall as a young boy
that litter and the "bottle bill" were a big deal at the time. Presently, there
are only 11 states that have returnable deposits required in the USA. That's
pretty slow progress. These days climate change has become the top issue
for focus on Earth Day, and there are lots of reasons to pay close attention
to these changes around us. However you choose to recognize April 22,
we suggest you spend as much of it outdoors observing the natural world
around you, as possible. It's remarkable what you will see if you give
yourself a moment to pause, listen, and watch the Earth.

- Paul Anderson
Executive Director
New Video Series to
Spotlight Maine Fishermen
Here at MCCF, we’re always looking for ways to connect you with Maine’s coastal fisheries. One sure way is to eat Maine seafood, but another way is to meet fishermen and hear about what they do and why they do it. In honor of Earth Month, we’re excited to introduce a new video series to further share the voices of Maine’s fisheries.

In the first episode, we get a glimpse into the world of scallop diving through David Tarr, Captain of F/V Tarrfish. David serves on MCCF’s Board of Directors, and is widely involved in a number of other state and local fishery management councils and committees. Learn how he started working on the water, has adapted to changes throughout his career, and view a day in his life as a scallop diver.
Netflix Film Making Waves
If you decide to watch the new Netflix documentary "Seaspiracy," be prepared. It's a fairly one-sided exposé of some of the most egregious and disturbing practices in industrial-scale fishing and aquaculture around the planet. Certainly the movie addresses many important issues that the whole world faces including plastics in the ocean, overfishing, and ecosystem damage from some fishing and aquaculture operations. However, it is completely silent with respect to the efforts here in Maine and the United States, to sustainably manage our fisheries, which we are doing fairly well, when compared with some other places in the world. That said, there is much more we need to do to ensure the sustainability of fisheries and fishing communities and we believe that all of society is part of both the problems and the solutions. The Internet is full of articles right now analyzing this movie, so if you do watch it, we urge you to read some of the other perspectives. By the way, we also urge you to continue to eat seafood, particularly seafood that is harvested or cultivated nearby.
2020 Annual Report Available
We are pleased to share with you our 2020 Annual Report, which can be viewed on our website. This year's report highlights our collaborative programming and a look back at what was a challenging year, that also provided MCCF with new opportunities to expand our work. We hope you will take a moment to read it and learn more about how your support and participation is helping us as we work with fishermen and coastal fishing communities. Thank you for your support. Stay safe and please reach out to any of us with ideas and questions.
April Online Lunch & Learn
Join us on Friday, April 30 for "Ocean Optimism," our next virtual talk. While the ocean has suffered many losses and huge problems remain, important progress is being made in marine conservation. Examples include striking recoveries of once threatened species, increasing rates of protection of marine habitats, more sustainably managed fisheries and aquaculture, reductions in some forms of pollution, accelerating restoration of degraded habitats, and use of the ocean and its habitats to sequester carbon and provide clean energy. Many of these achievements have multiple benefits, including improved human well-being. A greater focus on solutions and successes will help them become the norm rather than the exception. Join Dr. Nancy Knowlton, author of Citizens of the Sea and MCCF Board Member, as she takes a deep dive into “Ocean Optimism.” Learn more and register today!
Be inspired. Fish forever.
Every day, Maine fishermen are working in unpredictable elements to bring fresh seafood to the tables of many. Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries continues efforts to secure a sustainable future for fisheries and fishing communities in Eastern Maine and beyond. We are taking collective actions that include the knowledge of fishermen, the findings of scientists and partnerships with regulatory authorities, at all levels, to make sure we can
keep fishing alive for today and for tomorrow’s fishery stewards.

We know that these are unprecedented times. If you are able to give,
please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.

Together we can fish forever.