If you tune to Educational Access Channel 22 in Brunswick, you can enjoy the work of the BEAT Video Program first hand. Students (grades 6-12) working in small groups, write, edit, produce, manage and deliver most of the channel's content. This year, our fund is proud to provide a grant of $1,000 to the Brunswick Educational Foundation in support of the BEAT Video Program.
On June 27, the Medina County Community Fund welcomed friends, supporters and grantees to Fox Meadow Country Club for our annual Spring into Summer event. At the event, fund officials presented grant awards and celebrated another successful year of building permanent philanthropy in Medina County.
In June, the Medina County Community Fund announced grants totaling $33,210 to 16 local nonprofit organizations during the fund’s annual Spring into Summer event. This latest round of grants brings the Medina County Community Fund’s cumulative grantmaking total to more than $570,000.
Are you new to proposal writing or want a quick refresher? Then join us as we co-host an introduction to grant writing workshop on Thursday, Nov. 7 at RPM Lodge in Medina. For more information and to receive an invitation to the workshop, sign up for our e-news at
Thank You for Your Gifts
Thank you to the generous donors who contributed to the Medina County Community Fund from Jan. 1 - June 30, 2019. Your gifts will impact the lives of Medina County residents for years to come. For a complete list of donors, visit .
Make Your Gift Last Forever
Giving to the Medina County Community Fund through your will or trust is a simple and tax-friendly way to improve the quality of life in Medina County now and for future generations. Learn more about all of your planned giving options and get sample bequest language by downloading our free guide .
Ways to Give
From cash to mutual funds, and retirement assets to real estate, there are many ways to give to the Medina County Community Fund.
MCCF by the Numbers
  • Establishing gift: $10,000
  • Total gifts and pledges: $1,184,963
  • Total grants awarded: $571,141
  • Balance as of 3/31/19: $915,134