Council of Governments
Creative Regional Solutions

February 6, 2020
News & Updates for the Mid-Carolina Region
Grants, resources, training, important dates, and more.
For Your Information
RFQ for Professional Services
Mid-Carolina Senior Games
Rural Digital Opportunity Fund
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
2020 Census Bondary Validation Program
Rural Community Action Guide
Basic Code Enforcement Training
Reducing Water System Costs Webinar
Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020
Important Dates
Share Your Good News
MCCOG RFQ for Professional Services
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with NC statutes to provide professional services on an as-needed basis to the Council. MCCOG intends to contract with multiple firms. The following is a general description of the tasks that may be required. It is not intended to be all-inclusive, nor is it guaranteed that all the tasks will be utilized under every contract.  Responding firms may submit SOQs for all, a few or only one of the general tasks outlined below .
The scope of professional services includes, but is not limited to:
·          Regional and Local Planning
·          Zoning, Code Enforement, and Subdivision Review
·          GIS and Mapping Services
·          Economic Development Consulting Services
·          Project Solution Development and Project Management
·          Stakeholder Involvement, Coordination, and Facilitation
·          Marketing and Communications Planning and Management
·          Funding Application Preparation and Administration Services
·          Capital Improvement and Asset Management Planning
·          Financial (Enterprise and General) Analysis and Modeling and Rate Studies  
·          Technical Engineering Support Services
·          Meeting/Training Organization and Facilitation

CLICK HERE  to review the entire RFQ.

A detailed scope of services will be negotiated for each project between the Council and the selected firms. The selected firms will be expected to address MCCOG’s needs in a timely manner for each respective project.  Services will be requested on an “as needed – when needed” basis . Quantity of work will vary through the contract term. Selection does not guarantee a minimum amount of work to be assigned.

Submissions must be emailed to Justin Hembree, Executive Director, MCCOG at  jhembree@mccog.org  by  5pm EST time on Friday, February 21, 2020 . SOQs received after this deadline will not be considered. PDF files must contain the signatures of company representatives who are authorized to execute documents on behalf of the firm. Questions regarding this request should be directed to Justin Hembree and will be accepted until  5 pm EST on Friday, February 14, 2020 .

Please feel free to share this firms and/or individuals that may be interested in responding to the RFQ.
Mid-Carolina Senior Games
The 2020 Mid-Carolina Senior Games is set for April 8 through April 27 . Registration is now open.  CLICK HERE and scroll the bottom of the page for registration information, the schedule of events, and a link to the Senior Games Facebook Page.
Rural Digital Opportunity Fund
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently approved a $20.4 billion plan to subsidize the construction of high-speed broadband networks in rural America. The   Rural Digital Opportunity Fund  will help internet service providers deploy broadband over 10 years to areas currently lacking service of at least 25 megabits per second download and 3 Mbps upload speeds.

The FCC estimates about six million rural homes and businesses are in areas that could benefit from the initiative. The agency released an analysis earlier this month indicating   which states  had the most locations eligible for the $16 billion in funding available through the first phase of the plan. CA, TX, MI and WI topped the list.  NC is shown as having 169,000 elegible locations . It should be noted that while the plan was ultimately approved, there was considerable concern over the accuracy of the FCC’s broadband maps.
Screen for Life, Don't Assume
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month . All are invited to a free colorectal cancer information session on March 14 from 11am to 1pm at East Regional Library , 4809 Clinton Road, Fayetteville. Please wear something dark blue! This event is hosted by Cumberland County, Cumberland County Public Library, and Cumberland County Department of Public Health.
2020 Census Boundary Validation Program
Recently, the US Census Bureau sent out invitations to the highest elected officials of every municipality and county in NC to participate in the Boundary Validation Program (BVP). Please note, this program is different from the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) that is currently underway. The BVP is only done every 10 years, in conjunction with the decennial Census. Whereas, the BAS is done every year.

The deadline for responding to the BVP is March 1 . In simple terms the BVP is one last opportunity for a unit of local government to review the boundaries that the Census Bureau has on file and indicate whether the boundaries are correct.

CLICK HERE for detailed information about the BVP.

If a municipality had any annexations with an effective date during 2019, the boundaries shown by the Census Bureau are not correct. 2019 annexations are just now being reported to the Census Bureau. Do not assume the boundaries shown by the Census Bureau are correct .

If a unit of local government does not return the form on or before the March 1 due date, that unit will NOT be able to participate in follow up verification. Anyone living outside the boundaries on file with the US Census Bureau will not be counted as a resident.

It is estimated that for each person living inside the municipal limits of a town or city, but is not counted through the Census, the municipality stands to lose between $1,500 and $2,500 per person per year in funding from state and federal sources that are population based.

A single family of four would amount to a loss of between $6,000 and $10,000 for just one year. Generally, errors in the Census caused by unreported annexations cannot be challenged and can only be corrected during the next Census. Thus, over the course of 10 years, that single family would amount to a potential revenue loss of between $60,000 and $100,000 . Missing a 20-lot subdivision with an average of three persons per family would amount to a potential loss of between $900,000 and $1,500,000 during those 10 years!

It would be a shame for any jurisdiction to miss out on potential revenue simply because of a clerical error. Sales tax revenue, Powell Bill funding, and property taxes on utilities and public service companies are just a few examples of funding that could be impacted. Annexations also have an impact voting districts, school districts, and fire insurance rates.
Rural Community Action Guide
Recently, the White House announced the release of the Rural Community Action Guide , a new tool designed to assist rural community leaders in building effective local responses to substance abuse disorders within their communities.

The guide offers background information, recommended action steps, and promising practices for a range of issues related to drug addiction in Rural America. It also serves as a tool that complements both the Community Assessment Tool , which provides county specific data about deaths and factors that may make a community more vulnerable to addiction, and the Federal Resources Guide , which provides comprehensive information about various federal funds for rural communities impacted by drug addiction.

The National Associaiton of Development Organizations (NADO) is featured in a portion of the Community Action Guide that discusses workforce development and methods for addressing the opioid crisis while increasing opportunities for employment. MCCOG is a proud member of NADO.
Basic Code Enforcement Training
Seats are still avaliable for the TJCOG/MCCOG Basic Code Enforcement Course, but are going fast. The course will cover public nuisances including chronic violators; abandoned, junked & nuisance vehicles; minimum housing code; non-residential building & structures code; and civil penalty processes.
Save your seat by registering for one of the sessions below.
Robbins Fire Station
Robins, NC
Monday, February 24
 CLICK HERE to Register
Smithfield Town Hall
Smithfield, NC
Tuesday, February 25
CLICK HERE to Register
Cost is $100 for MCCOG and TJCOG member government staff and $125 for non-member government staff. Lunch will be provided.
Reducing Water System Costs Webinar
The Environmental Finance Center Network and the Smart Management for Small Water Systems Project are hosting a webinar, “Reducing Water Systems Costs through Energy Efficiency” on February 20 . The webinar will focus on how to identify the biggest energy wasters in public water operations and how to conduct a cursory energy audit of water systems.

Click here to register.
Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020
The US Senate and US House recently released a final bipartisan, bicameral compromise bill reauthorizing the Older Americans Act (OAA) - the  Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020  ( HR 4334 ).   CLICK HERE for a section-by-section summary of the bill.
The bill will first be considered in the Senate and then the House. In both instances, because this is a compromise bill, it will go directly to the Senate and House floors without being considered by committee(s).
If adopted, the bill would:
  • Reauthorize Titles II, IV, V and VII programs of the OAA
  • Authorize a seven-percent increase in funding in 2020 and a six-percent increase per year for the next four years
  • Ensure that state and community programs on aging measure impacts based upon the social determinants of health for older individuals
  • Allow for caregiver and long-term care for those with Alzheimer’s disease at any age
  • Establish a series of hold harmless provisions that would protect funding from dropping drastically even if the amounts allocated would seriously reduce overall funding
  • Increase the amount allotted for State administrative costs from $500,000 to $750,000
  • Add screening for the negative health effects associated with social isolation and traumatic brain injuries
  • Make improvements to the National Family Caregiver Support program and removes the 10 percent funding cap for older relative caregivers
  • Allow individuals who have been incarcerated to be considered a priority population for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (CSEP)
  • Establish a five-percent set-aside for supportive services for older Native Americans
  • Extend the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act by one year
  • Provide for a series of technical corrections and definition changes to bring the Act up to date and to correct any errors in the Act

MCCOG staf will continue to track this legislation.
Important Dates
February 24 Basic Code Enforcement Training
February 25 Basic Code Enforcement Training
March 4-6 ICMA Southeast Regional Conference
March 10-12 NC Main Street Conference
March 15-18  National Association of Development Organizations Washington Conference
March 17-18  Senior Tar Heel Legislature
March 24 MCCOG Quarterly Managers Lunch
March 26 MCCOG Board of Directors Meeting
March 26  MCCOG Aging Advisory Council
April 1-3 NC Association of Regional Councils of Govenments/The Forum Meeting
April 8-April 27  Mid-Carolina Senior Games
April 9  Mid-Carolina RPO TCC Meeting
April 15  Mid-Carolina RPO TAC Meeting
May 5-7 NC League of Municipalities CityVision Annual Conference
May 28 MCCOG Board of Directors Meeting
June 16-17 Rural Day
June 18-20 NC City & County Management Association Summer Seminar
June 25 MCCOG Board of Directors Meeting
July 9  Mid-Carolina RPO TCC Meeting
July 22  Mid-Carolina RPO TAC Meeting
August 13-15 NC Association of County Commissioners Annual Conference
August 27 Mid-Carolina Board of Directors Meeting
August 30-September 2 - SE4A Annual Conference
October 8  Mid-Carolina RPO TCC Meeting
October 22 MCCOG Board of Directors Meeting
October 28  Mid-Carolina RPO TAC Meeting
Share Your Good News
If you have news, events, announcements or other items you would like included in an upcoming FYI, please EMAIL Justin Hembree, MCCOG. You may reach Justin by phone at (910) 323-4191 ext. 33.

Please let us know if you have questions, need additional details about the information we have shared or if there is a way the Council can be of service.
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments
Creative Regional Solutions
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments is a multi-county, planning, development, and human services organization. We reach across county and municipal borders to provide technical assistance to our local governments and to administer programs that benefit our region’s citizens.

Our mission is to provide creative regional solutions to relevant and emerging issues in Cumberland, Harnett, and Sampson Counites while providing a standard of excellence in the delivery of federal, state, and regional services for our local governments and the people they serve.